Flirting with Danger Bk 1

Bloody Hands p5

Connelly’s feet touched the ground for only a moment before we were moving away at blinding speeds towards his house. We arrived a few minutes later, despite the fact that he lived miles away from me. But we didn’t stop at the yard, we blew through the ten acre front yard and then through the door and into the living room, the front door slamming shut behind us.
“Kota, you can open your eyes now.” Connelly said in an amused and caring voice. I peeked one eye open and saw the Peters living room, where Vincent was sitting, including one new person I had never seen before.
He had the same type of sharp features Rudi had had, but unlike Rudi, this man wasn’t surrounded by a dark aura and his skin wasn’t the slightest bit green or slimy. In fact, he was very handsome, with shoulder length wavy brown hair, a tall stature and strong presence.
Though perhaps the most visibly inhuman thing about him was his eyes, which were the oddest color I had ever seen, other than Connelly’s cherry reds. His eyes were a copper color, with a blood red ring around his pupils and the outside of his irises. Curiosity shone in those eyes as they stared at me, making me feel like he could see right through me. I had the sudden urge to run, but grabbed Connelly’s hand instead.
“It’s okay Kota. This is Moran.” Connelly said, squeezing my hand.
“Do not be afraid of me, my dear,” Moran said, standing up and walking over to me. “I am not the one you need to fear.” He stopped in front of me and smiled warmly, just his expression making me loosen my grip on Connelly’s hand.
“It’s very nice to finally meet you.” he said in his heavy accent, making me think of Transylvania. “I have heard a great many things about you.”
“You too.” I said nervously.
I was suddenly painfully aware of my appearance. I must look like a complete idiot, I thought, in my un-matching pj’s, makeup free face, un-brushed teeth, no shoes, and crazy hair. I pictured how I’d wanted to look when I finally met Moran, and it wasn’t like this. I was supposed to look put together, sophisticated, and impressive. I cursed Connelly for this.
“On the contrary,” said Moran, taking my hand and kissing it, never breaking eye contact. “I find you very impressive. How strong you must be to trust a family of vampires fighting to preserve your life, when with one slip they would take it without meaning to.” Vincent came up beside Moran and I looked at Connelly, seeing no danger in those beautiful eyes.
“So I have to disagree severely with you. I find you to be the most interesting and intimidating human I’ve ever met.” he smiled widely and I returned a shy, blushing smile back.
Then Vincent came up and gave me a huge hug. “I was so worried about you over there.” he said, smiling at me as he released me.
“Ivan was just next door.” I said, smiling and blushing slightly again. Vincent had never really gotten this close to me before, but I liked it.
“You were still alone though.” he said, his eyes serious.
“Well, I’m just glad you’re here now.” I heard someone say and turned to see Alister coming to me. He smiled when I smiled, happy to see him, and hugged him tightly. Somehow, I just knew we were going to be seriously close, good friends.
“How’s Mira?” I asked in his ear.
“Better than before, she’s just got a few scratches now.” Alister said, but I could already see for myself. Mira was standing in the doorway, scratches on her arms and face, along with a spot where she had hit her head. She had her hands on her hips and was looking at me in the oddest way. If I wasn’t mistaken, it was in relief and was slightly….. friendly.
Alister let go of me when I didn’t respond and turned to see Mira too, his face turning to one of surprise and slight nervousness. The room was quiet for a minute while everyone stared at Mira as she looked down nervously.
“Kota,” she said, for the first time addressing me by my name, and not angrily. “I — I’m sorry. For everything. I didn’t, I mean I thought you —”
“It’s okay.” I said and she looked up at me, slightly shocked and slightly ashamed. “Are you okay?” I asked softly, coming over to her.
“Yeah, I’m okay.” she said, looking down. “I’m sorry I didn’t do something sooner.” she said.
“It’s okay. You were in shock, so was I. I had no idea he was going to show up like that.” I said and she nodded, smiling a little.
“Thanks.” she said.
“No problem.” I said, putting an arm around her shoulder. She smiled broader and I smiled back, us going to sit on a sectional sofa with Connelly, Vincent, and Alister. We looked back over at Moran, who was smiling, but looking at me with a curious look in his eyes again.
“Well, this has been a very productive night.” he said, smiling happily. “But now I think it’s time for bed. We’ll take turns watching in pairs, starting with us.” He indicated himself and Vincent.
“Good night my little protectors.” he said, hugging us all, and even me!
“Are you making fun of us?” Vincent asked with a slight grin.
“Do you not think we can protect you sufficiently?” Alister asked, looking back at him, his face hurt, offended, and on the edge of anger.
“I have no doubt you can protect me flawlessly,” he said, looking seriously at Alister. “And I was just joking.”
Alister looked at him for a minute, to make sure he was telling the truth I guessed, and then he nodded and left the room. Vincent looked after him and turned back to Moran, smiling and shaking his head. Moran smiled back and patted him on the back in agreement.
“Goodnight Kota.” Moran said, turning his eyes to me as he let go of Connelly, who waited at the edge of the room.
“Goodnight Moran.” I said, and then he wrapped me in a hug. I smiled and buried my face in his chest, for some reason feeling so close to him in that moment. His arms loosened around me and I looked up at him as he smiled warmly down at me. I could tell he felt the sudden bond too, because while I could tell he was happy, I could also tell he was confused and even more curious about something.
“I have something for you.” he said, letting go of me and sticking his hand in his right pocket, bringing out a sleek sterling silver necklace, with a bloodstone hanging from it.
“I got this for your birthday, but I wasn’t sure if it was really appropriate since you didn’t know me.” he said, putting it in my hand.