Start a Revolution

f i f t e e n

"I had a really good time tonight," Drew giggles as they stop in front of her door, his hand tightening around hers. She turns to meet him face-to-face, a slight blush taking over her face.

"I did too," Joey grins, swinging their locked fingers between their bodies.

She chuckles, biting her bottom lip as she looks down at the concrete shyly.

He's taken her out to a very nice dinner at Red Lobster, and they stayed later than they anticipated, talking about everyone and everything. Then he took her cosmic bowling, even though she was wearing a dress, and then they went out for ice cream at Cold Stone Creamery. It was cute and fun and something Drew knew she needed.

But the entire time, something itched at the back of her mind. They'd done this before; they had gone through this cycle last year. And it almost felt...monotonous. Wrong. Exhausting. They'd broken up once before; who's to say they won't do it again?

"Can I take you out again?"

Drew snaps back to reality, bringing her gaze back up to the eyes of Joey Rhimes. And no matter what her mind said, her frown softens into a smile at the sight of those green orbs.

"Sure," she murmurs. "I would like that."

Joey grins at this, bending down, and without any objection from her, presses his lips against her softly. It was so gentle and sweet that it felt like sugar was flowing through Drew's veins. As he pulled away from her face, her cheeks flushed a violent cherry red, and he chuckles at her reaction. "Night, Hemingway," he mumbles, kissing her once more before stepping away from her front door and walking back to his car.

She grins and waves before opening her door and stepping inside, closing it behind her mutely. She was out later than she thought she would, and she knew her parents wouldn't be happy to know she was finally returning home at eleven o'clock at night.

She tip-toes up the stairs, wincing whenever the ground creaked beneath her.

Drew made it to her room safely, letting out a breath when she finally shut her bedroom door behind her. She slips her shoes off, clicking the light on.

She had to hold in a gasp when she say something on her bed.

Her heart rate died down when she just saw that it was just a bouquet of flowers. A smile couldn't help but surface on her face as she walks over to them, figuring they must have been sent to her house, and her mom or dad must have brought them upstairs.

There was a note, of course. She grinned upon reading it.

It's Friday. Let's make a night of it.
Meet me outside Corona at midnight.
Say yes?


So. Her date with Joey wasn't just over yet. She squeals quietly in excitement, setting the note back down beside the lilies. She breathed in the scent of them before removing her dress hurriedly, changing into a pair of jeans and a red hoodie.

Once she had her Converse on and had brushed her hair, she tucked her phone in her back pocket. She grabs one flower from the bouquet, tucking it inside her hoodie for keeping.

"Breathe," Drew had to tell herself. "Just breathe."

She used her window this time, too afraid to go through the house and accidentally wake her mom up, who was an extremely light sleeper.

She threw open the pane, noticing that Joey's car was gone. He must have gone home to change before meeting her in front of the high school. Another grin appears before she was climbing down the pipe alongside her window, taking precautions so she wouldn't fall. She only skidded a few times before her feet touched the grass of her front lawn.

Congratulating herself silently, she whisked her keys out of her pocket and unlocked her car.

On the way to Corona, she primped in the mirror. She couldn't deny that was eager to know what other activities were planned for her. Maybe they were gonna take a small road trip to another town. Or they were gonna go visit the desert.

With Joey, the possibilities were endless.

She couldn't stop smiling and making excited noises, even when she pulled into the parking lot of Corona. It was now about 11:50, so she was a bit ahead of schedule, but Joey knows that she is an overachiever. She didn't see any other cars, so she figured she beat him here.

Her butt plops onto the hood of her car so she can wait, texting him that he can come out whenever he wanted. As she waited for a reply, she looked around the lot.

A few minutes passed.

Headlights shine across her body and her Honda, her smile growing. The car parks a few lanes away from her, someone stepping out. She recognized the figure. Just as she was about to call his name, her phone buzzed.

Oh, so he answers her just as he gets into the lot.

She rolls her eyes, pulling up her phone. You're here? At my house?...I just looked. Why would you be here? Drew's brows scrunch low over her eyes.

Joey's still at his house?

Then he who sent her the flowers and note?

"Hey." The familiar voice startled Drew, and she drops her phone as she looks up at who had uttered her name. Her stomach drops at who it was; the last person she would ever expect to do something nice for her.

"John?" she mutters.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry if this seems fractured. I wrote half of this like two weeks ago and the other half today, so it may seem choppy. But I can't wait for you guys to see what is coming!

xxJillian (x2)
lilac encouragement;