Flirting with Danger Bk 1

California Here I Come! p8

“In second place, with their beautiful Bachata is Pierre and Sasha Carezo.” Applause erupted as another couple walked up to receive their trophy, followed by the third and final couple in third place for their Rumba.

“Here we go.” said Ivan as the man put the microphone to his lips again.

“Now, for the champions in our youth competition.” He looked down at the same letter as before, the adult winners lined up beside him and smiling. “In first place is Mira Peters and Alister Montague, for their astonishing Salsa. The most dramatic and elaborate Salsa I’ve ever seen in a youth couple.”

The room thundered with applause, our table whistling and cheering as Mira and Alister smiled and headed across the room to their trophy. I whistled loudly, still happy for them even though they hated my guts, but I was in too good of a mood to be mad.

“In second place,” he took a dramatic pause, “is MarySue Baxter and Ivan Peters for their wonderful Swing performance.” Sue screamed as she jumped up and hugged Ivan. I grabbed her hand happily as she and Ivan passed me to follow after Mira and Alister.

“And in third are Dakota Riley and Connelly Peters.” Our table exploded with cheers and catcalls as my boys cheered me on. I smiled, blushing deeply as Connelly took my hand and led me across the dance floor towards the man, holding a small trophy and a polite smile.

“Congratulations.” he said, handing me the trophy and Connelly a certificate labeling them a winner of the competition.

“Thank you.” I said, shaking his hand and going to the end of the line on his other side, beside Sue and Ivan. Next, Aubrey and Vincent won for their touching Waltz.

“Give a round of applause for our winners!” he said and the whole room was filled with cheers, and whistles. All of us winners bowed and curtsied, smiling and waving. Then the microphone was handed back over to the DJ, who put on a fast beat booty shakin’ song, the dance floor flooding with the rest of the dancers.

I rushed over to my table to put up the certificate and trophy, just before being spun around and grabbed up in a bear hug. “I’m so happy for you!” Dale said, squeezing and shaking me from side-to-side.

“Thanks Dale, but could you let me go? I’m getting lightheaded.” I gasped out and he released me.

“Oh, sorry Kota. I was just so happy.” he said apologetically.

“It’s fine. You know, I thought you’d win for sure. You were great out there.” I said, looking out at the crowd of moving bodies.

“Nah, I don’t care about that. Sue and Ivan were much better, but Cindy’s really upset about it.” he said, shaking his head in a disappointed and annoyed way.

“Oh, I’m sorry.” I said.

“Don’t be sorry. She only got in this for the money anyway. Selfish girl, I’m gonna go tell her we’re through in a minute.” he said, looking at me.

“Well, good luck then.” I said and he smiled. He hugged me one last time and then pushed his way through the crowd. I looked after him, my eyebrows raised and my mouth in an “O”. She’s in for a surprise. I thought and then slipped into the crowd to find Connelly.

I found him leaning on the DJ station waiting for me, smiling when our eyes met. I was already moving to the music and wiggled a finger at him to come here. He raised his eyebrows twice and walked over sexily, grabbing my waist and bringing me to him, me raising my arms and proceeding to seduce him.

We danced the night away, munching on chips for dinner while we chatted with friends and fellow dancers on our breaks. And it was well after midnight when we finally made it out, the very beginning of dawn starting up, but since we were leaving really early anyway we all pulled together and got ourselves ready, boarding the plane without one minute of sleep. I was so tired Connelly practically had to carry me to my seat in the plane and I slept all the way home, along with almost everyone else.