Flirting with Danger Bk 1

Sleighs, Sculptures, and Salsa on Ice p7

I thought for a moment and then looked underneath my seat. I found another cup and poured some cocoa in it. I got on the seat opposite me and tapped him on the shoulder. He stiffened and looked over his shoulder at me. “What?” he said roughly, but I ignored it.
“Here, this will help you feel better.” I said, holding out the cup for him.
He looked at the cup and then at me. “Thanks, but I don’t need it.” he said and turned back around. I opened my mouth to say something, but closed it again. I set the cup beside him on his seat and slid down in the seat, rejected.
Connelly was still talking to the man and I watched him for a minute. Then out of the corner of my eye, Alister picked up the cup and took a drink, sighing in relief.
“I’m sorry I made you do this.” I said.
“It’s not your fault.” he said tiredly and I looked up at him. That was the first nice thing he had ever said to me. I just knew my mouth was hanging open.
“I still feel bad.” I said.
“Well, don’t. Besides, Connelly was right. I owe him one.” he said and then took another drink.
I was just about to say something else when Connelly came back and said, “Great news. He wants to paint us! He says we’ve done everything perfectly. And he’ll give us copies no charge!”
Alister sighed and I glanced up at him. “But Alister,” I said, but Connelly shook his head.
“He owes me. Besides, he looks fine!” Connelly said and then made me move to our original seat.
“Okay!” he called to the man, who was moving closer to us. “We’re ready!” The old man looked up and nodded, and then began to work.
As we sat there stone still, my mind wandered back to the three problems I now had. I had to find out how to get Connelly to let Alister go home, I had figure out a way to make things right between Mira and Alister, and I had to come up with an excuse about the Louis thing in case Ivan ratted me out. Okay, now how do I do that? I thought, sighing mentally.
Hey Kota, how’s it going? Ivan’s voice asked, and I mentally jumped, hiding my previous thoughts like a forbidden cookie behind my back.
Oh hi Ivan! What’s up? I said, overdoing it just a little as I tried not to sound guilty.
Nothing, really. Just wanted to check up on you. How’re things going? he asked.
Oh, they’re going great. We’re getting painted in the square right now. How are you and Sue doing? I asked, trying to get the spotlight off me.
Well she’s still sleeping right now actually, but I’m at the grocery store. I’m going over her house to watch some movies and cook for her. he said.
That’s so romantic! Ivan, she’s going to love that. I said, letting out a soft sigh of ecstasy.
I hope so. he said. He was silent for a minute and I wondered if he was gone. Should I ask him about Alister or not?
I don’t think I’m the right person to tell you. Ivan said suddenly and I almost jumped.
Why not? I asked.
It’s not my place, and don’t worry about him and Mira. Their problems will work themselves out in time. he said.
You think so? I asked.
I’m sure of it, but I have to go now. he said.
Okay. Good luck with Sue. I said.
Thanks. Oh, and I’m not going to rat you out. he said.
Sorry about that. I said.
It’s okay, I just wanted you to know. I’ll talk to you later. he said. I waved at him mentally and he waved back, his figure disappearing.
I blinked a couple times, coming back to reality, and looked over at Connelly. He looked over at me and smiled, taking my hand and squeezing it. I smiled back and kissed him, feeling even happier as I saw the love for me in his eyes. He brushed my cheek with his hand, looking deep into my eyes, and kissed me once more before returning to his original position for the picture.
We sat there for I didn’t know how long, but by the time we were done, the sun was finally peaking up over the horizon and a few people were starting to walk around. Connelly jumped out of the sleigh and walked over to the man.
I watched Connelly for a minute, and then turned my attention over to Alister. “Alister, are you feeling alright?” I asked.
“Don’t worry about me. I’m well enough.” Alister took another sip of his cocoa and then looked at the cup. “But I could use another drink.” Not looking back, he held his cup out to me.
I smiled and refilled his cup. “Here.” I said and gave it to him.
“Thanks.” he said roughly and I smiled again. I looked over as Connelly made his way back over to us, and I leaned back in my seat with a smile.
“Okay, we’ll have our copies by tomorrow and I went ahead and paid him anyway. He was just so nice.” Connelly said as he sat beside me.
“Great, how did they look?” I asked.
“They looked amazing. That man’s a genius painter.” he said, taking my hand and smiling as Alister started us off again.
We drove around some more, turning off on a trail through the woods, and finally stopped in a nice clearing almost completely taken up by a frozen pond. “Now,” said Connelly, reaching under the opposite seat and bringing out a stereo and two pairs of ice skates, “We come to the highlight of the morning.”
I raised my eyebrows and smiled as we both strapped the skates to our feet. Then Connelly stepped out of the sleigh and held out a hand for me. I took it, letting him help me down and then lead me to the edge of the pond. “Wait, you know how to ice skate right?” he asked, looking at me with a furrowed brow.
“Of course.” I said, like I was surprised he would think I didn’t. “How can you live here and not know how to ice skate?” I smiled and took the first step out onto the pond, turning and sliding backwards while giving him a cute smile.
He grinned and followed after me, looking all cool with his hands behind his back. I turned my back to him and twirled, looking like a ballerina. I felt his hands on me and opened my eyes, taking one of his hands and putting my other hand on his shoulder.
“So, just what are we going to do out here in the woods?” I asked as our spinning slowed.
“We’re going to do something perfect for winter weather.” he said and a smile spread across his face as he stopped our spinning completely. “We’re going to Salsa.”
“Well, that is perfect winter dancing.” I said.
He kissed me and then said, “Alister.” Alister started the music and then slid down into the seats to get more cocoa. As the music floated out of the radio, Connelly held me closer, and then we danced.
We danced spectacularly, or at least I thought so, since we were doing it in ice skates. As we danced we glided around the whole pond and there was so much fire between us I was surprised the pond didn’t melt right out from under us. And after a while, at the end of a numerous number of songs, Connelly said, “Well, we better get you home before you have to go out with the guys.”