Flirting with Danger Bk 1

California Here I Come! p2

“Now class, this is where we will be practicing. We will practice one group at a time while the others are out in the club. And while we will be taking turns between the groups, each individual group will receive two hours of practice. We’ll do this today and tomorrow, on the third day resting and preparing for the competition.” Amelia said this authoratively.

“What time is the competition again?” asked one of the kids.

“It will begin at seven-thirty and will last for a number of hours, depending on how many ties we have.” Amelia said sweetly and then ordered everyone out but the Salsa group, which included Mira, Alister, Aubrey, and Vincent.

“Well, looks like we don’t have time for jet lag.” Dale said as we entered back into the club.

“I guess not.” I said, shrugging my shoulders. “But really, who’d want to be sleeping when you could be doing this?” I said, holding my arms out to indicate the massive size of the club, which was at least six thousand square feet. It had several raised platforms farther out, and then a pair of stairs led up to several levels where we could see people sitting, eating, and dancing.

“Not me.” said Connelly, smiling softly at me.

“Let’s party!” Chase yelled and we cheered, racing out onto the dance floor. Everyone spread out, disappearing in the throng of moving bodies. I looked as they went from my sight, and then looked to Connelly. He smiled and took my hands, bringing me to him as we danced close together.

Disco lights and strobe lights washed over us, turning our skin a multitude of colors as music blared all around us, echoing off the walls and drowning out the hum of talking. It was fast beat, a grinding song, and that’s exactly what we were doing, electricity charging the air in the microscopic space between us.

I moved as sexily as I possibly could in new workout clothes, though I’m pretty sure he surpassed me in that department. He was moving so sexy that I had to concentrate on moving myself and not stop and drool. Though I guess I was doing well enough because he kept pulling me closer and looking me over, desire in his eyes.

After two intense songs he led me off the floor and over to the bar for drinks. “You dance exquisitely.” he said softly in my ear.

“You’re not so bad yourself.” I said, looking him up and down sexily. He winked and sat down on the bar stool beside me.

“So, when are these surprises going to begin?” I asked, not being able to help myself.

“Soon enough.” he said, looking at me sideways as he took a drink.

“When?” I asked.

“I’m sorry? I can’t hear you.” he said, acting like the music was too loud, but his smile betrayed him. I smiled at him and shook my head, taking a drink myself.

“Hey guys, the Tango group is up.” said Aubrey, suddenly by my side.

“Already?” I asked. “I thought we were going to get an hour each turn.”

“No, Amelia wants us all to be focusing on dancing as much as possible, so she’s doing one song with each group until the two hours is up.” said Vincent, who was behind Aubrey.

“Okay.” I said, putting down my drink and taking Connelly’s hand. We waved to them as we left the bar and as we headed for the door, I saw Louis and his partner Diane coming too. Louis’s face looked angry and hurt, but I had to look away because if I gave him any sympathy, he would never get over me. He was going to have to accept the fact that I was going to stay with Connelly, forever.

So, as we all took turns practicing and dancing in the club, time seemed to get messed up, feeling both very slow and very fast. Connelly and I danced to almost every song, taking one break on the last one before it was our turn to dance again, though thankfully it was our very last run.

As we sat down I rubbed my legs and stretched a little, my muscles hurting from moving non-stop for hours. “Are you okay Kota?” Dale asked, coming up behind me and sitting down.

“Yeah, just a little sore.” I said, wincing as my ankle and then knee popped in one stretch.

“That couldn’t have felt good.” said Dale as he ordered a drink. I shook my head and took a drink of my ice cold water, leaning back on the bar and looking out onto the dance floor.

“So, have you already picked out a dress for the competition?” Dale asked, sipping his drink.

“Yeah, I’m all ready for it.” I said, smiling at him. “You?”

“Yeah, I’m set. Me and the boys picked our tuxes out back home last weekend.” Dale said, smiling back.

“Connelly! Kota!” I heard our names being called and looked over to see Amelia waving to us. We rushed over and began our last practice run.


The Tango group drug our feet out of Costa’s one song later, all the other dancers having already left after they were done. “Oh my aching feet.” said a girl behind me. She was leaning on her friend, who was leaning back on her and looked half asleep.

“You know they have a spa here? I’m getting a massage tomorrow.” said another girl I didn’t have the energy to turn around and look at. I was too busy leaning on Connelly, who was walking a little sluggishly himself, to bother with faces and recognitions.

“You mean those massages where those women walk all over you?” asked a guy.

“Yeah, it feels great.” said the girl.

“Awesome, me too then. I’d love to have a woman on top of me.” he said and we all laughed, though tiredly.

“I’m going to stay out by the pool and get a tan.” said another girl.

“Don’t you mean a sunburn? You won’t have enough time to get a tan by Saturday.” said a boy.

“Yeah, and I’d hate to have to dance with a sunburn.” The girl agreed, changing her mind.

We eventually made it back to our rooms and changed again. I was just coming out of the bathroom from showering and changing when I spotted Connelly spread out on the couch by my bed. He didn’t even give any inclination that he’d heard me.

I walked quietly over to him, wondering if he was asleep. His face was completely relaxed and calm. “Connelly?” I said softly.

“Ha!” he said, making me scream and laugh as he grabbed me and pulled me down with him. He pinned me between the back of the couch and himself and started tickling me until I was gasping for breath.