Flirting with Danger Bk 1

Bloody Hands p6

I looked down at it, noting that it matched perfectly with my earrings and ring. It was in a teardrop shape, the green jasper with red flecks fading to the slightly red edges, like blood had splattered on it. I didn’t even want to think about that. I looked up at him, my eyes wide with confusion.
“Do you not like it?” he asked, looking slightly hurt.
“No! I love it, but I was just thinking. I got some earrings and a ring for my birthday that look exactly like this.” I said, looking back down at the stone.
“Ivan helped Sue pick out the earrings, and my sister’s boyfriend got the ring, I was just wondering…” I said, trailing off.
“If he was a vampire?” Moran guessed and I looked up at him, nodding. He smiled and led me to the couch, where we both sat.
“Could he be?” I asked, scared it could be true.
“It’s highly unlikely.” he said, his eyes soft. “The reason Ivan picked out those specific earrings was because I had already bought the necklace. And bloodstones are a hard stone to find on the market because it’s mined in India, Australia, and the U.S. for medicine and an aphrodisiac. Your sister’s boyfriend may have found it and wanted his gift to stand out from the others because of its rarity.”
“So he’s not a vampire?” I asked.
“No.” he said and smiled when I sighed in relief.
“Run along now, my dear.” he said, hugging me once more as we both stood. I nodded, smiling, and went to Connelly.
“Where am I going to sleep?” I asked as I followed Connelly upstairs to the bedrooms.
“In my room.” Connelly said, smiling at me and lacing his arm around my waist. I blushed slightly and looked away. I waved to the others as they disappeared into their own rooms and then walked into Connelly’s room.
“Here you go.” he said, indicating with his outstretched hand a fold-out bed that had once been his couch. I looked from the bed to Connelly, who was smiling.
“Oh.” I said, trying not to sound too disappointed, though this wasn’t what I was thinking it was going to be. I heard Ivan laughing his butt off in my head.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, his smile growing more amused. “Not quite what you expected?” he was on the edge of laughing.
“No, no it’s great.” I said, trying to make sure Amelia didn’t think I was a rude guest. He laughed at my bad lie.
“It was Mom’s idea.” he said, his laughing reduced to a chuckle. “She thought you’d be more comfortable in this bed.” he walked over and sat on my bed. “She’s a mom, so of course she thinks about stuff like this. But of course,” he said, giving me a look, “if you’d rather be in mine, I’m sure she wouldn’t know. And I wouldn’t tell.” he smiled, and then looked from his bed to me.
I blushed deeply at that and he laughed again. “I don’t know what you think is going to happen.” I said, walking over to my bed and sitting beside him.
“I’m not thinking anything is going to happen,” he said, though his eyes betrayed him. “I just like messing with your emotions.”
“Yeah, a little bit of emotional torture is healthy for you right?” I said, smiling at him.
“Exactly.” he smiled back, but he didn’t stop looking at me with that look in his eye.
“Stop looking at me like that.” I said, blushing and stood up, fluffing my pillow.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, that smile just staying on his face.
“I wish you would’ve let me get dressed at least.” I said, shaking my head as I beat the pillow.
“Why? You were just going back to sleep anyway.” he said.
“Because I just met Moran in my pajamas!” I said, trying to stay quiet though I was distressed.
“I’m sorry. If we ever meet any of my other important, vampire royalty relatives I promise you I’ll let you get dressed.” he said, a mocking grin on his face.
“That’s better.” I said, despite his mocking expression, and sat back down beside him. He put an arm around me and kissed me.
“Goodnight my love.” he said.
“Goodnight Connelly.” I said. He kissed me once more and got into his own bed.
I looked over at him as he turned his back to me and smiled. He was so funny. I turned over on my side, my back to him too, and closed my eyes, trying to go back to sleep. But I couldn’t. There was charged energy running through the entire room and my eyes kept popping open.
I knew that Connelly wasn’t asleep either, so I turned over and saw him staring at me. We both smiled. I looked down, thinking of what to do, and then looked back up at him as he wagged his finger for me to come to him. I blushed and shook my head but he nodded his and wagged his finger again. I shook my head again and patted the bed beside me, wanting him to come to me.
Then suddenly, I jumped out of bed and walked over to him, not being able to make myself turn around. I gave him a sharp look and he tried to look innocent, but again his eyes betrayed him. I smiled and shook my head, telling him with my eyes that he should be ashamed of himself, but when he just smiled back, I went ahead and jumped in.
“Well, if you insist.” I whispered and he smiled.
“Now, that wasn’t so hard was it?” he asked, wrapping his arms around me.
“It would have been better if you hadn’t used your thingy on me.” I said and gave him a look.
“Technically, it’s called a gift, or if you want to be a bit more dramatic, a power.” he corrected me.
“But ‘thingy’ is more comical.” I argued.
“And comical is just more you isn’t it.” he smiled.
“Of course.” I said. He smiled softly and brushed my cheek, then kissed me. Now that I was with him and the magnetic pull was appeased, I was tired again.
Then, knowing I was drifting off, he said, “Sweet dreams, my love.” And then everything went dark. This time though, I didn’t have nightmares, but instead dreamed of me and Connelly lying in his bed, just talking, kissing, and holding each other.
But then it was ripped all away when Connelly woke me up gently and then said, “Get up, Kota. Rudi and his crew have attacked Sue’s house.”
“What!” I bolted up straight, my eyes flying open. Connelly helped me out of bed and then we ran downstairs to where everyone was waiting.
“Is she okay? What’s going on?” I asked.
“Alister and Vincent have gone to help Ivan.” Moran said solemnly.
“They can’t find her mother.” Mira said, looking at me sadly.