Start a Revolution

n i n e t e e n

Drew felt like she had sunk low.

You know that feeling. The feeling where you've hit rock bottom in your life and there was no way to claw your way out of the hole you'd dug yourself into. It's almost hilarious how big of a shit she was in. She wasn't sure if she should laugh or if she should cry or if she should scream to the high heavens that she hated herself.

She didn't expect John to like her. She never discouraged him and she knew that she felt a magnetic pull to him. But for him to act on it when so many disastrous things could happen? It's almost selfish of him. He should think of everyone else.

And she has Joey.

Joey is her everything now. They are so close to getting back together and then John just had to practically shove himself into the picture.

Don't get Drew wrong; she enjoyed the kiss. Much more than she'd like to admit out loud. She could feel the imprint of his top teeth in her bottom lip from when he'd gently bitten her. She found herself pressing her fingers to it lightly, her eyes closing as if she were hoping to go back to that night. But then she'd snap out of it once remembering it was just John O'Callaghan she had been with and she would return to her previous activities.

That night, after she'd run off from the Renaissance Festival, she was able to hitch a ride from this very nice elderly couple that had been driving back home from some convention. They were kind enough to drive her home without asking any questions. Such luck.

But that luck died once she actually stepped foot into her house.

Her mother was awake and sitting in the living room, rigid and stone cold. Drew tried to be quiet as she came in, but knew she was too late to sneak back up to her room when she saw the light over the couch on. She squeezed her eyes shut and walked into the room, her shoulder drooped and her head pounding.

Her mother immediately drilled her about where she had been, and Drew made up some lie about catching a late movie with Lisa and Joey. When her mother than asked why she was dirty and messy, she made up some story about falling at the park.

Her mom seemed to buy it, but not without lying a heavy punishment on her.

"You're grounded," she proclaimed, one of the curlers in hair almost drooping. "For two weeks. And no back sass about it." Drew had shut her mouth when she found herself about to protest. "You are only allowed to leave this house when it is for school related functions. You and Lisa still need to finish that project." Drew winced, forgetting that her mother thought she was working with Lisa and not John on the English project.

And thinking of John put a weight in her stomach. The weight burrowed there as her mom sent her to her room, Drew walking up the staircase forlornly

Drew returns to Earth, looking over at her clock. Last night had been one hell of a night and now she had to pay the consequences. She bets all that John got when he returned home was a light slap on the wrist for sneaking out. And she was grounded for 14 days.

"Fuck," she groans. She didn't really have much to do to pass the time, so she grabbed her bag.

"Homework time it is," Drew grumbles to herself, harshly pulling out her math notebook and a pencil, plopping her textbook on the bed beside her. She had only finished two equations when her phone rings and she reaches over hurriedly to grab it. She didn't want her mom to think taking away her phone would be a good way to extend the punishment.

"Hello?" Drew whispers, glancing at her door. She could hear Ellen Degeneres still talking downstairs, so that meant her mom wasn't paying attention.

"It's Saturday bitch!" Lisa laughs. "What time am I picking you up?"

Drew's brows scrunch. "For what?"

"For dress shopping of course!" the other girl laughs and Drew heard some honking in the background. "Kennedy invited me to this dinner thing his family is having this weekend and I need to look sexy. And you are the best when it comes to fashion advice."

"Well, you're gonna have to find someone else," she groans, running a hand down her face. "I'm grounded, so you'll have to go dress shopping stag."

"You're grounded?!" Lisa shrieks. "Why?"

Drew huffs. "I don't want to talk about it."

"Well, you're going to!" Lisa exclaims. "Let me pull over." Drew listens as tires screech, most likely because Lisa made an illegal U-turn to pull into some parking lot. When the car engine was off, Lisa comes back. "Okay. You better have gotten grounded for something awesome like motor-crossing in your backyard. Not something stupid like eating the last piece of pie."

"Trust me," Drew mumbles. "It's for something even you would applaud for."

"Then tell me!"

Drew blows out a breath, shoving her face in her arms. She really didn't want to tell her best friend this, especially since Lisa blows everything out of proportion. Which, in this case, she couldn't really blow a whole lot out since last night was an eventful night.

"IsnuckoutwithJohnaftermydatewithJoey," Drew says all in one breath.

"What?" Lisa asks loudly. "Fucking put spaces between your words."

The other girl groans, breathing in deeply. "I snuck out with John after my date with Joey last night, oka-a-ay?" Drew hmphs, banging her forehead against her forearm.

There was a moment of silence before Lisa takes a large inhale. Then, a massive amount of words and yells hits Drew in the eardrum. "FUCK YES. I KNEW MY BEST FRIEND WOULD DO SOMETHING NAUGHTY BEFORE WE GRADUATED. OH MY GOD I CAN'T EVEN FATHOM HOW GREAT THIS PIECE OF NEWS IS. I HAVE TO TELL—"

Drew accidentally drops her phone and she scrambles to grab it. By the time she had it pressed against her ear a few moments later, Lisa had calmed down. "—is amazing. And why did you sneak out with John of all people?"

"He asked me to," Drew mutters. "I didn't know it was him though."

"What does that even mean?"

Drew squeezes her eyes shut. "He left some not on my bed and told me to meet him outside of Corona at midnight. But I didn't know it was him because it was signed with the letter 'J' instead of a full name. I assumed it had been Joey. But when I got to Corona, John was the one who showed up."

"Ah shit," Lisa bubbles, an obvious grin in her voice. "Kennedy owes me ten bucks."


"Nothing," Lisa instantly covers. "Where did you guys go? Did he take you somewhere to get raped or something? If he did anything to you, I swear—"

"He took me to the Renaissance Festival."

Another moment of silence, but this time it was a surprised silence. Drew waits for Lisa to say, do, or even breathe something, but there was nothing on her side of the line. Finally, after a very lengthy pause, Lisa speaks. "Isn't that place closed?"

"Yep," Drew pops the 'p'. "Has been for a good month now."

"Then why did he take you there?"

She shrugs. "Apparently he and his brothers used to sneak in there all the time when it's closed down. They still do and John wanted to show me it." She was about to tell her why he wanted to show Drew it, but decides to keep the kiss and John liking her to herself. "It interesting time and I actually enjoyed myself."

"Because you like him."

Drew felt her mouth go dry and a few sputters come out of her mouth. "Wha—fuck no—you—you are insane," she finally manages to get out with a cough.

"Mhm," Lisa hums thoughtfully. "Anyway, I guess I'll go dress shopping by myself. When are you un-grounded?" Drew told her in two weeks. "We'll go dress shopping for you then. Oh! And Valentine's Day is in like, three weeks. You better jump on John before then so you can have a great romantic day."

"Lees, I am going to kill—"

"Bye!" Then her best friend hangs up, leaving a dial tone to ring in Drew's ear painfully.
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We only need 20 more subscribers until this story hits 200 subs! Can we make it happen? I would love it if you guys could spread the word about this story. And no updates tomorrow (June 28th) because I am going to Warped Tour! Boo-yah! Thoughts?

always always;
Captain Steve Rogers
lilac encouragement;