Flirting with Danger Bk 1

Italy is Gorgeous This Time of Year p5

Alister and Vincent hugged me before going into their rooms. “Just ignore him.” I said as Connelly and I walked to my room.
“I can’t. He just bothers me to no end.” he said as I unlocked my door and we entered the sitting room part of my room. I was too tired to notice my room too much. I just walked past the two chairs and coffee table, the doorway bordered by Greek columns to my canopy bed, in front of which was where all of my luggage sat.
“He’s just trying to mess with you.” I said, pulling out my pj’s and heading to the left where the bathroom was and closed the door.
“I know, but I don’t want to talk about him.” I heard him say.
“Good.” I said, coming out of the bathroom and going to the bed again. “Because I don’t either.” Connelly was on the other side of the bed in a chair, looking out the large window beside him.
I looked at him for a minute, just watching him. He had a hand on his chin, looking out the window in deep, serious thought. I got in bed and looked at him again. “Did you notice anything odd about Alonso?” I asked, trying to get him to snap back to normal.
“No, why?” he asked slowly, looking at me and leaning back in his chair.
“Well, because of the way he was acting I guess. I mean, have you ever seen the owner of the hotel go into a guests room?” I asked, but he just stared at me. “Well, okay maybe you have, but there’s just something not normal about him.” I said, looking down and fidgeting with the green covers.
“He’s a vampire.” he said and my head shot back up.
“What?” I said. “I figured we weren’t going to be around vampires, considering Moran.”
“Well, that’s actually why we chose to stay here.” he said. “We’ve known Alonso for a long time and he’s helped us out on many occasions. He’s helping keep Moran a secret.”
“Is he like you?” I asked.
“Of course, and actually, everyone who works here is a vampire.” he said.
“You’re kidding.” I said, smiling in shock.
“Nope.” he smiled back.
“Wow.” I said, lying back on the pillows. “So I guess even if there was some kind of danger, we’d be pretty safe here.”
“Safer than anywhere else.” he said, coming and sitting beside me. I looked over and he smiled softly, running his finger over my arm and then taking my hand. We shared a moment of silence, me looking at him while he looked at my hand and rubbed it softly.
“What’s wrong?” I asked, not being able to hold it back any longer. He didn’t say anything, but just ran his fingers over my hand.
“Do you love me?” he asked, looking up at me.
“Of course I do. Why do you even have to ask?” I said, looking at him in confusion. He smiled at me, his eyes still sad, and put his hand in mine, bringing it to his lips.
“What’s going on with you Connelly?” I asked, starting to get annoyed.
“I just —” he stopped and glanced down. “I can’t —” he tried again, looking at me, but his eyes were so pained it almost made me cry. I looked at him, my eyes pleading. “I— I love you so much.” he said and then kissed me.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist, laying me back down. Then he was suddenly under the covers with me and brought me closer. I put my leg over his and squeezed him closer to me. This was all slow, soft, and I was trying to put all the love I had for him in my kisses.
He looked at me, smiling softly, and brushed my cheek. “Good night my love.” he said, kissing me.
“Don’t leave me.” I said, holding his other hand as if to stop him if he tried.
“I will never leave you.” he said seriously, and I had a feeling it meant more than I knew, but I was too tired to think about it. So, I snuggled up to him and fell asleep in his arms.

The next day when I woke up I looked around for Connelly and found him in his chair by the window, asleep. He looked like an angel even when he was sleeping, with his head to the side, beautiful face not contorted with sadness or pain, but relaxed and happy.
That was when I finally noticed my room. The chair that Connelly was in was a dark green, with golden rope seams and golden rope fringe on the bottom. The other furniture in the sitting room was dark green too, though without the fringe, and the carpet was a mossy green and white, in 16th century design. The bed was the same kind of green, though a little lighter, and had golden tassel edged curtains tied to each corner.
And the walls were beautiful, a faded stony cream color, like it was really from Greek times. The curtains covering the windows, one in the bedroom and one in the sitting room, matched the walls as well. In the sitting room there was a dark stained coffee table, along with a bookcase and small desk of the same color.
I blinked a couple times and looked around again, making sure I wasn’t just dreaming I was in such a wonderful place. Then I looked back at Connelly, who was still sleeping, and quietly slid out of bed. I silently rifled through my bags and drug several of them into the bathroom with me. I got ready as quietly as I could, wearing a very flattering light blue dress and styling my hair so it looked naturally windswept and wavy.
When I finally stepped out of the bathroom, Connelly was still in his chair, but he had changed. He smiled at me and stood up, walking over to me as I went to the bed.
“I thought you were asleep.” I said, looking at him with a smile as I grabbed shoes and purse.
“Kota, I woke up as soon as you did. Besides, even if I couldn’t hear so acutely, the shower would have woke me.” he said, taking my waist and bringing me to him.
“You’re a lot happier today.” I said, smiling happily at him.
“I am.” he said and kissed me.
“Good.” I said, taking the lead as we left my room and went down the hall to the elevator. We went down to the restaurant and found everyone eating breakfast, several tables having been put together.
“Hey, Kota and Connelly are here!” Dale said and he and Vincent brought up another table.
“Hey guys. When did you all get up?” I asked, sitting down between Connelly and Dale.
“I was so geared up, I only got a few hours.” said Dale.
“I got up just a little bit ago.” Louis said and everyone nodded in agreement.
“Well, how is everybody doing?” said Alonso, suddenly at my side. I looked at Connelly and he winked.
“Can you believe this place?” Dale asked as Connelly and I ordered our breakfast. Alonso and I shared a smile. I just couldn’t not like Alonso, he was just such a good guy.
“It’s like a dream.” Johanna said, taking a bite of her sausage.
“Yeah, I’ve already had to empty out my camera three times since we got here.” Sue said and I shook my head.
“Man, Sue.” I said, smiling. She smiled back and shrugged, like she couldn’t help herself.
“What kind of things can we do here?” I asked, looking around.
“Well, there’s a few events coming up you’d all like.” Ivan said, smiling at us.
“What?” I asked.