Flirting with Danger Bk 1

Yellow Mimosa

“Kota?” said a faint voice amongst all my dreams. “Kota, my love. Wake up. It’s morning.” The voice got clearer and I sleepily opened my eyes, seeing Connelly leaning over me with a heavenly smile.
“Hi.” I said, smiling and giving him a kiss.
“Hi.” he said. He ran his fingers through my hair, moving it out of my face, a soft smile at his lips. I smiled and brought him to me, kissing him and putting my hands all in his hair. He ran his hand down to my waist and slid his arm underneath me, and laying fully on me, using this to turn me over so I was on top of him.
“How do you feel about the beach?” he asked.
“But I don’t have a swimsuit.” I said.
“We’re all picking one up on the way.” he said as I changed my position and now straddled him. He smiled at me and I blinked sexily. He chuckled softly and sat up, kissing me, putting his hand on my neck. And I laughed when using his hold on my neck, he brought me back down.
“So, tell me,” I said, watching as Louis and Dale wrestled each other out into the ocean. All us girls were in beach chairs, the backs up enough for us to see what’s going on but low enough that we got good sun too.
I was lying beside Johanna with Diane beside her. “Are you and Dale together?” I asked, looking over at Johanna.
She blushed slightly and smiled, so I took that as a yes. “Yeah, we are actually. He asked me to be his girlfriend last night.”
“That’s great!” I said and we hugged. “What about you Diane?” I asked and we looked over at her.
“No, Louis and I are not together.” she said.
“Why not?” asked Johanna.
“Because we’re just friends. And besides, if I came here in a relationship, I wouldn’t get to experience all the hot Italian men.” she said, looking around.
“I’m not really attracted to the Italian sort.” I said, leaning back on my chair. I was careful not to make them think I hated them, because Amelia, Alister, and Aubrey were all Italian as far as I knew, and they were all gorgeous. “I prefer my men pure American.” I looked out over to Louis and Dale again just in time to see Connelly run and jump, sending them both into the water. Then he raised his arms in victory and whooped, but was suddenly thrown out farther in the water by Dale.
We spent most of our day at the beach, playing Frisbee, Volleyball, swimming in the ocean, and watching the boys play show off for us. Personally though, I liked the last one the best. And of course with the group of boys we had, there were a lot of laughs. But after lunch we went back to the hotel, being told by Amelia that we had to practice one last time before the contest that night, but we got a surprise as we walked into the club.
“Jack!” I said. Jack, Jason and Chase were all sitting at the bar and smiled when they saw us.
“Kota!” Jack said dramatically, standing up as I ran and jumped into a hug.
“When did you get here?” I asked, Jack letting me go so I could hug the others.
“Not that long ago. It was really Dale that set this up. He told us what hotel you were going to be at and here we are!” said Jason, taking me into a bear hug.
“I’m so happy.” I said as I let go of Jason.
“Yeah, we’ll get to see you dance.” said Jack, smiling.
“Well actually, you get to see us dance now.” I said, smiling as he gave me a mischievous look. “We’re practicing.”
“Great then, get to shakin’ it and I’ll be right here if you need anything.” he said, pointing and winking at me as he, Jason, and Chase sat back down.
I nodded and pointed back at him, mouthing, “Right.” He laughed and then me, Connelly, Louis, and Diane took to the dance floor and started to Tango. And just like the day before, we all took turns dancing while the others waited their turns.
“Are you happy?” Connelly asked later on as we Waltzed for the third time.
“Yeah I am.” I said, smiling at him. “I’m in Italy, I’m with you, I’m with my friends, all of them now, and I get a chance to split five thousand dollars with you.” He smiled and kissed me, which actually, was part of the dance. It was my favorite part.
“I’m glad you’re happy.” he said. “I want you to have a happy life.” The music stopped and he kissed me intensely, wrapping his arm around my waist and bringing me to him.
“I love you.” he said seriously, looking into my eyes.
“I love you too.” I said, not really knowing what was going on. He was starting to act weird again. Then he squeezed me tightly before leading me off the floor. As Ivan and Sue passed us, Ivan gave me a worried look that told me something was wrong.
It was almost time.
“Hey Kota, pretty intense moves.” said Jack, winking at me. I smiled but didn’t go over like I would have. Instead, I grabbed Mira’s arm and told her to come to the bathroom with me.
“What’s wrong Kota?” she asked concernedly once the door closed behind us.
“What’s going on?” I asked, looking at her. “What’s wrong with Connelly? He’s been acting really weird lately, really clingy and jealous of all the guys.”
Mira looked down and fidgeted with her hands. “He — I can’t tell you.” she said.
“Why not? Ivan won’t tell me either!” I said, going to the sink.
“Because Connelly has to tell you. It wouldn’t be right if we told you.” she said. She looked at me, but I looked down at the sink, closing my eyes. That was it, I was going to ask Connelly the first chance I got.
“Okay.” I said, and we returned back to the club. I looked around for Connelly, but he was gone. I followed Mira back over to Alister and said, “Where’s Connelly?”
“He left. Amelia sent him on an errand across town.” he said, taking a drink and looking at me curiously. “Why?”
“I just wanted to ask him something.” I said and walked over to the guys at the bar, who were watching Dale and Johanna dance.
“Man, Johanna can move.” said Jack, looking at her wide eyed.
“Forget it Jack,” I said, ordering a drink. “She’s with Dale.”
“Since when?” asked Louis, who was on the other side of me.
“Since last night at the festival.” I said, smiling at him.
“Why didn’t he tell me?” Louis looked over at Dale.
“He doesn’t tell you everything.” I said, turning around and looking at them too.
“Do you?” he asked.
“No.” I said, glancing over at him.