Flirting with Danger Bk 1

Bloody Hands p4

“One, I never waste my time, and two, you hesitated, which means that there is something going on here. And I intend on finding out what it is.” he smiled at me and I glared at my paper.
Mira never came back to class, which I didn’t expect her to. When the bell rang, Louis slung his arm around my shoulders as we headed for gym, where he left me, and then came back with the guys after school. Neither Connelly nor any of his family were in the gym, except for Ivan of course, who was beside Sue. They were holding hands and talking quietly, soft and loving smiles on their faces. I smiled when I saw them, and was happy that at least someone was having good day.
Have you kissed her yet? I asked, knowing Ivan was listening.
I thought she would have told you. Did she not? he asked.
No, I haven’t spent very much time with her in a long while. How is she? I asked.
She doesn’t suspect anything. She’s been asking about meeting my family. he said in a loving tone.
Ignorance is bliss. I said and his face appeared in my mind, nodding and sighing.
How are things going? I asked and knew he knew what I meant.
Not so good. Mira isn’t in the best shape and Rudi is really strong. he said in a stressed voice.
But there are five of you and one of him. Unless the other three are with him? I said.
Troy and Joe are there, but Lesley is still here with us. he said, and I saw him glance over to the dark corner of the gym where the girl vampire was.
Okay… How is Connelly? I had to ask.
He’s fine. He’s worrying about you. he said and I sighed mentally.
I returned my attention to the Tango and Swing dancers as they went through practice with me stuck on the bleachers out on the football field, and stayed there after practice was over, being joined by some of the Waltz and Salsa dancers.
I stayed on the bleachers, along with some others spread out from each other, and we all watched the guys play football. All of my boys were out there, playing the roughest of the whole group, and making the other guys work to get the ball.
Ivan, what am I supposed to do? Do I go home or stay with the guys? I asked, because I was scared of being alone in my house, especially since I would probably be tailed by Lesley, and because they already knew where I lived anyway.
Well, you’re probably right about Lesley tailing you, but is there a way you could go somewhere with one of the guys? he asked.
I have to go home some time Ivan. My parents’ll freak out if I don’t come home. I said.
Okay, well, yeah that’ll be fine. I’ll be guarding Sue all night so I’ll be right next door. he said.
What about Moran? Who’s protecting him? I asked.
My parents and Mira is with them now too. he said.
How bad is she hurt? I asked.
Pretty bad, but she’s healing. he said.
Okay, well, I’m tired from all the excitement today, so I’m going home. I said and heard him chuckle.
We’ll be along shortly. he said and I left for home. I was dead tired when I finally got home and got directly in bed. It was about nine thirty, but with everything that had happened that day, I felt like I had depleted enough energy for two days.
I fell into a deep sleep as soon as my head hit the pillow, but within the deep sleep, I was having nightmares. They consisted of Rudi, Troy, and Joe slaughtering Connelly and his family, and then Lesley following me home and killing Ivan, me, and Sue in our sleep. Everyone got killed, even Connelly’s parents and Moran! Rudi had just finished killing Moran, and looked at me, standing over Moran’s dead body with blood dripping from his mouth and my mutilated body reflecting in his yellow eyes.
It was weird because he’d already killed me, or so I had thought, but he had apparently just hurt me really bad because I was still alive. And I was just about to do my dramatic black and white movie scream as he walked over to me, when I heard a voice call my name. “Kota,” it said, “Kota, my love. Wake up, my dear, we have a problem.” The voice said the last part like he was in a slight hurry.
I gave the evil Rudi an odd look, as it was him that said it, but then realized that it wasn’t his voice. My nightmare disintegrated and I opened my eyes blearily to see Connelly leaning over me. He was brushing my cheek and smiled when our eyes met.
“Connelly?” I said, sitting up and rubbing my eyes, “What’s going on?”
“We have to move. They’re on their way and will be here any minute.” he said and helped me out of bed.
“Where are we going?” I asked, yawning.
“Somewhere safe, now let’s go.” he said and started leading me around my bed and to the window.
“Wait, I need to put some clothes on. Do I need to pack?” I said, pulling against his grip as I reached for some jeans in my closet.
“There’s no time for that, Kota. We have to go now.” he said urgently, but made sure his voice was low.
“What? No time for clothes?” I said, giving him an incredulous look. You have clothes on. I thought.
“No, they’ll be here any second, now let’s go!” he said more urgently, an edge in his voice.
“Well at least let me get one thing.” I said and went back around my bed to my dresser. I am not leaving without a bra. I thought, racing into the bathroom to put it on and then grabbed my waterproof hiking boots on the way out. I could slosh through water, run up a mountain, and they’re tough enough to hurt in a kick.
“Are you done? Can we please leave now?” he asked in annoyance.
“Yes, we can go now — oh, I forgot to brush my hair.” I said and started to turn back.
“Too late.” he said, grabbing my hand and pulling me to the window.
“But my hair!” I protested as he slid one foot out the window and sat halfway out.
“You’re about to be attack by three vampires, you may die tonight, and you’re worried about your hair!” he said, giving me an irritated and slightly confused look.
“Sorry, vain moment gone.” I said quickly, seeing his face. He nodded and I slid my own foot out the window, sitting beside him.
“Wait, what about Sue? We have to bring her too. And what about mine and Sue’s parents? What’re we going to do about them?” I asked as Connelly made a move for us to jump out the window.
“Mathias and Aubrey are downstairs, Ivan and Amelia with Sue and her parents. Everyone’s safe.” he said, looking at me assuredly.
Then, just as we were about to jump from my second story window, I looked over at Sue’s window and saw Ivan watching us. His face was sad as he waved, a hint of worry around his eyes.
Be careful. I said, my eyes showing that I was scared for him and Sue.
Don’t worry. We’ll both be fine. he said, but there was something in the way he said it that didn’t sound like he was so sure. His face grew sad as Connelly and I dropped to the ground, and in that second before we hit the ground there seemed to be a million words pass between me and Ivan. I didn’t want Ivan to die. I wouldn’t be able to handle it if he or Sue did, so I said a quick prayer for all of us that we would live through this.