Flirting with Danger Bk 1

Definitely the Best Birthday of My Life!

Well, another month passed since the day I met Connelly and I must say that it had been a both wonderful and frightening four months. What with the first sight of him that nearly stopped my heart cold, the encounter with him while on his hunt in the theater, the moment when I realized he was in fact not human but vampire, and the very moment when I realized that I had fallen in love with him. It looked as though I had conquered one big thing each month. Connelly seemed to have a schedule.
By Christmas I’ll be running away with him to get married. I thought as I stood in the bathroom in front of the mirror examining myself.
My birthday was this month, the twenty-fourth to be exact, and I was excited to see what Connelly was going to do. He’d been asking me what I wanted for my birthday and how I wanted to spend it, but I only gave him vague answers because I wanted to see what he wanted to get me. Besides, I figured whether I told him or not, Ivan would tell him what I wanted. Then, just as I finished with my mascara, I heard the doorbell ring and I rushed out of my room, down the stairs and to the door, flinging it open.
Connelly stood, leaning on the doorframe sexily, and smiled when he saw me. “A little eager are we?” he said, walking in and I giggled as he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me to him, kissing me like he hadn’t seen me in years. His growling was so violent, it shook us both and I was nervous it might wake up my parents, thinking there was a bear in the house.
“Nope, just my boyfriend.” I imagined saying when they ran in the room.
When Connelly finally released me, I said, “My hero.”
“Don’t call me that.” he said, grinning a little as he let go of me and walked into the living room.
“I don’t understand why you don’t like the idea.” I said, walking in after him. I stood there, hands on my hips, looking at him sitting on the couch.
“Because I don’t wear tights.” he said and then looked away and turned on the TV.
I laughed and then turned around, about to go upstairs. “Well, I’m still coming up with a name for you.” I said, smiling.
Should it be something like Superman, something starting with ‘super’? Or should it be like Spiderman? No, Vampire-man sounds stupid. Super Vampire! Super Connelly! —
Try Super Depressed. Not to mention upset and on edge. Ivan’s voice said as I took my first step on the stairs.
What? I thought, stepping back down and walking into the living room. “What’s wrong?” I asked, a little nervous about what it could be.
Connelly looked at me and then down, sighing heavily. Then he rubbed his eyes tiredly.
“Connelly?” I said, coming over and sitting beside him quietly, already worried about what was wrong.
“Kota,” he said, taking my hands and looking into my eyes. “What I’m about to tell you is very important and very bad. Our situation has just gotten worse.” he said and then paused.
“Our situation?” I asked.
“Yes, our relationship. It has put you in even more danger than I had anticipated.” he said.
“How?” I asked.
“Moran has been in Europe, running and hiding from another hunt that has sprouted up for our kind. It’s been going on for months, but finally ended a few days ago and Moran decided to come stay with us for a while. But he was followed.” he said and I did a sharp intake of breath, knowing that this wasn’t good at all.
“By who?” I asked in shock.
“By a vampire named Rudi, who has led every hunt for our kind since he killed the last leader. He is one of our more dangerous enemies Kota, and he’s here.” he said.
“Do you know where he is?” I asked, standing and going into the kitchen because I had to do something. Connelly followed close behind.
“No, he could be anywhere, which makes it even more dangerous for us.” he said as he sat at the bar and watched me rummage around in the cabinets.
“Exactly how much danger am I in? I mean, if he doesn’t know about me, then I’ll be fine right? We just have to meet in secret so he doesn’t know.” I said, looking around at him.
“No, it’s not that simple.” he said, a slight smile at his lips, but then the smile disappeared and was replaced with his worried expression. “My smell is all over you, it’s all over your house, and when Rudi smells it, he’ll wonder why and come to investigate.” He looked at me painfully when he said this.
I stopped what I was doing and turned to face him. “You mean, when he finds out that I’m not a vampire, he’ll,” I cut off because I couldn’t say they words.
“No,” he said, instantly in front of me and holding my hands, “I will never let anything happen to you. I promise. When I can’t be with you, one or two of my family will be. You’ll have protection at all times.”
“What about Mira? She’s in my math class, but I’m pretty sure she won’t help me. She hates me.” I said, picturing Mira in the clearing of mine and Connelly’s secret hideout.
“She doesn’t hate you.” he said, “Or at least, I don’t think she does anymore.”
“What are you talking about?” I asked in confusion.
“That’s not important right now. But what is important is that you are protected, no matter what. Which brings me to another matter.” he said, looking up at me.
“What?” I asked.
“I need for you to be around your friends more from now on.” he said.
“Why?” I asked confusedly.
“Because, maybe if you’re around them enough, some of their smell will erase mine and that will help not draw too much attention to you. That and Rudi would be less apt to attack if you’re in a group.” he said.
“But that means being around Louis.” I said, going back to my rummaging.
“I know.” he said. “You’re going to have to make up with him.”
“I can’t be around him.” I said.
“You have to Kota.” he said, following me around the kitchen. “It’ll keep you safe.” He spun me around to face him. “And you’ll thank me later. Friends are a very important thing in a human’s life, or so I hear.” he said, a soft smile at his lips.
I smiled and gave in, saying, “Okay, I’ll try.”
“Thank you.” he said, and then wrapped his arms around my waist and put his forehead to mine. We stayed like that for a minute, and then I hugged him tightly, kissing his shoulder and his neck once.
“I’m sorry if I ruined your happy day.” he said and I smiled.
“It’s okay.” I said and pulled away so I could see his face. “And all you really did was ruin my plans of us going to our hideout, or outside at all. But my day is always happy as long as we’re together.” I said.
He smiled and shook his head. “I love you so much.” he said and then pulled me into another hug.
“I love you too.” I said, and then we kissed.
“… I have to go.” he suddenly said, pulling away from me.