Flirting with Danger Bk 1

Sleighs, Sculptures, and Salsa on Ice

I opened my eyes and let out a fast breath. I was holding tightly onto my covers, but the cold still chilled me to the bone. I was so cold! I sat up and looked out my window for an explanation.

The window revealed that it was very early, showing the colors indicating dawn, but that’s not what I gaped at. The window was almost completely covered with snow and ice, making it almost impossible to see through.

My eyes widened and I smiled from ear-to-ear. It was the first really big snow of the season. Officially winter.

I jumped up out of bed, gasping at the biting cold of my room, and after shoving my feet in a pair of boots and grabbing my coat, I ran downstairs, flinging myself out the door. I stood on the porch, beaming at all of the beautiful snow laid out perfectly before me, untouched even out to the road.

I sighed happily.

I smiled, looking over at Sue’s house, when a thought struck me. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my cell phone. I flipped it open and dialed Sue’s number.

“Hello?” she mumbled sleepily and I heard her yawn.

“Wake up.” I said.

“Oo, it’s so cold.” she said, exhaling deeply. “Why is it so cold?”

“Look out your window.” I said. I heard the faint sound of covers rustling and then I heard her sharp intake of breath.

“Welcome to the first real day of winter.” I said. “Come outside. I’m standing on my porch.” I said.

“Okay.” she said and hung up. I replaced my phone in my pocket and waited. A few minutes later Sue burst out of her front door in her pj’s and overcoat. She looked over at me and whooped.

“It’s Winter!” I yelled happily. Then we ran to each other, grabbing each other’s hands and running and in a circle. We laughed and shouted gleefully.

I loved winter. It was my favorite time of the year, the time when everyone drank hot cocoa, ate soup and stew, wore coats and fuzzy boots, and went skiing and snowboarding.

“Let’s get the guys together and celebrate.” I said.

“Which ones? Dale and the boys or Ivan and Connelly?” Sue asked, her jumping slowing to a stop.

“Both.” I said happily.

“But they don’t get along with the twins.” she said.

“No, they get along fine, it’s Louis who doesn’t and he can choose to come or not.” I said. Sue nodded, a small smile on her face and she put a hand on my shoulder.

“I’m fine. I just don’t want anything to ruin my happy mood.” I said and she nodded.

“Well, we should go get ready if we’re gonna go paint the town.” she said and I nodded. We returned back into our own houses to get ready. I adjusted the thermostat before heading upstairs, and jumped in the shower.

I dressed in a long knitted white tunic with black leggings and my favorite fuzzy high heeled boots. I wasn’t wearing a coat because the long tunic was really kind of a sweater and I had another shirt underneath it. I curled my hair and put on my knitted white matching toboggan.

“Ivan?” I asked.

You rang? he said.

“Yes, can you tell Connelly to come see me as soon as he can?” I asked as I checked that my toboggan was straight.

Does this arrival call for a car in the driveway? he asked.

“No. I need him to suddenly appear in my room actually. You know, the whole genie thing.” I said, putting on my peppermint lip gloss.

I’ll see what I can do. he said in an amused voice.

“Thanks.” I said. I capped my gloss and was just putting it back in my purse when I suddenly felt a burst of cold air and then heard a voice make a “poof” sound behind me.

I spun around and saw Connelly standing beside my bed wearing a genie hat and the matching robe with jeans and a long sleeve shirt underneath. I put a hand to my mouth, laughing, as he smiled and then bowed in a flamboyant way. “You summoned me?” he said, looking up at me humorously.

I smiled, shaking my head slightly. “Connelly, you’re —”

“Connellenii.” he said, still in bowed position and looking up at me.

“Connellenii.” I smiled, on the edge of laughter. “You can stand up straight now.”

“Thank you, master.” he said, straightening.

“How long is this going to go on?” I asked, hand on my hip.

“As long as you wish.” he smirked.

“Okay.” I said, a mischievous smile on my face. I walked forward slowly, going around him like I was examining him while he stood straight and still, a smile at his lips as he watched me. I stopped in front of him appraisingly. We locked eyes, mine no doubt oozing mischief while his cherry red beauties said, “You’re bad”.

“You’ll do.” I said, turning around dismissively, but with a smile. Then suddenly, with very soft thudding of quick footsteps, Connelly grabbed me, making me yelp in surprise, and start laughing as he tickled me.

“Stop! Stop, I can’t breathe!” I said. He put me down and when I turned around to face him, he was smiling.

“So, what’s up?” he asked.

“Well, since today is the first really big snowfall of the year, I was wondering if you and Ivan would like to celebrate with me and Sue.” I looked up at him persuasively, trying to look as innocent and as cute as possible.

“Sure.” he said and I smiled.

“Great!” I said. I grabbed him and gave him a long intense kiss, messing up his turban and hair as I did so. He squeezed me tighter, picking me up slightly and growling.

Eventually, we broke apart, me fixing my toboggan and hair, while his turban was almost unraveled and his hair was sticking up in several different directions. He looked dazed and his eyes were unfocused as he swayed slightly from side-to-side. “Whoa.” he said.

“Come on,” I said, smiling seductively as I took his hand and led him to the door. “The guys will be here any minute.” I was just about to touch the door handle when he stopped moving. I looked back at him and he had stopped swaying, his eyes focused again, on me.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, trying not to act like I’d been caught.

“Guys?” he said. “You mean Dale, Chase, and Louis?”

“And Jack and Jason.” I said. “They’re the guys from my job.” He kept looking at me and then smiled.

“So that’s what that kiss was.” he said. “It tasted mischievous.” He looked sideways at me and smiled again. “I’m not going.”

“What? Why?” I asked, walking back toward him.

“I’m not welcome.” he said.

“You are welcome. It’s just Louis who has a problem and he can leave if he’s going to be a butt head.” I said, taking his other hand.

“I can’t.” he said persistently.

“You have to. You’re my boyfriend. I don’t want to celebrate without my boyfriend.” I said, looking at him pleadingly.

“I’ll tell you what. You go and celebrate with the guys today and then celebrate with me tomorrow.” Connelly looked at me softly. I looked down, not wanting to agree with this, but knowing I had no choice. He lifted my face with one finger to look at him.