Flirting with Danger Bk 1

Meeting "Our Family"

Friday…… It was Friday.

Yes, I think we’ve established that it is in fact Friday. Ivan said.

I was psyched. It was Friday and I was psyched.

Ivan sighed.

I was meeting Connelly’s parents tonight. Tonight.

Yes you are. Congratulations, you get to meet everyone you’ve already seen. Again. You must be so excited. Ivan said sarcastically. I mentally slapped him on the chest and he laughed.

“I’m not talking about you.” I said, rummaging through my closet frantically.

Oh, so you don’t want to meet me again? Ivan said and I sighed exasperatedly. He laughed and I smiled.

It was two o’clock on Friday and our school was having one of those holidays where the teachers go to some convention or store or something. I didn’t remember. Sue and I had spent half the day at the mall with Ivan and Connelly.

We had fun, laughing almost the entire time. I think though the guy’s favorite part was when Sue and I tried on clothes and showed them. Yes, Connelly had a permanent smile on his face and Ivan’s was so red the whole time, no doubt from what Sue was thinking. And I think what made Connelly even happier was that I let him pick out which clothes for me to get and he also paid for more clothes I definitely couldn’t afford.

“Which outfit would you think was appropriate for me to wear to meet your parents?” I asked.

Well, —Now wait a minute. Why are you asking me this instead of Sue? I’m not a girl. Ivan said.

“He’s got a point there, Kota.” Connelly said as he reclined back in my desk chair, his hands behind his head. I was over by the closets and looked back at him, seeing a smile on his face.

“What about that blue strapless shirt I got you and the jean skirt you got? Or that short black backless dress I got you?” Connelly asked, smiling sexily at me. I looked at him and smiled back.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” I said.

“Why not?” he asked, still smiling. He was standing now and took a step towards me.

I turned back around and said, “I don’t think it’s what your parents would like so much as you.”

“Yeah, and your point is?” he said, walking up behind me and grabbing my waist, burying his face in my hair.

I giggled and said, “What about you Ivan? You got anything?” I looked in my closet and made sure to look at all of my new clothes, knowing that Ivan could see them through my eyes.

How about that yellow one there, and those pants right there? he said and a picture of both items showed up in my head.

“That’s perfect!” I exclaimed happily. Connelly let me go and I lunged at the clothes and then ran into the bathroom, locking the door.

“At least they were both something I bought.” Connelly said, sounding disappointed that I hadn’t pick the things he suggested. I smiled and shook my head.

The yellow shirt Ivan had picked out was beautiful. It had wide straps and was pleated in the front with a band below that to show off my small waist and then flowed down after that. It was a long shirt and looked perfect paired with the dark blue skinny jeans.

I dressed quickly and then came out to get my boots. Connelly was sitting on my bed waiting, and when I walked out he looked at me with his mouth slightly open.

Apparently, you look really good. Ivan said.

What is he thinking? I asked.

You don’t want to know. Ivan said.

I blushed, looking down slightly. Then I went back to my closet and put on my high heeled black boots. I turned around then and was within inches of Connelly, who was smiling. I heard a whisper of a growl.

I looked at him, giving him a sexy look, teasing him a little. “So, what do you think?” I asked, cocking my head to the side. He took a deep breath, exhaling a growl and then kissed me, his arms encircling me.


It took some time, but I finally pulled Connelly off of me and we went to his mustang, though it probably took so long because, well, it’s not like I was trying that hard.

“Isn’t this going to be weird?” I asked as Connelly drove.

“Why? Because you all met when they were protecting you from me?” he asked, looking over at me with a smile.

“Yeah.” I smiled back. That event had been horrible. Well, at least the beginning had been. Though that fight with Mira had been big. The whole week during school, everyone but Mira and Alister had been nice to me. Now Mira never even glanced at me in Math and Alister glared at me every time he saw me.

“Probably.” he said, “But they still want you to come over so they can get to know you under normal circumstances.”

“What part of this do you think is normal?” I asked and he looked at me. Then we both smiled and started laughing.

We drove happily along, holding hands, going past our town and down these long, winding roads deep into the woods at blinding speeds. Then, we pulled into this Weeping Willow lined driveway. I looked at Connelly with excitement and nervousness and he smiled, reflecting the same feelings.

After a few minutes, the trees stopped and we came into a beautiful field. My eyes were wide, trying to take in every splendor as we followed the road curving to the right.

A huge Victorian mansion sat at the back of the field, mahogany wood darkened by age, had a turret on both ends, a dark green roof, and a humongous shop a little ways behind it. It looked perfect for vampires. In front of the house a little ways was a large fountain.

In the middle of the stone ring and water, a cliff’s edge jutted out and standing on the edge looking very noble, was a stag. The water sprung out of his antlers while still more flowed over all of his body, making it look like his fur was blowing in the wind. I awed at the beauty of it all.

We neared the house on the right side, turning to the left and followed the road to a loop in front of the house, stopping before the door. As Connelly turned off the engine and got out, I was suddenly overcome by fear. What if they hated me for what happened with Mira? What if Mira was so angry that she acted horrible, or didn’t even come down at all? What if I had ruined my chances with them by just what happened, even if it eventually turned out good?

My door opened and I looked up at Connelly. He looked down at me, concerned. “Everything will be fine. I promise Mira will behave herself.” he said, a smile coming into his face. I smiled and took his hand. We walked up to the door, which was very large and very beautiful.

“So, what do you think of our humble abode?” Connelly asked, looking at me.

I was looking up at the door and smiled. “It’s beautiful. I love the gothic look.”

“Really?” he said, seemingly surprised.

“I’ve always had a thing for the Middle Ages. I love everything about it. Knights in shining armor, horse drawn carriages, the fashion, the houses, and they spoke more intelligently. Their idea of the rich wasn’t just about money, but about knowledge too. I love that.” I said, glancing at him and seeing his grin.

“Yes, that seems to have slipped away in the past centuries.” he said and I smiled. He took my hand just as the door opened.

“Kota,” Amelia said, looking at both of us, “Come in.” She opened the door more, stepping to the side to make room for us. Connelly squeezed my hand and stepped inside, me following close behind.