Flirting with Danger Bk 1

California Here I Come! p4

“Hiking.” I said, suddenly remembering that they had that nearby. “He and his family went for a while.” Louis nodded, not knowing what to say I guessed.

“Hey Kota, you sore too?” Dale asked when we got over there.

“Yeah, last night killed me.” I said, wincing as the hot water made me involuntarily tense.

“It was murder.” he said.

“I knew I should have been practicing better.” said Chase, looking down and upset.

“Don’t worry man. You’ll do great tomorrow.” Louis said, sliding in beside me and giving Chase a manly pat on the back.

“How about you? How sore are you?” I asked, looking at him as he slid an arm on the hot tub behind me.

“Well, even though I did practice a lot, I’m still pretty sore. I don’t often dance for six hours straight.” he said, smiling down at me.

“What are everyone’s plans for today?” asked Dale, leaning his head back and sighing, sinking down lower into the tub.

“I’m going to be relaxing around here, going from here to the heated pool.” I said.

“Yeah, that’s a good idea, loosen the muscles up.” Louis said, nodding.

“Yeah, I was going to maybe get a massage.” said Dale.

“You mean where those women step all over you?” Louis said, his face saying that he hated the idea.

“Yeah, why?” Dale opened one eye at him.

“Because that’s stupid. Who’d want someone to walk on them? I mean I could walk on you if you like.” he said and everyone laughed.

“You’d kill me.” said Dale, closing his eye.

“What about Kota? She could walk on you. It’d have the same effect without the loss of money.” said Louis, shaking my shoulders to indicate me.

“Are you crazy? I’m not walking on anyone. Knowing me I’d probably step on your spine and break it or something.” I said, laughing and shaking my head.

“You see? You’re risking your ability to walk on a girl you haven’t even seen yet.” said Louis. “I mean, for all you know you could pay your money to get sat on by a huge girl.”

Everyone busted out laughing at that, picturing just Dale’s legs sticking out from under some woman. “Fine, I won’t go.” said Dale, laughing a little. “Besides, now you’ve got me scared of it.” Louis laughed heartily and shoved him.

Later on we got in the heated pool, which was inside, Dale and I swimming leisurely while Chase and Louis ran up to the high dive. I wasn’t really paying attention, stretching out my legs and arms at the side of the pool, when I heard my name being called. “Kota! Dale! Watch this!” Louis called down to us.

I looked up just in time to see him jump off the high dive and my heart shot to my throat. I had no idea he’d gone that high. He was going to die! Louis spun and then slapped his hands together over his head just before hitting the water. He came up and punched the air, yelling, “Yeah! Whoo!”

“I can’t believe you did that.” I said as he swam up to me and got back out.

“Why don’t you do it?” he asked, holding a hand out to me.

“What? Are you insane? I’m not going up there.” I said, shaking my head urgently.

“You scared?” he asked, now wearing a mocking smile.

“Maybe a little.” I said, breaking into a smile too.

“Well I promise not to let you fall off.” he said, still holding out his hand. “Come on.”

“Uh-uh. There’s no way you’re getting me up there.” I said, looking at him seriously and shaking my head. He gave me a doubtful look.

“I can’t believe you got me up here.” I said, latched to his side as he walked to the edge of the high dive.

“It’s okay Kota.” he said, putting his arm around me. “I won’t let anything happen to you.” He looked down at me and smiled.

“Come on Kota, you can do it!” Dale called from below and Chase cheered.

“What if I hit the bottom?” I asked. “What if I hit wrong and break a hip? How am I supposed to dance then?”

“You won’t hit bottom. And if you do, somehow manage to break a hip by hitting the water wrong, then I will Waltz with you in a wheelchair.” He’d sounded amused as he said all this, but at the end he grew a serious air, his look not funny anymore.

I looked up at him and didn’t know what to say. I could see in his eyes he was picturing us, me in a wheelchair, Waltzing on a dance floor. Then I looked over the edge and down to the water, which to me looked a mile below, but I was already up here so why not.

“You can do it.” he said, stepping back to give me room. I looked back at him, he gave me a nod and smile, and I dove off. I slapped my hands together above my head and straightened, closing my eyes and waiting for the splat of me against the pool bottom, but it never happened.

I entered the water like a torpedo and pulled upwards a little so I didn’t head straight down, and when I stopped moving I was still in one piece. As soon as I surfaced Dale grabbed me up in his arms and spun me around, calling me fearless, or some such nonsense.

“Kowabunga!” Louis yelled as he catapulted himself off the high dive and did flips in the air, straightening just before hitting the water. A wave went through the pool and then he came up right in front of me, a smile cast broadly on his face.

“Hip still intact?” he asked.

“Perfect.” I said.

“Dude, that was awesome!” Dale said, coming up and high fiving Louis. Then Chase came up behind them and tossed both of them in the water. I laughed as they sputtered coming back up, but quickly stopped when they looked at me.

“What’re you laughing at Kota?” asked Dale, both him and Louis coming slowly towards me. I shook my head, giggling nervously because I knew they were going to get me.

“Ha!” Chase yelled suddenly, jumping on top of Dale and dragging him down. “Run Kota!” he yelled and I jumped out of the pool just before Louis reached me.

“Ha, ha!” I said, giving him a smart-elec look and wiggling from side-to-side.

“Do you really think I’m stopping at the pool?” he asked, cocking an eyebrow at me and lifting himself halfway out of the pool.

“Oh yeah.” I said and stopped wiggling. He smiled and was raising himself out of the pool more when I pushed him back in with my foot on his chest. I laughed when he went back in the water, but then started running when he jumped back up and grabbed for me.

He quickly heaved himself out of the pool and started after me, laughing deeply as he chased me around the pool. I stopped behind a line of lounges, him on the other side. I moved from side-to-side, him following my every step, and then managed to escape when a group of teenagers walked in front of me.

I heard him laugh as I walked away, camouflaged in the crowd, separating when they turned down a hall and went inside the hotel. I put my back on the wall and slid to the doorway of the pool. I took a quick breath and then looked, letting out a quick scream when Louis grabbed me and slung me over his shoulder, laughing heartily and making me shake.

“You’re good Kota.” he said, and then launched me back over his shoulder and into the pool, me screaming all the way.