Flirting with Danger Bk 1

Yellow Mimosa p6

“Now, will everyone who won a small trophy please come and stand here in front of the judges.” said the microphone guy.
“Louis, come with me. I don’t want to go up there alone.” I said, looking over at them.
“I was coming anyway, whether you wanted me to or not.” he said, a slight smile on his face as he took my hand softly and led me to the line that was forming. Dale and Johanna were beside us in the line beside us, me and Dale sharing a happy smile as I squeezed his hand. He squeezed back and then we let go, awaiting the winner.
“Are we missing someone?” the microphone guy asked. He looked us all over and then looked at the paper.
“Mira Peters and Alister Montague.” I said. He looked at me, checked the paper, and then nodded.
“Do you know where they are?” he asked.
“They left.” I said.
“Okay then, they automatically forfeit the purse.” he said and then looked at the audience. “Give these wonderful participants a round of applause please.”
There was clapping and a few cheers, mostly from my table, and I smiled over at them as all us girls curtsied and all the boys bowed. “Now, for the big winner of the evening.” The microphone guy said and opened an envelope that had been lying on the podium.
“Now, we had a tie, but since Miss Peters and Mister Montague will not be joining us, they forfeit, leaving the trophy and purse to,” he paused for dramatic effect, “Dakota Riley and Connelly Peters.”
Everyone clapped loudly, the cheers from my table making me smile despite what I was feeling, and I was happy for that. I pushed away all the bad, sad feelings I had, telling me to let them out when I was alone, because for now I had to be happy, be myself. Be strong.
“Kota, you won!” Louis said happily, picking me up and spinning me around. I smiled happily, raising my hands up victoriously. Then Louis put me down as one of the lady judges brought me a large bouquet of flowers and the big trophy, a golden couple striking a romantic pose on top.
Then there were cameras flashing all over as the microphone guy brought a huge check out from under the judges table and handed it to me for the pictures. “Thank you.” I said, shaking his hand.
“I just want you to know, we didn’t give you this out of pity. It was purely from your points and talent.” he said, his face serious.
“Good, because I don’t need pity.” I said strongly, also wearing a serious look. “I can handle myself.” He looked slightly surprised by my reaction, but nodded and walked away, me smiling at his snooty little back.
“Dakota, Dakota,” a voice said and I turned to see a pretty foreign girl in a dark green and sparkly dress coming to me. “Your Tango was amazing! I’ve never seen anyone move with that kind of passion.”
“Thank you.” I said, shaking her hand with a smile.
“But I’m sorry about your partner, leaving you like that when you had another dance to do.” she said with an obvious accent that was most definitely Russian. She was taller than me, had long, thick dark brown hair and beautiful royal blue eyes.
“Yes, that was unfortunate, but the show must go on you know.” I said, in the background seeing Jack running around with my trophy over his head, yelling my name like an idiot.
“Yes.” she said, looking down for a minute. “He doesn’t deserve you.” she looked back at me, seriousness in her eyes.
I looked down slightly, reassembling myself, and then looked back up. “Thank you…?”
“Varushka. Varushka Kovalenko.” she smiled, shaking my hand.
“Thank you Varushka, call me Kota.” I said, already liking her.
“Kota, everyone’s going out back.” Louis said, coming up to us.
“Oh and this is Louis. He took over for Connelly in the Waltz.” I said, taking Louis’ proffered arm as we began walking to the back door.
“You are a most lovely dancer Louis.” said Varushka, smiling sweetly. “I’m Varushka.”
“Well thank you, but don’t short change yourself Varushka. I saw your wonderful Tango. You were amazing.” he said, kissing her hand and making her blush. As Louis straightened and came back to my other side I gave him a smart look, a smile on my face. He mirrored the look, his smile laughing.
We followed the crowd leaving the room, outside where I made sure not to look at the spot where it had happened, and followed the crowd to the left, where a large and beautiful patio was. There were canopies bordering it on two sides where the food was spread out. And out farther, off the patio, were tables set on the grass, stopping just before the beach.
“Oh, you know they have the best food here.” said Varushka, looking at Louis and I. “How many times have you been here?”
“This is our first time.” I said.
“Well then you won’t believe me until you try the food yourself.” she said.
“Varushka, there you are.” said a deep voice and we turned to see a tall and very handsome blonde boy coming over with emerald green eyes and a smile on his face.
“Kota, Louis, I’d like you to meet my partner, Sergei Gorbachov.” said Varushka, taking his arm. He and Louis shook hands like all guys do, and then he kissed my hand. I blushed slightly, looking down briefly. He smiled beautifully and then straightened, looking at Louis, who tightened his grip on my arm a tiny bit.
“Congratulations on your win.” he said, smiling at me.
“Thank you.” I said.
“Well, I hope you have a wonderful night. Our instructor wants a word with us.” he said, smiling once more and starting to leave with Varushka.
“Oh Varushka?” I said, stepping towards them.
“Yes Kota?” she said.
“I want you to have these.” I said, and gave her the flowers. “You’re a very beautiful dancer.”
“Thank you Kota.” she said, taking the flowers gratefully. “I’ve never seen a more gracious winner.” She looked at me happily.
“Oh, well thank you.” I said. I didn’t want to say that I didn’t feel I deserved to win. All these people said I was a great dancer and that my Tango was very passionate, but what they didn’t know was how much pain it had caused me. It was odd that I won because I went through severe pain.
“I have to go meet some people, but would you mind if we visited you later tonight?” she asked.
“Not at all. Come over whenever you feel the urge.” I said. She smiled and hugged me before leaving with Sergei, heading over to a table filled with more Russians.
“Well, she was nice.” Louis said as we headed to the tables closest to the beach where our group was.
“I could tell you thought so.” I said, smirking at him.