Flirting with Danger Bk 1

Yellow Mimosa p9

I paused in putting on new mascara and looked at the door. Then I quickly put on my makeup, packed my makeup bag and bathroom things, and opened the door.
Louis was leaning on the door frame. “Well?” he said, following me over to the bed, where I stuffed my bathroom bags into my clothes bags.
“Kota, I need an answer.” he said, grabbing my arm softly and making me spin around to face him. His eyes were urgent, and very vulnerable.
“It was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard.” I said, tears pooling at the edges of my eyes. Good thing I put on waterproof mascara. I thought. He sighed in relief and looked down, a smile spreading across his face.
I sat down and picked up the letter, opening it again. Louis sat next to me and watched me run my hand over the words. “You have no idea what I went through to get this.” he said, taking the card softly in his hands.
“Tell me.” I said, looking at him.
“Well, I couldn’t sleep last night, worrying about you too much. So, I went down to the club and had a drink, and I ended up venting to the bartender who told me about Festa della Donne. So, as soon as he told me that it meant the festival of women, I ran out of the hotel and started running around trying to find this special flower the guys usually use.” he said, reaching across the bed and picked up the flower.
“What is it?” I asked as he handed it to me.
“Yellow Mimosa.” he said, smiling softly at me. “But it took me forever to find this, because literally every guy in Italy was getting them. I mean I had to go through about ten stores, and in the last store I came to, he only had one flower left and there was another guy about to get it.”
“What did you do?” I asked.
“Well, it’s simple actually. This was the only Yellow Mimosa left in all of Cervia, so I fought him for it.” he said.
“What? You fought over a flower?” I asked, giving him a confused look, but not in a mean way. This was actually the sweetest thing I’d ever heard of happening, though it was kind of silly, but totally romantic.
“A very special flower.” he said. “We were only going to be here for this once, and for this one time I wanted you to have the required flower. That other guy could get his girl something else this year, I mean he lived here. But my girl wasn’t going to get anything but this.” he put his hand in mine and smiled at me. I looked at the flower with a renewed love for it and looked back at him, smiling back.
“Will you be with me?” he asked. “Be my girlfriend?”
“I’d love nothing more than that.” I said. He smiled and then kissed my hand.
“So, what’s the story on the card?” I asked, looking from the card to him.
“Well that one’s a little shorter.” he smiled. “I got Chase to make me a double of this picture and have had it ever since. So, when I was looking through the very small number of cards they had for Festa della Donne, the idea suddenly struck me. I found the only card maker in the city and had him make this up for me. I wrote the letter on my way there to see him, though this looks a lot better than the original.” he said and pulled a folded piece of paper out of his pocket, handing it to me.
I opened it and smiled at his messy quick jotted writing. It had some lines crossed out and a lot of places where I could tell he erased and started over. Then he had arrows and numbers written beside each line he hadn’t crossed out. “Can I keep this?” I asked, looking up at him.
“Sure.” he said, clearly not knowing why I wanted to keep a messy piece of paper, but I knew it would be special in the years to come.
“So, how am I going to remember what this says?” I asked, opening the card and looking at the letter.
“Just turn the page, it has it in English.” he said and took the folded parchment and folded it over like a book page. And on the other side was the same letter in English.

What You Do To Me

The Good Things
My heart rejoices when you smile, and it swells with pride when you laugh at me, making me want to do one more idiotic thing just so I can hear that harmonious sound I love so much.
My eyes are never tired when you’re near, not wanting to miss anything you might do.
My blood starts to boil every time you pass by, my senses going wild, the smell of your hair as it whips by my nose, the sight of you looking at me, which I love, and the feel of your skin as it brushes against mine.
And lastly, I have to admit that I’m always nervous when you’re in my sights, hoping I won’t screw up in some way, this problem increases when you let me to get close to you.

The Bad Things
My heart aches when you’re away, just the thought of you being with someone else making it crack.
When you’re hurt I’m frantic to make it better, no matter what it takes to bring that smile back.
When you cry, my arms are restless to hold you, to let you know that I’m here for you, to tell you that you’re not alone.
And finally, no matter how long it takes, my soul will always be desperate to hear those three little words.
I looked up at him and smiled softly.
“You’re amazing.” I said.
“Only for you.” he said, smiling softly back. Then he took my hand and we left the room, heading to the elevator and then down to the club.
“Hey Kota,” said Jack, standing up and walking over as Louis and I walked in. He pulled me into a secure hug and shook me back and forth. “How’re you doing?” he asked, looking down at me.
“I’m much better Jack, thank you.” I said, smiling up at him. He smiled back and gave me another tight squeeze before letting go and leading us over to the bar where most of the guys were at, while the girls sat at a round table nearby.
“Hey Louis, how’s it been?” asked Jason, looking at him and then quickly glancing at me.