Flirting with Danger Bk 1

Bloody Hands p2

“Kota? What’s wrong? You look,” he cut off as he saw my scared to death face. I couldn’t help but look scared. I mean, I just had an evil vampire look at me like I was a steak. Louis didn’t wait for my answer though and put his arm around me, bringing me closer to him and I was so grateful. I still felt the scary boy’s eyes on me and was happy for some protection.
Ivan? Are you there? I thought.
Yes, I’m here. Ivan’s calming voice came to my mind. And yes, he’s one of them. His name is Troy and he’s with Rudi, but don’t worry, he doesn’t suspect you.
Maybe not as an enemy, but definitely as a meal. I thought.
He won’t hurt you Kota. He won’t do anything with humans around and he’s not here for you anyway. he assured me.
Well, does he know who you are? I asked.
Rudi told him about us, but he’s not here to fight. He’s just supposed to wait. he assured me again.
So what do we do? I asked.
We do nothing. We wait for them to make the first move. These guys are just the bait, just here to see how we’ll react to new vampires in the school. None of the others have spotted Rudi, and we wait until he shows his face. he said.
This made me feel a little bit better, but not enough to think that this wasn’t going to be hard. I sat through the class, keeping Louis’s arm around me, hoping that this guy, Troy, didn’t have a huge appetite that would say, take a whole class to fill. But luckily, he didn’t even prick a finger, and I was happy to leave the room and head to Biology, where there actually was some protection.
I made sure not to make eye contact with Vincent as I walked passed him to my empty table, though it was kind of hard to do when I was scanning the room, but I think he was having the more difficult time. Beside him, in his usually empty chair, sat a boy with the same dark aura around him as Troy. His short cropped brown hair brushed his forehead and dark brown eyes focused tensely on the table space in front of him. He was nearly as large as Vincent, and there was hardly enough room for them to move, their shoulders extending beyond each side of the table. Though luckily for Vincent, this boy didn’t look all that smart.
They sat there tense as stone, not moving a muscle and not looking in the other’s direction. I felt bad for Vincent, being put up against a guy just as big as him, instead of having to take on the girl, or Troy. They sat like that through the whole class, Vincent taking notes with his left hand while the whole right side of his body was like a brick wall. And then as soon as the bell rang, they both just vanished.
There was a girl in English Lit., sitting in the middle of the room. The twins and I shared a glance, agreeing that this was the girl. She was scary looking in that her aura was the darkest of both boys and even though she was very skinny, she was just as toned as Mira, if not a little more. Her blonde hair was short and messy in the perfect way, with thick black mascara and eye shadow, making her dark grey eyes even scarier.
I tried not to stare at her as I worked, but try as I might, I couldn’t help but glance at her every few seconds to make sure she wasn’t attacking me. The bell rang finally, after what seemed like forever, and I left for lunch, which was pretty normal considering. The three new vampires were in a tight cluster in the farthest, darkest corner in the cafeteria.
And as I walked into Math, I saw only Mira, who was sitting in her usual spot, but no one else. It wasn’t hard not to look at her as I passed, since she hated me, and I sat at the back of the class. I got out my notebook and pencil, just about to start writing down our assignments, when there was a sudden tension in the room.
Wondering what it was, I looked up at Mira, who was so tense she could have been made out of stone. Her face was of shock, terror, and a little of something else I didn’t know as she looked over to the seat closest to the door, where someone was sitting. I didn’t hear him come in, not even the slightest sound, and he was in the squeakiest chair in the room!
He looked over at Mira with an amused smile on his thin face, which along with his paleness, had a green tinge to it. His greasy black hair gelled up and his yellow eyes were pure evil. As soon as I saw him, I knew that this was Rudi.
“Hello Mira. So nice to see you again.” he said in a slimy voice with a heavy accent. “My, my, you do grow well don’t you.” he smiled as his eyes raked over her in the most vulgar way, but just like Mira, his gaze held something I didn’t know.
“Rudi.” Mira managed to say, her voice thick. She was still in shock and was pressed up against the side of her desk, starring at him.
“Oh, good. You remember me.” he said, standing and walking slowly towards her, in no hurry. I sat frozen stiff, not knowing what to do, or if I could do anything at all.
Then, what was even more surprising was that he looked over at me. I was so shocked I jumped a little, but didn’t look away. I couldn’t help but stare at him. It was like I was in a trance, drawn to him for some reason, and my fear of him drizzled away. His aura was darkest of all, completely visible, floating around like puffs of black smoke.
Then he suddenly turned onto my row, looking at me hungrily like a cat would a mouse. “Come now Mira, don’t be rude. Surely, after years of me being gone, you have something to say?” he glanced back at her, but she stayed silent and I could see in her eyes that her mind was racing.
I looked at her, begging her to do something, to save me. Rudi had turned his eyes back on me and was coming nearer. Where is Connelly? Ivan?! I yelled in my mind, hoping he would here. Ivan!!!
“How about I help you then.” he said, glancing down. “Why don’t you tell me why you informed her of our existence? And even more, why you only told one. Why not the other girl? Why just this one? Why is she so important to you that you would tell her such a thing?” He looked at me curiously, questions in his evil eyes. I could see that he was really confused about this, and something else.