Flirting with Danger Bk 1

Unfinshed Business p2

“How’s Sue? I heard the back door close. Did she come back in?” His face was drained of all color except for the red on his cheeks and even his lips looked an odd color. His eyes were puffy and his eyelids sagged tiredly.
“No, that was me. I went outside for a minute.” I said, squatting down just outside the bathroom door. He looked down and sighed heavily.
“Well, could you try to get her to come in? It’s getting dark and I think there’s a storm coming.” he asked.
“Yes, sir.” I said. He nodded and then put his head on his knees. By the sound of his level breathing, I could tell he was asleep so I softly took his drink from his hand and put it by his side before leaving quietly. I closed the door without a sound behind me and walked back down the hall to the living room.
“Everyone be quiet. Mr. Baxter’s sleeping.” I said, and everyone looked at me. Well, at least there was no way I was going to have a problem with that.
I went to the kitchen and grabbed myself a coke and took a sip. What was keeping them? They were vampires, able to run faster than The Flash and were stronger than the Hulk. Why couldn’t they find Sue? I put down my drink and went to the door, opened it and stepped outside. There was no one in sight.
I looked up at the sky and saw that it was really dark and filled with rumbling clouds. I saw a lightning strike far off and then the thunder reached my ears. I hoped they were okay. What if something had happened to them all? What if they fell off a cliff or something and were holding onto a limb for dear life? What if they were lost?
I walked off the porch and to the edge of the tree line. I wanted to find Sue, but I was afraid that I would get lost too and then we would both be stuck. I decided I didn’t care and was just about to take a step into the trees when I heard a grunt a little ways off. I looked over and saw Ivan stepping out of the trees, carrying Sue in his arms.
“Ivan!” I said and ran over to him. He turned around and smiled when he saw me, but he continued towards the house.
“Hey Kota — She’s fine, she’s just sleeping. I heard what you were thinking.” he smiled at me.
“Yeah, well…” I was sure my cheeks were red. Then something occurred to me; how come we were still walking to the house and Connelly still wasn’t there?
“Where’s —”
“He’s still back there.” he answered my thoughts.
“Why? Is he hurt?” I asked, running in front of him.
“Stay right here. I’ll be right back.” he said, looking me right in the eyes, and then walked around me and into the house. As soon as the door was closed I bolted for the trees. I was not going to just stand here and let Connelly die. I don’t think so.
I was almost there when the door closed again all too soon and I heard Ivan’s voice say, “Kota stop.” I turned around and he was right in front of me.
“What’s going on? Where’s Connelly? Is he hurt?” I asked urgently.
“He’s fighting Rudi.” he said and I gasped.
“He had come to finish the job, and followed Sue into the woods and to the clearing where she cried herself to sleep. He was just about to —” he faltered, “to bite her, when we came. Connelly distracted him while I got Sue. I’ve already called the others, so they should be there by now and I have to go help. Keep everyone inside no matter what.” Ivan said seriously.
“Be careful.” I said and hugged him.
“You too.” he said and kissed me on the forehead. I released him and he waved before vanishing into the forest. I stood there for a few minutes, saying a prayer that they would be safe and then ran inside.
“Where’s Sue?” I asked as soon as I walked in.
“She’s in her room.” said Jack, pointing down to the stairs.
“Where’s Ivan?” asked Louis, standing slowly.
“He left. Everyone needs to stay inside. It’s starting to storm.” I said loudly so everyone could hear and I tried to put as much authority in my voice as I could.
“Why’d he leave?” asked Louis, raising one eyebrow doubtfully.
“I don’t know.” I said, and went upstairs. Louis didn’t believe me, but I would have to deal with him later. The second door down the hall was open and when I looked inside I saw Sue lying on her bed. She was all scratched up and her eyes were puffy, but she seemed to be sleeping peacefully.
“Kota.” I heard someone say and when I stepped inside I found that Dale was standing at the foot of her bed like a guard. He smiled at me.
“Is she okay?” I asked, going to his side.
“Yeah, she’s fine. She’s a little scratched up though, but other than that…” he looked down at her.
“I better go get some stuff for those.” I said and turned to leave.
“Where’re the twins?” he asked. I turned back to him and he waited for the answer.
“They left, but they’ll be back later.” I said and left before he could ask anything else. I ran into the kitchen and to a cabinet in the corner. I opened it and rummaged through everything. Finally, I found a box of band-aids and the Neosporin and ran back to Sue.
“Is that going to wake her up?” Dale asked when he saw the band-aids.
“I hope not, but I’m not putting them all over her.” I said and set to work. I put the band-aids over the ones that I could completely cover and just put Neosporin over the ones I couldn’t. She stirred slightly when I touched the scratch on her forehead. I sat back and admired my work. She was all Neosporined up and was still asleep.
“C’mon, let’s leave her alone for a while.” I said and Dale and I left the room, closing the door behind us.
“Why’d they leave?” he asked as we walked down the hall and down the stairs.
He’s persistent. I thought.
“I don’t know — Maybe to get some more drinks or some food.” I said, shrugging my shoulders as we entered the living room. I looked around and stopped walking. Where was Louis?
“What’s wrong?” he asked, standing behind me.
“Where’s Louis?” I asked, moving out of his way.