Start a Revolution

t w e n t y t h r e e

Drew didn't really know what to think.

She was never one to break rules. Yeah, she may have gotten into the cookie jar when she wasn't supposed to at a young age, but every kid did that. And yeah, maybe she put gum in Julie Pershwin's hair in fifth grade, but only because Julie stole her Dora lunch box and that was Drew's favorite. And yeah, maybe she kicked Donald Fern's shin in middle school when he told her she was fat and ugly. But only because douches like him deserved it.

But this was far beyond any rule breaking she'd done before. For her to go behind her parent's back and date her enemy? That was the worst thing her parents could ever imagine. And she was bound to keep it a secret. They would never know. They couldn't know.

And she was relieved to know John was on board with this.

"Of course we have to keep it a secret," he agrees as they walked into school the morning after their nurse's office adventure. Their hands were twined together and they were getting strange looks. "Our parents would kill us if they found out."

"Then how come were displaying our relationship right now?" she asks breathlessly, blushing as they passed by one of John's friends. Garrett just winked at them.

"No one at school will tell. They know I'll kick the ever-living shit out of them if they do."

"John, that's mean!"

He laughs, pulling her into him with their locked hands, pecking the side of her head. A tingle shoots down Drew's side. "I kid. But I won't be if someone goes off and tells on us. And even our parents do find out, who's to say they can stop us. Right?"

Drew hesitates, but nods. "Right."

"Hemingway!" Drew looks up at the sound of Lisa's voice, said girl running toward her and John at full speed. "I just heard from that kid Jesse who's in my Driver's Ed class, who heard it from Linda of all people, that you finally tied the deed with John." She looks at said boy. "Fuck, took you two long enough. May I ask what finally made you go for it?"

"Well," John breathes, wrapping his arm around Drew, "it was my witty charm and striking, natural good looks that finally convinced her that not only was a bad boy, but one sexy motherfucker that she just couldn't resist. I reeled her in like a fish on a hook."

Drew elbows him in the ribs rather roughly, making her keel over.

"We kissed and realized that the kiss told us more than we thought," she clarifies. "Don't listen to this ass over here. I am no fish and he has no hook."

"Ooh, harsh," John smirks. "Way to cut my fishing line, Hemingway."

"I have really sharp scissors, O'Callaghan."

Lisa scoffs, rolling her eyes in disgust. "Quit this cute banter before I have to knock your melons together. Shit, I want a cute relationship. Anyway, I'm off to English before Bobbet punches me with another detention. See ya!"

She runs off, leaving Drew and John to laugh at her.

"Why are you friends with her again?" John asks as he puts his arm around the shorter girl beside him again, rubbing her shoulder with his fingers lightly.

Drew shrugs as they make their way toward English. "I have no idea. We were buddies in elementary school or something and we just never grew out of it. I'm pretty sure she kicked me since I took her swing once, but I could be wrong."

The taller boy grins. "Sounds like something Lisa would do."

"Because it is something Lisa would do."

John laughs as they walk into English as the bell rings, both hurrying to their seats. Drew sends John a flirty wave before Bobbet walks in, plopping his books and papers onto his desk at the front of the room. Everyone in class keeps up a steady chatter as he takes attendance. After he was done he calls everyone to attention.

"As you all know," he begins, his voice droning and monotonous per usual, "your projects are due in two weeks time. Your presentations must be finished by then and ready to be presented. I want your final drafts on my desk by at least February 13th. Presentations begin the next day. Am I making myself clear?"

There were murmurs of agreement.

"Good. Get with your partners and start planning your presentations."

Everyone stood up and clattered toward the respective groups. Drew stands and move over to John, plopping in the empty seat beside him. He grins over at her, scooting closer as she pulls out her English notebook.

"Now, I have the rough draft written up," she starts as he leans down to bury his nose in her hair. "I was gonna type up the final tonight so you could proofread it tomorrow."

"You can't type it up tonight."

"And why not?"

His lips brush above her ear, making her shiver, as his arm wraps around her waist. "I have a show tonight. And you are going. No exceptions." His breath was beating against the shell of her ear and it made a shudder grasp her spine like a cold hand. She swallows.

"I...I can't. I'm still grounded, remember?" she gasps out.

"Tell your parents you'll be working on the project," he murmurs, letting his gaze shift to hers. "They can't deprive you of your education."

Drew rolls her eyes. "You make a good point."

He grins. "So that means you'll go?"

"If I have to."

"Oh," he smirks, leaning down and giving her a light peck. "You have to. Don't worry. It'll be a show that you'll never forget. We're playing a new song tonight and I think you'll like it."


"Because it's about you."

Drew blushes a deep red and she peeks out of the corners of her eyes to see Lisa giving her a knowing look. She blushes even harder as she avoids that stare, looking back at John. "That's quite flattering. Tell me it's a good song and not one about how much you hate my family."

He gives a nervous chuckle. "No. It's about how much I hate how you make me feel."

"Well that's rude."

John laughs. "I joke. Just make sure you're there. And bring Lisa before I slap Kennedy for not shutting up about her. Man, it's like she put a spell on him."
♠ ♠ ♠
Short again. But that's okay, because at least I updated! And John is cute. I should probably go to bed because tomorrow is Monday and that means school but eh, I felt like updating since I've deprived all of you from my posts. BUT HEY! This story has hit over 200 subscribers! That makes me happier than you could imagine. Ugh, I could pee my pants. Thank you guys so much! Thoughts?

sailor of the skies.