Flirting with Danger Bk 1

Sleighs, Sculptures, and Salsa on Ice p6

“I’ll pick them out.” he said and then proceeded to rummage through my closet. I stepped back, and then went over and sat on my bed to wait like a good girl.
Connelly picked out a long black winter dress he had bought me that came to just below my knees, some sleek black boots, and a white scarf for contrast. He laid it all out on the bed and then said, “Now, I’m going to go outside and prep our ride while you get ready.”
“Okay.” I said and smiled. He kissed me twice and then whisked out the door.
When I walked out the door, I saw a sleigh drawn by two beautiful black Friesians. My mouth gaped open when I saw Connelly suddenly appear in front of it wearing a coat with coat tails and a top hat. He bowed and smiled, holding his hand out to indicate the sight.
“What do you think?” he asked.
“It’s the sweetest and most beautiful thing anyone has ever done for me.” I said in awe as I walked towards him.
“I’m glad you like it.” he said, smiling softly.
“And you look the part perfectly.” I commented, looking him up and down appreciatively.
“So do you.” he said. “I picked that dress specifically for this day.”
“How long have you been planning this for?” I asked as he led me towards the horses.
“A while.” he said. “You have no idea how long it took me to learn how to drive this thing.” he smiled and I giggled a little.
Then he stopped in front of one horse and said, “And these will be our transportation for the day.”
“They’re beautiful. What are their names?” I asked, walking around to the other one.
“Well, this one is Saxon and the one you’re by is Silver.” he said, petting Saxon like they had been friends forever. “These boys are twins, but they’re closer than others.” He took my hand and helped me into the sleigh.
“What do you mean?” I asked as I sat down.
“They’re bound by more than blood.” he said and then hopped up in the seat next to me.
“Now m’lady, let us be off.” he said.
He was just about to move the reins when I said, “Wait. You’re not going to be back here with me?”
“Someone has to drive, Kota.” he looked back at me.
“Well then, let someone else drive then. I want you back here with me.” I said.
“But I’ve been practicing forever! This will be the first time I’ll be able to show you my impressive skill!” he begged.
“Ivan,” I said.
“Ivan’s getting ready to take Sue out on their own little excursion.” he said.
“Vincent?” I suggested.
“He and Aubrey are in Switzerland. They and my parents won’t be back until the end of the week.” he smiled at me, like he thought he had won.
“Who’s left?” I asked, fearing the name.
“Well, Mira is in Russia at the moment, so the only one left is Alister.” he said.
“Why isn’t he with Mira? Did they have a fight?” I asked, still worried that I might have been the cause of it.
“Yes they have. But you know, this would actually be perfect for him. He’s been moping around the house all weekend, sniffling and laying about like he was going to die or something. I’ll be right back.” he said and then disappeared.
A few minutes later, Connelly came walking up beside the carriage wearing jeans, a white sweater, and his top hat. Behind him came Alister, who was wearing the driver’s outfit Connelly had previously worn with another top hat. He was mumbling angrily under his breath and sniffling.
“Why couldn’t you drive?” asked Alister.
“Because Kota wants me back there with her.” Connelly said as he stood by the diver’s steps and waited impatiently for Alister.
“Well, why doesn’t she just sit up there with you? I don’t feel like doing anything.” said Alister. I’ll admit I was still scared of him, but there was something about the way he was acting that made me look at him again and lean closer to see what it was.
“Come on, you’ve been sniffling and lazing around all weekend. You keep acting like you’re going to keel over any minute.” Connelly gave him a look.
“That’s because I’m sick!” Alister said angrily, looking up at Connelly in annoyance.
“Oh, is that what that was? Oh well, you’re already out here, might as well do it. Besides, it’s not like it’s a very straining job. All you do is sit and steer the horses.” Connelly said and started to help Alister as he took his first step up to the driver’s seat.
“He’s sick Connelly. He doesn’t have to drive. I’ll get up there with you so we can still be together.” I said and stood up.
“Yes, please.” Alister said, stepping back down and backing up.
“No, Alister’s going to drive. I want you to see what it’s like riding in a sleigh.” Connelly said and gestured for me to sit back down.
“No he’s not. He’s sick and he’s going to be out in this weather? He’ll catch his death!” I argued, not sitting down but leaning on the side of the sleigh so I could see better.
“He can’t die from a cold, so he’ll be just fine.” said Connelly, pulling Alister back towards the steps and helping him up them.
“Though that doesn’t mean it won’t feel like it.” Alister complained, but didn’t fight back. He was in the driver’s seat now and holding the reins ready.
“Just a little discomfort. It won’t kill you.” Connelly said as he hopped up beside me.
“Connelly,” I said.
But he waved towards Alister and said, “Let’s go.”
Alister lifted the reins and tapped the horses with them, making them lurch forward into an easy trot. I sighed, feeling bad for Alister, and looked down.
Connelly lifted my face with one finger, saying, “Don’t worry about him. With all the things he’s done to you? Besides, he owes me one.” he smiled softly and said just as softly, “Be happy. Today, or this morning really, is all for you.”
I smiled a small smile, still feeling bad. And of course he could feel it because he gave me a stern look and then kissed me. After that I felt much better and kind of agreed with him. Alister had done some horrible things to me, so why should I feel bad for him when he never did for me?
We went across town, marveling at all the beautiful snow we had during the night, and how cool it was to be riding through the town this early in the morning.
“I’m getting a little cold.” I said, putting my arms around me.
“Oh, I almost forgot.” he said in a way that told me he really hadn’t and was just waiting for the perfect time to bring it out. “We have refreshments.” He pulled a thermos and two cups out from under our seat and poured us some cocoa.
“Thank you.” I said gratefully.
“You’re welcome.” he said and took a drink of his cocoa. Then he looked up at me, trying to be all suave, but faltered when I started laughing. “What?” he asked, smiling.
“You have a hot chocolate mustache.” I said and laughed some more. He laughed too and then kissed me so I would have one too. He laughed even harder when my face turned red.
We got through town without seeing one person until we were just about to leave town. In the middle of the town square was a man in front of an easel. He looked like a jolly old fat man, and when he saw us he did a double take, his mouth slightly open.
“Sir? Sir, may I have a word?” he said, standing up and walking towards us.
“Alister stopped the sleigh smoothly in front of the man. Then Connelly smirked at me before jumping out and going over to the man. While they were talking I looked up at Alister, whose back now slumped over as he rested his arms on his knees.