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Just Two Kids Stupid And Fearless

You're Just A Daydream Away

Summer's POV
I started playing All The Small Things by Blink-182.
'See, you didn't embarrass yourself!' Alex exclaimed when I finished the song.
Hearing that from him put a shy smile on my face.
'Thanks, now it's your turn!' I said.
Alex then started playing Dammit by Blink-182. I could play the song as well, but it sounded so much better when Alex played it. He looked kind of cute doing it, I thought.

The rest of the day passed pretty fast. I had a lot of fun with Alex, during classes and in between them. He really was a great guy. We went downstairs after our last class.
'So, what are we gonna do now?' I asked him.
'I suggest we go get some ice cream and then I'll show you around town' Alex suggested.
'Yeah, let's do that' I said smiling.
We both went to our lockers that weren't very far from each other. After I grabbed my black hoodie out of my locker, I walked towards Alex, who was still standing in front of his locker.
'Ready to go?' I asked him.
He nodded. 'Yep, let's go'
We walked towards the school entrance, and walked out. I wanted to walk to the bus stop, but Alex stopped me.
'It's easier to go walking. At least, if you don't mind' he said.
'No, it's fine' I smiled.
Alex started walking, and I followed him, and started walking next to him. We soon got to a park. Alex walked towards an ice cream stall.
'What flavor do you want? My treat' he said.
'Alex, you don't have to do that' I said.
'I know' he replied. 'But I want to'. He winked.
I figured there was no use in arguing with him.
'Well, in that case, strawberry please' I said.
Alex ordered two ice creams, one with strawberry for me and one with chocolate for him. He handed me my ice cream.
'Thanks' I said smiling.
'You're welcome' he said winking. 'Well, let's go. Thanks for choosing Alex Gaskarth's tour around Baltimore' he said with the voice of some tour operator. I laughed. He then took my hand, and started walking. I didn't see that one coming. I immediately started wondering what this meant. I looked at Alex. He didn't seem to think into it so much. It was probably just his enthusiasm. It probably didn't mean anything. I should just have fun and not think too much.

Alex told me a lot about Baltimore. Not really about its history, but more about his memories of the town. That was probably more interesting anyway. I almost forgot that Alex was still holding my hand. At least I wasn't thinking about it so much anymore.
'Uhm... well this was pretty much it' Alex said after a while. I looked at my watch. Apparently, we had been walking around town for hours. Time flies when you're having fun.
'Well, thanks for the tour, Mr. Gaskarth' I joked.
'Yeah, well, that's 10 dollars, Miss Montgomery' he joked. 'No, just kidding' he winked.
'Well, I guess I should go home... I don't want my parents to worry...' I said.
'Too bad, I had a great time' Alex said with a sad face.
'Yeah me too! Would you mind walking me home? I might get lost on my own' I said.
'No, not at all' he smiled. 'Where do you live?'
I told him where I lived. Luckily he knew where it was, because I probably wouldn't have found it by myself. We were both quiet as we walked to my house. I really did have a great time. Alex really was a great guy. After walking for a couple of minutes, we got to my street. Alex halted.
'Well, here's your street, but you're gonna have to help me now since I forgot where you lived exactly' he said.
'Alex, you should be ashamed of yourself' I joked.
'I am' he said with a shameful look.
I started walking towards my house and Alex followed me.
'This is me' I said as we stood in front of my house.
Alex looked at our house.
'Nice house' he said with a smile.
'Thanks' I replied.
We then looked at each other awkwardly. We didn't know how to say goodbye.
'Can I hug you?' Alex asked awkwardly. I thought it was cute.
'If you want to, sure' I said with a smile.
Alex then hugged me. It felt right. It felt like a pretty long hug, but I liked it. He then let go of me, and stepped back.
'Bye Summer' he said with a cute smile.
'Bye Alex' I replied smiling.
I then walked on to our drive way. I turned around briefly, waved at Alex and then walked to my front door and went inside.

Alex's POV
It had been a long time since I had this much fun. Summer really was a great girl and I had a lot of fun with her. I couldn't wait to see her again tomorrow. It felt right when I hugged her. I started to walk towards my house. I told myself to remember that I should ask her number tomorrow. It didn't take long till I was home. Summer lived pretty close to me, which was cool. For once, I was excited to go to school. With that thought, I went to bed. I soon fell asleep, and didn't wake up till 6 AM, with a good feeling. I hadn't been sleeping very well lately, but I did now. I showered quickly and then put on some skinny jeans, a black Blink-182 t-shirt and my worn Converses. My mom looked at me surprised when I got downstairs. I never was downstairs this early. I usually had to hurry to catch the bus, but now I still had half an hour left. I made breakfast for myself, and then ate it. I still had 20 minutes. I packed my bag. I was now ready to go to school and had 15 minutes left. This was not like me at all. I decided to watch some TV. Eventually, it was time to go to the bus stop. When I got to the bus stop, the bus just arrived. I got in and sat down on a chair next to the window. I was pretty sure Summer would get in at the next stop, since it was the closest to her house. When we turned the corner, I saw her standing at the bus stop. I felt a weird feeling in my stomach when I saw her. I could not really be in love with this girl I had only known for a day? No, it was probably something else. The bus stopped, and Summer got in. She looked around. I waved and she saw me and started walking towards me. She sat down next to me.
'Hey you' I said with a smile.
'Hey' she replied smiling.
'Oh, I forgot to ask your number yesterday' I said, before I could forget to ask her about it.
'Oh yeah, me too' she said, and she took her phone out of her bag.
I took my phone out of my pocket, and gave her my number. She then gave me her number.
'Well, I'm gonna need a picture to go with it' I said.
'No, not right now, I look like crap' she said while hiding her face with her hands.
I pulled her hands down.
'You don't look like crap, you look pretty' I said.
She blushed as I said that. I could tell she didn't know how to reply to that. I was always kind of direct when I wanted to say something, good or bad. People often had to get used to that. I smiled at Summer.
'I'm sorry if that made you feel uncomfortable' I said. 'I usually just say what I want to say, but I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable.
She then smiled.
'It's okay' she said. 'Thanks'
'You're welcome' I replied with a smile.
I then took a picture before she could hide her face.
'Hey! That's not fair, that must be a weird picture!' she exclaimed.
I tried to look at the picture, but Summer grabbed my phone out of my hand and looked at it.
'Yep, it's weird, I'm gonna delete it' she said.
'No, don't delete it!' I exclaimed as I tried to grab my phone out of her hands. I succeeded before she could delete it, and looked at the picture.
'It's not weird at all!' I exclaimed. 'You look really cute'
'Haha, funny' she replied sarcastically.
At least she didn't seem uncomfortable after I said that, I thought.
'I'm gonna keep it' I said smiling.
I added the picture to her number and saved it.
'I hate you, Gaskarth!' she said with a grin.
'I love you too, Montgomery' I said with a wink.
We both got up and walked out of the bus. I couldn't see her face, and I wonder if what I just said was too much. Well, whatever, I couldn't take it back anyway. It wasn't like I meant it... I couldn't love a girl that I had just known for a day.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter 2.. I noticed yesterday that none of the chapters I had finished were very long, so the first 4 ones will be short, and I'll try to make them longer from then on :)