Flirting with Danger Bk 1

Definitely the Best Birthday of My Life! p9

Connelly chuckled softly and said, “Now it’s my turn.” I looked at him and he smiled, standing up and holding his hand out to me. I let Aubrey take Sarge and took Connelly’s hand, standing up and walking off the porch.
“It’s my turn too.” said Vincent and suddenly my eyes were covered by his hands. “No peeking.” he said and I smiled.
They led me to their huge shop where we waited as Connelly opened the door and disappeared inside. Then a minute later Vincent took his hands away from my eyes and I saw Connelly backing out of the shop in his red mustang. He stopped in front of me and smiled. I looked at him and then the car, then back at him. I opened my mouth to say something, but shut it again. I think my mind went dead. I tried talking again and managed to say, “Are we going somewhere?”
He smiled and laughed a little. “No, this is my present to you. The mustang.” he clarified, looking pleased as my jaw almost hit the ground. He smiled softly and wiggled his finger at me, telling me to come to him. I obliged, though my feet felt like lead weights.
“I—I, I can’t believe…” I couldn’t even finish my sentence. My eyes raked over the car so intensely, I was scared I might leave a scratch just by looking at it.
“And I did all the gadgets.” said Vincent, running over to the other side and getting in. “I got you the best stereo on the market and the best speakers.” He pointed to the radio and then to all the speakers, getting out again.
“I reinforced the frame with Titanium so it’s bulletproof, and put a huge engine under the hood.” He patted the door and then ran over and popped the hood, nodding for me to come look. Connelly and I smiled at each other and walked over to him.
Now I didn’t know diddlysquat about engines or cars, but I managed a convincing, “Whoa. Now that’s an engine.”, when I was really thinking, “Oo, shiny.”
I turned to him, seeing his very happy smile and said, “Vincent, you did an amazing job. Thank you.” I opened my arms and he did too, grabbing me into a bear hug.
“I had fun doing this. And I’m happy it’s going to you because you’re going to love it.” he said, squeezing me one last time before letting go. I smiled, kissed him sisterly on the cheek, and we all headed back to the porch.
“Would anyone like some cake?” Amelia asked, looking around at us.
“Sure, I’ll take a piece.” I said. “Do you need any help?”
“No sweetie, you sit down. You’re the honored guest, but Ivan, could you help me?” she smiled at him and he nodded, following her into the house with the cake.
I sat back down, Connelly taking my hand and squeezing it. I looked at him and smiled as he kissed my hand. Man, he really missed me. I thought, and wondered how or if we could find a way to be alone. Maybe after the party.
Alister was on his other side, and beside Alister was Vincent, along with Ivan’s empty chair opposite me at the end of the table. And on the empty chair’s other side was Aubrey, Mathias, and then Amelia’s empty chair closest to me.
“Well I guess it’s my turn now.” said Mathias, smiling sweetly across the table at me.
“I’m afraid I don’t have anything for you like my children, but I figured this gift would be of some help in the future.” he looked at me and leaned on the table. “I can offer you help with any finance problems that may arise, and any obstacles or struggles you run into with college.”
“Mathias,” I said, not knowing what to say, “This is amazing.” I stood and walked around the table to him. He stood, smiling softly and opened his arms as I hugged him.
“I’m glad you like it.” he said, patting my back. He squeezed me once more and then released me, smiling down at me fatherly.
“I love it.” I said, smiling back. “I’m definitely going to need some help getting into college.”
“Of course not.” he said. “You’re a very smart girl.”
“Maybe, but I’m not doing too hot in Math.” I said.
“What am I? Chopped liver?” he said, raising his eyebrows and shrugging.
“Oh yeah.” I said, remembering that he was a mathematician.
“Come see me any time you have problems.” he said and I nodded.
“Here we are,” said Amelia, she and Ivan stepping onto the porch with their hands full of plates. “Here Kota, yours is the biggest.” she handed us all our plates and we all sat down, biting into our cake and vanilla ice cream.
“And it’s my turn for the present.” Amelia said, taking what looked like a lopsided box in wrapping paper out from under her arm and handing it to me with a smile.
I scooted my plate to the side and set the box down, trying to minimized the mess as I pulled the paper away. The present turned out not to be a box, but a photo album. “Wow Amelia, thanks.” I said, my eyes wide as I opened it.
“I filled it with all the pictures we’ve taken since we’ve known you, and a few of when we didn’t so you’d have a little of our history. It’s half full, so you’ve still got room for more.” she said and smiled when I looked at her.
I jumped up and hugged her. “Thank you so much. Thanks all of you, for everything.” I said, turning around to look at the others. I was overwhelmed by everything they’d given me. They were such big things; a car, a dog, tons of clothes, makeup and accessories, financial help, and even though the photo album didn’t seem big, it was. It was all so amazing and wonderful, but I just hoped they didn’t expect anything just as big in return, because I wasn’t rich. I was almost the exact opposite actually. “I’ve never had a birthday like this.” I said and they shrugged, waving their hands like it was no big deal.
“It’s no big deal.” said Vincent.
“Yeah, that’s what people who love each other do.” said Aubrey.
“You’re like a sister.” said Alister, smiling at me, and Aubrey agreed enthusiastically.
“You’re family.” she said.
“Almost legally.” Ivan said and we all looked at him, the whole porch going quiet except for the pups.
“What?” Connelly asked, looking at him in shock, his face scrunched in confusion. We all waited to hear his explanation.
“Well, I didn’t tell anyone because I wanted it to be a surprise, but I’ve applied for the adoption of Kota into this family.” he said, looking at me seriously, but I didn’t know what to say. I was still too stunned and confused about this whole thing.
“H— how can you adopt me when I already have a family?” I finally forced out.
“Well, we didn’t go through the human version. We went through the vampire one, which has a lot more adoption categories to choose from. We picked the one that allows you to be adopted into our family just like any other adoption, except that you still live with your human family. But as far as the vampire world is concerned, you’re under our protection.” He looked me in the eyes and I started to tear up. He’d just given me the best gift I could have ever received.