Flirting with Danger Bk 1

Definitely the Best Birthday of My Life! p7

Her eyes widened and she covered her mouth, her cheeks bulging in an attempt not to burst out laughing. She looked back up at me and I smiled, closing my phone quickly as Dad looked over at us.
“Well, do you want to watch the movie with us sweetie?” he asked, smiling lovingly and I could see the tiredness showing around his eyes.
“Nah, I think I’ll just go up to my room and set everything up for tomorrow and tomorrow night.” I said, smiling happily.
“I’m so happy for you, sweetie.” said Mom, smiling and patting my knee. I gave out hugs and kisses before heading up to my room.
When I closed the door behind me I sighed, running through my amazing day. My friends were great. My family was great. I loved my life.
I set my board up in the space between my door and my desk and walked to my bed, where the rest of my gifts were. I sat down and picked up the picture of the mountains. Kati does good work. I thought and hung it above my bed. I looked back in the box and saw Kati’s boyfriend’s gift in the bottom. I held it in my hand and opened it, the bloodstone looking up at me from its sterling silver inlay with vines and little leaves wrapping around it.
I wondered if it had been expensive. And if it had been, I felt a little weird that someone would spend that kind of money on a person they didn’t know. And it felt even weirder that it was my older sister’s boyfriend. I mean, was he doing it to be nice, did he have genuine intentions, or was he just doing it to get in good with Kati?
What’s his name anyway? I thought, realizing that not only did I not know his name, but I’d never seen or even heard a thing about him until today. I told myself I was just going to have to ask Kati and reached a hand into a bag, bringing out the earrings.
I opened the box and compared them to the ring, finding that they matched perfectly. Everything was the same, the style and shape of the stones, how they were on the silver, and the decorating vines and little leaves on each of them. This was getting increasingly creepy.
How could two people who don’t know each other, pick out the exact same thing? If Ivan had helped Sue pick out the earrings, did that mean that —
Suddenly my phone began to ring, playing The All-American Rejects song, “Gives You Hell” and I jumped up, dashing across the room and digging through my purse for the phone.
“Hello?” I asked, breathing quickly from the rush.
“Hey Kota, I just wanted to tell you to make sure you wear something sexy for the Nickelback concert tomorrow night.” Louis said, and I could hear the eagerness in his voice as he said “sexy”.
I smiled and rolled my eyes, laying out the Nickelback shirt he’d gotten me and going over to my closet. “Something sexy, huh? And I suppose you have a suggestion?” I said, looking from each of my skirts to the shirt for comparison.
“Well now that you mention it, I do.” he said like the thought had just come to him.
I rolled my eyes again and put a hand on my hip, waiting to hear his undoubtedly ridiculous idea. “Well, I was thinking about that pleated cameo mini-skirt and bright accents or whatever you call them.” he said and I stopped what I was doing. That actually sounded really good. Perfect actually. Relaxed and country-ish, but that’s what Nickelback needed to see.
“Well, I don’t know.” I said, trying not to sound like I needed fashion advice from a guy. “Let me see what it looks like.”
“Now I’m not a fashion designer, but I am a guy and I have a pretty good eye for what looks good.” he said as I ran around my room, laying the skirt and a lot of yellow accessories out on the bed.
Crap. I thought. It did look good. “I guess that could work.” I said, sounding like it wasn’t a big deal.
“You like it?” he asked.
“Yeah, it’s perfect, but do you think I need some leggings or something?” I said, hanging up the shirt and skirt together and putting all the jewelry in the bathroom.
“Nah, the concert’s going to happen inside.” he said as I went and sat down in my window seat. “So, do you know how we’re going to do this tomorrow?” he asked.
“Well how long will it take to get there?” I asked, looking out of my window at the street.
“Not that long. It’s just on the other side of Brookstock.” he said.
“And you said it starts at nine? When does it end?” I asked.
“It’ll be over by curfew.” he said, a smile in his voice.
“Okay.” I said, smiling myself. We were silent for a few minutes, a car passing a couple walking down the street and honking lightly, the couple waving to the car.
“Kota?” he asked, not sounding playful anymore.
“Yeah Louis?” I said.
“I’m sorry about what I did tonight.” he said, his voice a little sad.
“It’s okay.” I said. “And thank you so much for my second party. It was great.”
“You’re welcome.” he said. “I love seeing you happy.”
“I know you do.” I said, looking down and sighing quietly so he couldn’t hear.
“Well, I have to go, but I’ll see you right after first thing in the morning? Or would you rather spend it with your family?” he asked.
“Well I’m sure you’re parent’s would want to spend some time with you.” I said, smiling. “They can’t see you very often, with you always being out with us.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right. I should give them some time with me.” he said and I could hear his smirk.
“I’m always right.” I said and we laughed. “No, but I’ll see you right after the traditional presents and Christmas lunch.”
“Okay, I’ll see you then. Good night Kota.” he said.
“Sweet dreams Louis.” I smiled softly and then hung up the phone. I returned my attention to the streets just in time to see Connelly walk by, not looking my direction but keeping his face forward, like he didn’t know my house front to back.
I sighed, putting a hand on the window and looking painfully after him as he left my sight. I wanted to be with him. I wanted him right now and I almost didn’t care if Rudi came for me, but I resisted the urge to run out the door and into his arms. I knew that would be dangerous and could kill everyone, so I just sighed exasperatedly and close my eyes, bringing my knees to my chest.
He misses you too Kota. said Ivan.
“He doesn’t look like it bothers him at all.” I said, acting all pouty.
He can’t show that he’s in any discomfort or it’ll blow his cover. he said. You know this.
“I know, I’m just upset.” I said, looking grumpily away from the window.
Kota, maybe you should go to bed. he said softly.
“Maybe I should.” I said, getting up and stomping over to my bed, throwing the covers out of the way and then pulling them roughly over me. “Why are you wanting me to go to bed?” I asked.
Because your mind is sluggish. After everything you’ve done today, you’re practically dead on your feet. he said. You need some rest if you’re gonna be up early tomorrow and stay out late.