Flirting with Danger Bk 1

Italy is Gorgeous This Time of Year p8

After an hour and a half of looking for Louis and Dale some tuxes and asking the seamstress, I managed to find about five orders bound for America that had gotten canceled. I gave them to Louis and Dale and was presently waiting for them to show me the first of them. I was sitting on one of the benches on either side of the dressing area when Connelly came up to me, wearing his tux. He stopped in front of me, looking ravishing, and I gasped, putting my hand to my heart dramatically.
“Stop it.” he said, but with a smile. “Really though, what do you think?” he asked, turning slowly for me.
I looked him up and down, raising my eyebrows. “Well,” I said, looking around to make sure we were alone, “If you want me to be blunt,”
“That’s alright.” he said, quickly covering my mouth as he sat down by me, even though I wasn’t going to say anything embarrassing.
“You look great.” I said and he smiled. He leaned in and kissed me softly then looked into my eyes sweetly and brushed my cheek with his thumb. Then he leaned back and put his arm on the back of the bench behind me, just as Louis walked out. His smile was in place, his shoulders were back, and walked proudly towards me.
Then he stopped and raised his arms slightly, indicating himself. “So, what do you think?” he asked, not reacting whatsoever to Connelly. I stood and walked up to him, looking at his pants, which actually came to where they were supposed to, along with his sleeves. Then I raised one finger and twirled it, telling him to turn for me. He smiled, but did what I said.
“How does it fit?” I asked. “Is it loose, tight, saggy, too long, too wide?”
“No, it feels really good actually. The guy who ordered these was a real American for sure.” he said, smiling at me as he tucked his thumb in his waist band and pulled it out about half an inch.
“Well, it looks good, but would you rather try the others or just stick with this one?” I asked.
“Would you get to look over me again?” he asked, smiling mischievously and winking.
“No.” I said, but smiling despite myself.
He made a fake pout face and said, “Fine. Yeah I’ll try the others, but would you seriously help me?” he looked at me and I nodded, sitting back beside Connelly. He smiled again and returned to his room.
“He’s persistent.” Connelly said, a slight grin on his face.
“Yes he is.” I said and he looked at me, smiling. I smiled back and kissed him.

Later on that day, when we finally made it out of the store, it felt like the whole day, or at least almost of it, had went away. I, along with everyone else, was starving and we ran to a quick outdoor restaurant, ordering only the food we could pronounce, which was the spaghetti, and the ones they had pictures of.
“Come along now kids,” said Amelia as she led us back to the hotel. “We need to practice for the competition.”
“What? But we’ll miss the festival!” Dale called over all the talking around us.
“Nonsense.” Amelia said and led us into the hotel.
“It lasts all weekend and besides, the best time to go is at night. That’s when all the good stuff happens.” Mira said, smiling at him as she and Alister passed us to the elevator.
“Okay then, we’ll wait until night.” he said, not disappointed anymore. I smiled and laughed under my breath.
So, that’s what we did. We went to the club, which was empty, and danced our butts off. We all took turns, playing each of our songs while the others rested until it was their turn again. We did this for a few hours and then Amelia set us free. And what did we do? We all went straight to the pool of course. We played our music, some of us swimming around, some of us diving into the pool, and some of us resting our tired muscles in the hot tub.

“You look ravishing.” Connelly said that night as I walked out of the bathroom wearing a long red skirt and a white old timey half shirt.
“So do you.” I said, smiling at his simple but hot ensemble. He was wearing jeans, a T- shirt, and a blue cloth jacket. He smiled and took my hand, leading me out the door and then joining the others out of the hotel.
All the lanterns were lit, casting an old time feel to the celebration as we looked on at the parades that had started. It seemed like all the things that had been going on during the day had joined in one run-through of the town. There was the dancing women, the band, people giving out glasses of wine, and the people throwing out their last bit of chocolate for that day.
I personally thought it was wonderful, getting drinks, food, and all the other things that came after the parade. The people followed the parade to the docks, where it turned into a huge dinner party with music and dancing, because the wagons that were in the parade opened up into portable restaurants.
We all laughed, ate, and danced with each other, me and Louis forgetting for the thousandth time what had happened. Then later on me and Connelly walked out on the beach and watched the sunset together.