Flirting with Danger Bk 1

Yellow Mimosa p8

“Now I don’t know if it’s an Italian Valentine’s Day, or just a day to celebrate that we have women around,” he said as he stood up and went over to me, “But just figured it was the first one.”
“Is this for me?” I asked almost in a whisper. He smiled and nodded, handing me the beautiful flower and an envelope before sitting back down. “What’s this?” I asked, sitting back on the bed. He smiled and nodded, gesturing for me to open it.
I looked down at the red envelope and obliged. It wasn’t sealed so all I had to do was take out the card and I gasped when I saw it. I looked up at Louis, who was smiling proudly and then back at the card.
On the front of the card was the picture Chase had taken of me and Louis during the snow sculpting contest. The pose was definitely picture perfect, and even if I was a stranger looking at two people I didn’t know I’d still be able to tell what was going on because our faces were so full of emotion. I looked at Louis’s face in the picture, looking at me as I looked away worried, troubled, and sad. His face was so serious and passionate it almost brought me to tears.
“Look inside.” he said and I glanced at him, his face soft. I looked back at the card and opened it up, revealing what looked like a poem in Italian on red double folded parchment.
“What does it say?” I asked, looking at him.
He smiled and leaned forward, putting his arms on his knees. “It says, ‘What You Do To Me. The Good Things. My heart rejoices when you smile, and it swells with pride when you laugh, making me want to do one more idiotic thing just so I can hear that harmonious sound.’” He looked up at me and I smiled a small smile.
“‘My eyes are never tired when you’re near, not wanting to miss anything you might do.
“‘My blood starts to boil every time you pass by, my senses going wild, the smell of your hair as it whips by my nose, the sight of you looking at me, which I love,’” he looked at me as he said this last part and I kept looking at him. “‘and the feel of your skin as it brushes against mine.
“‘And lastly, I have to admit that I’m always nervous when you’re in my sights, hoping I won’t screw up in some way, this problem increasing when you let me get close to you.’” he said and leaned back in his chair.
“Louis, that’s beautiful.” I said, but he put up a hand.
“Wait, I’m not finished.” he said and started up again, me looking at the letter as he spoke.
“‘The Bad Things. My heart aches when you’re away, just the thought of you being with someone else making it crack.’” I looked at him because his voice was serious. He didn’t take his eyes off me as he spoke and I looked back at the letter.
“‘When you’re hurt I’m frantic to make it better, no matter what it takes to bring that smile back.
“‘When you cry,’” he said and paused. I looked up at him, a lump in my throat. “‘My arms are restless to hold you, to let you know that I’m here for you, to tell you that you’re not alone.’” I looked down and wiped my eyes.
“‘And finally, no matter how long it takes, my soul will always be desperate to hear those three little words.’” he said and then was silent, watching me. I was looking at the letter, a few tear drops on it, and saw three words in bold throughout the letter. And though they were in Italian, I knew what they said.
I. Love. You.
More tears came loose as my eyes fell on the words. I looked up at Louis, whose face was pained.
“I’m so sorry Kota.” he said and I went to him. He pulled me into his lap and held me tightly, but at the same time tenderly. I closed my eyes and put an arm around his neck as I cried into his shoulder.
“I should’ve never let him do this to you.” he said in my ear.
“It’s not your fault.” I sobbed. “I should have known something like this would happen.” I leaned back on the arm of the chair, Louis’s arm around my back.
“You were right you know?” I said, looking up at him. “You told me he would hurt me. You said it wouldn’t last. I should’ve listened to you.”
“Well, even though I’m happy you’re not with him anymore, I’m not happy that you’re hurt. I should’ve stopped you from getting with him in the first place.” Louis closed his eyes and took a deep breath angrily.
“It’s not your fault.” I said, “I’m the one who got with him even when you were flirting with me.” He opened his eyes and looked at me.
“You’re the one I should have been with all along.” I said, looking deep into his eyes. I saw the happiness explode in them and his face brightened substantially.
I was just beginning to lean forward when there was a knock at the door and Dale’s voice said, “Hey Kota, you in there?”
I quickly jumped off of Louis and slid to the other side of the bed, grabbing some clothes as I said, “Yeah, come in!”
Dale opened the door and came over to us, stopping when he spotted Louis in the chair trying his hardest to look innocent. He looked between us, and I knew he saw the wet spot on Louis’s shirt and my freshly tear streaked face, but acted like nothing else had happened.
“Yeah Dale?” I asked, now holding a brush, a red pleated skirt, and a white shirt.
“I — I just wanted to know when you planned on shopping, because we’re leaving this afternoon. And it’s,” he looked at his watch, “It’s eight right now and we have to be back at two.”
“I’ll be ready in just a bit. I just have to get dressed and then pack up.” I said, starting to brush my hair.
“Okay,” he said, looking between me and Louis once more. “I’ll just be in the club, with the others.” I nodded, heading to the bathroom, and he left.
“Well, you’re quite the acrobat.” said Louis, smiling at me.
“And you didn’t even help me back there.” I said, closing the bathroom door and locking it.
“Well, you seemed to have it all under control.” he said, his voice getting clearer as he moved closer to the door.
“Well, I had to since you weren’t saying anything.” I said, pulling on my skirt and then my shirt. He was silent for a few minutes and I washed my face, clearing it of mascara.
“Are you still out there?” I asked, wondering if he’d left.
“No, I’m still here.” he said, his voice very close to the door. “So, did you like it?” he asked, and now it was my turn to be quiet.