Flirting with Danger Bk 1

Meeting "Our Family" p5

“We are more closely linked with humans. But the problem still remains that thirty generations isn’t enough to know how we age. Every one of our relations and generations are still alive, except for the ones who perished in the frequent hunts by Dracula.” Mathias ended and looked slightly away from me, deep in thought.

I looked down, sad for all of the ones who died. This was horrible. Then there was a growling sound come from my stomach. I blushed and looked up. Mathias and Connelly were looking at me, Connelly with a sweet smile.

“Come on, Kota. Let’s get something to eat.” Connelly got up and took my hand.

“Thank you for telling me all this.” I said, looking at Mathias.

“It was my pleasure.” he said and smiled caringly at me. I smiled back and then followed Connelly out of the room, down the stairs, and into the sitting room.

“You go ahead and get in the car. I’ll be right back.” Connelly said.

“Okay.” I said. He kissed my hand and then disappeared. I smiled and then left the house.


Alister was trying to comfort Mira, who was raging in her room. Aubrey sat in the window seat, looking out the window, while Vincent and Ivan shared the couch. Ever since the day before, Mira had been angry and upset, barely ever coming out of her room. And because of this, Alister also got testier than usual.

Alister sat on the bed while Mira paced back and forth in front of him. He begged her to sit down, but she wouldn’t hear of it.

“That disgusting little human.” she said with disgust. “How dare she do that to me. And what she said to Alister — She doesn’t know who she’s dealing with.” She seethed again for the thousandth time and paced even faster.

“Actually, she does.” Ivan said. Mira and Alister snapped their heads in his direction.

“What?” they both said in unison.

“She knows that neither of you can hurt her because of Connelly. She’s not scared of you.” Ivan said, looking at them both.

“Maybe, but not for much longer.” Mira said.

“No!” Aubrey said, looking at her.

“Don’t you understand?” Vincent said, looking at them like they should.

“What?” Mira snapped.

“She doesn’t want to fight with you. She just wants you to get over yourself. Both of you. All she wants to do is be closer to you, like she is with us. She loves all of us. You two too, even though she’s scared of you. And if you just let down your guards for just one minute, you might be able to see that she’s not out to get you. Mira. Alister.” Vincent said, lecturing them. They both glared at him, but he knew that they had heard him.

“Wow. That was amazing Vincent. And you don’t even have Ivan’s gift.” Aubrey said, running and jumping in his arms.

“Thanks babe.” he said, smiling proudly. “What can I say?”

“Yeah.” Ivan said, patting him on the shoulder. “Besides, we talked about it earlier.”

Aubrey slapped Vincent’s chest and he said, “Hey!” They laughed and then the bedroom door flew open, Connelly stepping inside, steaming hot.

He looked straight at Alister and said, “What’s your problem? What reason did you have to say that to her, huh?” He walked inside and slammed the door shut behind him.

“What?” Vincent asked.

“What did he say?” Aubrey asked.

“It’s not so much what he said as how and for seemingly no reason he said it.” Connelly said.

“Yeah, but it would help if we could know what he said.” Aubrey said, but then stopped because Ivan was sending them all Connelly’s memory of it.

“Alister!” Aubrey said, narrowing her eyes at him. “That was uncalled for.”

“What? I can hardly stand it! Constantly feeling all those emotions coming from her. It’s like she’s in heat or something. A love sick puppy dog. Personally it disgusts me and I’m tired of it.” Alister ranted.

Connelly didn’t say anything while the others hammered on Alister about what he did. Truthfully, Connelly thought it was cute, sweet, the way Kota was. He smiled slightly, remembering the emotions he got from her every day.

“That doesn’t mean you need to do that to her. She can’t help it. She loves him!” Aubrey yelled angrily at him.

“What did we just talk about? She doesn’t want to fight!” Vincent said.

“I know she can’t help it and this happened before we talked about it!” Alister defended himself.

Mira didn’t say anything, but just watched. Her eyes were glazed over, deep in thought. She had never thought about that……