Flirting with Danger Bk 1

California Here I Come! p3

“So,” he said as we lay taking deep breaths, “Are you ready for your surprise?”

“Really? Yeah, I’m ready.” I said eagerly, my eyes wide open as he helped me up and we left the room.

We got in the elevator and he pushed the button for the lobby. “Where’re we going?” I asked, the elevator doors opening and him leading me down the steps and out the back door.

“You’ll see.” he said, taking leisurely steps as we walked past the pools, his hand around my waist and mine around his. We walked to the edge of the concrete and stepped off into the grass, following a trail bordered by small lights into the night.

We walked for a few minutes, and just when I was about to ask him where we were going again, we stopped. “Here we are.” he said, and raised a hand to indicate a romantic sight. At the edge of the water was a boat holding a table and two chairs, a vase of flowers and two candles as a centerpiece. It looked like something that belonged in Paris.

I looked at him and he smiled, taking my hand and leading me onto the boat and then to the table. Then there was a sweet sound of a violin behind me, and when I turned I saw two women, one playing the violin, and the other beside a harp.

“What would you like this evening?” asked a voice and I turned back around to look at a tall blonde waiter dressed in a tux. He waited for my answer, but I was looking for the menus, which weren’t there.

“Uh,” I said, looking up at him, but Connelly took over.

“We’d like the special.” he said, and they nodded at each other before the waiter walked off, coming back a minute later with two wine glasses.

As the waiter left for the second time I looked at Connelly and smiled, shaking my head to tell him he was too good. He smiled back, getting my message, and took my hand. The candle light reflected in his pupils, making his red eyes brighter than usual.

“You look beautiful tonight.” he said, kissing my hand.

“Thank you. You look amazing.” I said, giving him an approving look, noting his tux and perfectly made bowtie.

“Thank you.” he said, “So, what do you think?” He indicated the scene.

“I love it.” I said, looking around as we floated away from the shore and towards the middle of the lake. “This is the first time anyone has ever done anything like this for me. Everything is perfect.” I looked back at him and he squeezed my hand.

He stood up then and came over in front of me. “Would you like to dance?” he asked, holding out his hand. I smiled and took his hand, letting him lead me away from the table and to a place in between the musicians and the table.

“Do you know why I did this?” he asked softly, wrapping his arms around my waist as I locked mine around his neck.

“Why?” I asked.

“Because what you’ve done for me.” he said. “I’m a completely different person since meeting you. I used to be in a dark world, doing my best not to be around people because I hated myself. I’d almost given up, on me, on everything, but then I met you. And everything changed. I didn’t want to stay away anymore, I wanted to get in the crowds comfortably, be accepted, be happy. Be with you.” He looked into my eyes seriously and I saw memories of darkness in his eyes.

“Connelly,” I said, putting a hand on his cheek. “I love you. And I’ll be with you forever.”

“Forever.” he said, and smiled. Then he brushed my cheek and kissed me tenderly.

We went back to our table when the food was served and lightened the subject, talking about other great things, and making sure neither one of us let slip anything suspicious since we were in mixed company. And by that I mean oblivious humans. Then afterwards Connelly took me to my room and kissed me goodnight.


The next day Connelly had room service delivered to my room for a delicious breakfast of pancakes, sausage, bacon, hash browns, eggs, and French bread. “I didn’t know what you wanted today so I just got a little of everything.” Connelly said, setting up the table out on the balcony while I stretched and yawned.

“I like a little of everything.” I said, standing up stiffly because my muscles were so sore, and going over to sit down.

“Did you sleep good?” he asked, kissing me good morning before sitting across from me.

“Of course. How could someone have the night I had and not sleep good?” I said, putting two pancakes on my plate and smoothing on some butter.

He smiled. “Good, I’m glad you enjoyed last night.” he said. “Now, how are your muscles?”

“They’re fine.” I said, not looking at him, but felt a poke at my emotions and looked at him.

“Do you still not know that I can feel when you lie to me?” he asked in an amused voice, looking at me as he drowned his French bread in syrup.

“I’m dying.” I said, giving in. “I feel like rubber.” My face was almost in agony.

“I’ll talk to Amelia.” he said. “Ivan said everyone else feels the same way.”

“I’m not surprised. We were all moving constantly for hours last night.” I said.

“So, what are we going to do today, since we’re so sore?” he asked, taking at bite of his sausage.

“You’re sore?” I asked.

“No, but if you’re sore, and everyone else is sore, I’m not going to run off playing football, though I do have to hunt.” he said, looking out at the lake as he said the last part.

“Well, whatever I’m doing today, it’s not going to require a lot of muscle use. I’m going to the pool to relax, soak in the hot tub, and then I’m going to get in the heated pool and swim a little so my muscles don’t get too tight.” I said, drinking some milk.

“Sounds like a plan.” he said. “I’m going hunting in a little while with the family. We’ll probably be gone for a few hours, depending on how far the game is.” I smiled at him and took another bite of my pancake.

We ate at a leisurely pace and then Connelly escorted me, more like acted as my crutch, down to the pool and into a lounge chair. “I’ll be back soon.” he said, leaning down and kissing me.

“You know where to find me.” I said and he smiled.

“Have fun!” I called as he walked away. I smiled after him and then laid back on my chair. I laid there for a second and then decided I really needed that hot tub. As I was struggling to get up normally, an arm went around me and pulled me up.

“Where to?” Louis asked, smiling down at me.

“Hot tub.” I said, putting an arm around his waist for support.

“Really? That’s where I was just headed. Dale and Chase are already over there.” he said as we started across the pool area.

“Where’s Connelly?” he asked, looking around.