Status: Updating as often as possible

Just Two Kids Stupid And Fearless

That Girl

Summer's POV
I was waiting for the school bus at the bus stop. I had my headphones on, and was listening to All The Small Things by Blink-182. Music was my biggest, and only actually, love, and my MP3-player was my most valuable possession. Today was my first day at my new school. I transferred from my high school in Boston to Dulaney High School in Baltimore. My dad had lost his job a few months ago, and my uncle lived in Baltimore and he could offer him a job, so we left Boston. I didn't really mind though. I never really fit in at my previous high school, I had always been an outcast. I hoped this would change at Dulaney. I always acted like I didn't care about the fact that I didn't have any friends and that I was an outcast, but of course I did care. My class mates in Boston were all the same. Blonde tanned girls who listened to mainstream music like Britney Spears, and who did mainstream things, mostly party. I was glad that I got away from it all and was hoping for a new start in Baltimore.

I was woken up from my thoughts when the school bus stopped in front of me. I got onto it. I looked around and then sat down on an empty seat next to the window. I stared out of the window. I hadn't seen much of Baltimore yet. We arrived here two days ago and spend most of our time unpacking. I would discover the town later. I lived close to the school, so it didn't take long to get there. I was only 14 so I didn't have my driver license yet. Too bad. As soon as the bus stopped, I got off.

The principal had told me to go to the reception. They would tell me how to get to the principal's office. I walked into the school and looked around. When I saw a sign that said 'Reception' I started walking towards it. I told the lady behind the counter that I was looking for the principal's office. She told me where I had to go. I soon found a door that said 'Principal Jones' Office'. I saw through the window that this door would lead me to the secretary of the principal. I walked in, and walked towards the lady who was probably the principal's secretary. I told her why I was here. She upped and walked towards the door of the principal's office. She knocked, and opened it when a voice behind the door gave her permission to enter.
'Sir, there's a new student here. Her name is Summer Montgomery' the secretary said.
'Let her in' the principal replied.
The secretary gestured me to go inside. I walked into the office and walked towards the principal's desk.
'Ah Summer, I'm principal Jones. Welcome to Dulaney' he said friendly.
'Thank you' I replied.
'Well, I don't have much to say really. I hope you'll have a good time here' he said.
'I hope so too, sir' I replied politely.
'Well, I'll just take you to your first class then. What's your first class?' he suggested.
'That would be nice' I replied. 'My first class is French from Mrs. Wyatt'
'Okay then, let's go' he said. He upped, and walked into the hallway. I followed him, through the empty hallway.
'Here we are' he said as he halted. He opened the door and walked towards the teacher. He spoke with her for a little while, and then gestured me to come in. I walked into the classroom. Everybody looked at me, and I felt really awkward. I hated being in the center of the attention.
'Hi Summer' the teacher greeted me friendly.
'Hi' I said.
She then looked around.
'You can sit down over there' she pointed at a table next to a guy with brown hair and thick eyebrows.
I made my way through the class room and sat down next to the guy. I didn’t really know what to say so I just decided to say nothing at all. I took my books out of my bag, put them on my table and opened them on the same pages as the books of the guy next to me. He was looking out of the window and I wondered if he even noticed me sitting down next to him.
‘As you might have noticed, we have a new student. Please welcome Summer Montgomery.’ Mrs. Wyatt said, looking at me.

Alex's POV
I turned around when I heard Mrs. Wyatt say there was a new student. I then realized she was sitting next to me. I briefly smiled at her. She seemed nice. She was wearing a Green Day shirt. Green Day was one of my favorite bands, so I already liked her. She smiled back. The lesson then started. I wasn't very good at French. In fact, I wasn't very good at anything... My band class was the only one I actually liked. I tried to focus on what Mrs. Wyatt was teaching us, but I was soon distracted and started looking out of the window. The lessons went by very slow, but eventually it ended. Mrs. Wyatt, who was also my tutor, came up to me and the girl sitting next to me, whose name was Summer, apparently.
‘Alex, would you mind showing Summer around and helping her if she needs anything?’ she asked me.
She seemed like a nice girl I could be friends with, so I decided to take this opportunity.
'Sure, no problem' I answered. I looked at Summer and briefly smiled at her.
'That's great' Mrs. Wyatt replied smiling. 'Have a nice day you two'
Summer and I upped, and walked out of the classroom.
'So, your name is Alex?' she asked me.
I nodded. 'Well, it's Alexander William Gaskarth actually, but Alex will do.' I winked.
'Then Alex it is' she said.
'So, do you like Green Day?' I asked, pointing at her t-shirt.
'Oh yeah, I love them!' she said. Thinking about them already put a big smile on her face. It was cute really.
'Me too' I said with a smile.
'Oh really?' she asked. 'What a coincidence, I don't know anyone else who likes them.'
'Then you can't know a lot of cool people' I said laughing.
'Yeah, that's right... There weren't any 'cool' people at my previous school' she said.
'Oh yeah, you transferred here, didn't you? Where are you from?' I asked her.
'Yeah, I'm from Boston' she said. 'We moved here because my father lost his job and my uncle who lives here offered him a job'
'Ah, I see.. When did you move?' I asked her.
'Two days ago. I haven't really seen anything of the town, I basically spend all my time here unpacking' she replied.
'Well, we can change that if you want to' I suggested.
'Yeah, that would be nice' she said with a smile.
I smiled back. I had the feeling that Summer and I might become good friends. If it was up to me, at least. She seemed really cool.
'Are you free after school?' I asked her.
She nodded. 'Yes, I'm free.' she replied.
'Cool, we could hang out then' She nodded.
'Oh, I have to show you around right? Can I have your time table?' I asked her.
She opened her bag, and searched through it. She took her time table out, eventually, and handed it to me. I took a look at it.
'Okay, we have all the same classes, so that's nice' I said. 'We're supposed to go to English class now. Being late at your first day? Way to go' I joked.
'Oh god, are we really late? I don't wanna be late at my first day' she exclaimed.
'Don't worry, they'll understand, and if they don't, I'll take the blame' I said.
'Well okay then, where is our English class?' she asked.
'Follow me' I replied.
We walked to our English class. We were 15 minutes late, but luckily our teacher, Mr. Williams, wasn't mad. Summer and I sat down at an empty table. I usually sat by myself since I didn't really have friends. I hung out with a lot of people from my class, but we weren't very close. Just like French, I wasn't very good at English either. I was looking forward to band class later today. I knew that Summer took it as well. I was wondering if she played any instruments. I decided to ask her about it after this class, since Mr. Williams would get mad if I talked during class. After what seemed like hours, English class finally ended. Summer and I got up and walked out of the classroom. We had a 15 minutes break now, so we went downstairs to the canteen. We got ourselves some food and sat down at a table.
'So, I noticed you take band class. Do you play an instrument?' I asked her.
She nodded. 'Yeah, I play a little guitar. I'm not very good though, but I like doing it' she replied.
'Cool, me too' I said.
Even though I hardly knew Summer, I already felt like I had found a female version of me.
'I'm sure you're better than I am' Summer said. 'I've only been playing for a few months'.
'I've been playing since I was 8 years old, so about 6 years now' I said.
'Yeah, you're definitely better than I am' she said smiling. 'So, besides Green Day, what kind of music do you like?'
'Uhm, besides Green Day, I mostly listen to Blink-182 and New Found Glory' I said.
'Me too' she replied.
'Wow, that's coincidental! I hardly know anyone who likes Blink and New Found Glory' I said.
'Yeah, same here' she replied.
'You know, you're pretty cool' I said with a wink.
'You're not so bad yourself either' she joked.
'Thanks' I laughed. 'So, do you want to go and grab some ice cream after school or something?'
'Yeah, that would be nice' she said with a smile.
'Cool' I said.
The school bell then rang, meaning we had to go to class. I didn't mind though, since our next class was band class. I led Summer to the band class room. There were a lot of people in the classroom. This was a very loved subject, even though there were only a few people who really liked making music. Most of them just liked the idea of being some pop star and thought that taking band class would make them famous or something. The only way they would ever become famous was by sleeping with celebrities or some leaked sex tape. Seriously. Summer and I walked towards the guitar stands and both took a guitar. The guitars at school were pretty crappy ones actually, but well, I wasn't here to learn how to play guitar since I already knew how to do that, I was here to have fun. Our teacher, Mr. Perry, was pretty cool as well. He was quite young and he was in some punk band. He had been my guitar teacher for years, even before I went to Dulaney. He greeted me friendly, and then came up to me and Summer.
'You must be Summer?' he asked Summer. She nodded. Mr. Perry, or Joel, as I usually called him outside school, introduced himself. He then walked to the front of the class, to explain what we were going to do today.
'He's pretty cool' I told Summer. 'He's been my guitar teacher for years'
We both sat down with our guitars. They only had acoustic guitars here.
'Well, show me what you got' I dared Summer.
'No, I'm not gonna play for you!' she said. 'I'll just look like an idiot.'
'You won't, and if you do, I promise I won't laugh' I said.
'Well, that makes me feel a lot better' She laughed. A cute laugh.
♠ ♠ ♠
First, I am now starting to wonder if they actually had MP3 players in 2002 when the story takes place, but let's just assume they did, okay?

Second, well, this is the prologue to my other fan fic, about Summer and Alex (and later Zack, Jack, Rian and Jess as well). Uhm so yeah, I hope you like it... This one's quite short, since it's just an introduction. I have 4 chapters finished, so if you like it I'll post more soon :)