Flirting with Danger Bk 1

Definitely the Best Birthday of My Life! p3

“Because there are multitudes of people here, along with our scent, and he’ll want to investigate every possibility before acting. Just be careful Kota.” he said. His red eyes stared into mine, showing his love for me, his worry, anger, and determination.
“I love you.” I said.
“And I you.” he said and then kissed me once more before kids started pouring in.
Every class after that had either one or two of Connelly’s family in it and I was grateful. I tried to act like having them in there was no big deal, like it was just everyday stuff so Rudi, wherever he was, didn’t know anything. That’s another thing. I thought. If Rudi went to gather allies, that meant there would be more vampires in the school and none of us knew what they looked like. That meant that they could be anywhere, everywhere, anytime. I think that scared me more than anything.
When the day ended, no one had seen Rudi or any sign he had been there at all. I went out with the guys again after school, roping Sue into coming along by saying she was drifting away from us. Sue was pretty easy to guilt trip.
I smiled, seeing Connelly leaning over me. He was smiling and brushing his finger over my cheek. He leaned in to kiss me, his lips inches from mine, and then he disintegrated before my eyes. I wore a confused look and blinked a couple times, realizing it had only been a dream. I looked around my room, empty of any other person, and sighed deeply.
It was the next morning. December twenty-forth. Happy birthday. I thought, scowling as I tore off my covers.
Why did this have to happen now? Of all the times when Rudi could have shown up, it had to happen right before my birthday! I swear, he was doing this on purpose, trying to ruin my special time with my vampire family and my boyfriend. I thought all this while I rifled through my closet and then yanked on a black sweater dress and vertically striped black and white leggings, thinking I might as well look cute on my birthday, even if my boyfriend wouldn’t see it.
Yeah, that was Rudi’s plan. To come in right on the eve of your birthday and ruin it. I heard Ivan’s voice in my head as I stomped my way to the bathroom. It perfectly coincided with his evil plans to steal Christmas too.
“Ha, ha. You are so funny.” I said when I heard him laugh, shaking my head as brushed my hair, my voice sarcastic.
Oh come on. Lighten up will you? It’s Christmas Eve. Now, especially since it’s your birthday too, is no time to be a scrooge. he said.
“Yeah, well I’d be a lot happier if I had Connelly and all of you with me.” I said, starting to brush my teeth.
Well you’re not the only scrooge I’ve seen today. Alister’s not in the highest spirits and Connelly’s going positively ape. We’ve had to pin him to the couch more than once from trying to bolt out a door or window. It’s not easy for any of us not to be there. he said.
“Are you sure you can’t come over? I mean, Rudi would just probably think you got invited, so of course you couldn’t pass it up.” I said, trying to find a way around this whole separation thing.
Unless you want a scout coming in there and trying to blend in, I doubt it. It’s for the best Kota, I’m sorry. he said apologetically.
I sighed, resting my hands on the counter and closing my eyes. “Well then, don’t let your guard down. I don’t want Connelly endangering himself and all of you just to see me.” I said sadly, looking back at the mirror and applying my makeup.
Will do. Have a happy seventeenth birthday Kota. he said, his face smiling sweetly in my mind.
“I’ll try.” I said, smiling back as his face faded from my mind. When his face was gone, my face sunk once again. I was building myself up to be happy when I saw my family and friends, mostly by thinking of how much fun I’d have and what I might just get.
I accepted the fact that Ivan and his family wouldn’t be here. I mean, I would love them to be here, but the thought of any other kind of vampire walking into my house, with all of my human friends and family, chilled me to the bone.
When I was completely done primping, I looked back in the mirror and smiled, seeing if it looked genuine or forced. I decided it looked good enough and that when I saw all my friends I was sure it’d be genuine then. I left my room, descended the stairs, and headed straight to the kitchen for some coffee.
I noted that it was pitch black, the curtains being drawn. I thought that was odd, and one half of me was suddenly on edge, though the other part didn’t want to think I was being paranoid. So, wanting to prove either side of me right and reward that side with coffee, I reached over and flipped the light switch on. I squealed in fright as a crowd of people were revealed and suddenly shouted, “Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas!”
My heart jumped to my throat and I seriously thought I was having a heart attack. The first thought that popped in my head when I saw everyone was Rudi and his crew, but felt like melting into a puddle of relief when I realized it was only my family and friends. I composed myself and put on a surprised smile quickly enough not to alarm anyone though.
“Finally!” said Jack, wincing as he straightened up from his cramped position in the small corner between the dining table and walls.
“Yeah, I thought you’d never wake up.” added Jason, who was on the other end of the table, in the other corner. He walked over to me and grabbed me up in a hug, Jack behind him.
“How you doin’ girl?” Jack asked, swooping in after Jason. He looked at me flirtatiously.
“I’m doing just fine.” I said, smiling and trying not to giggle girlishly.
“You’re seventeen now. One year older.” he said, raising his eyebrows twice and winking.
“Yeah? So?” I said, shaking my head slightly and still smiling, holding back laughs. He looked at me sideways and nodded, knowing I knew what he was talking about.
I actually let out a few laughs and said, “Jack, you know I have a boyfriend.” I hit him on the chest as he let go of me, giggling a little more and shaking my head.
“I know, but if you ever need anything, you know who to call.” he said, smiling and winking.
“Oh my gosh!” I said, covering my mouth in shock and laughing. I looked over at Jason, who looked slightly embarrassed and surprised, giving Jack a sharp look. While Jack on the other hand, put his hands in his pockets and laughed a little too, a big goofy, trying to be sexy but turning out comical, grin on his face.
“I’m gonna go over here.” I said, glancing between the two of them and pointing into the kitchen. I laughed a little more as I passed between them and headed towards Louis and Dale, who were in the back corner of the kitchen. It looked like they were fussing over something, looking down like there was something on the counter.
“Hey guys, what’s up?” I asked, walking over.
They jumped and spun around, Louis saying, “Morning birthday girl!” He nearly jumped at me as he grabbed me in a hug and spun me around so I couldn’t see Dale. “How’re you doing?” he asked, glancing behind me and turning me slowly around until we were back in our original direction. I looked at the counter and it was empty.
I looked up at Louis just as Dale slid in beside him, hands behind his back and an innocent smile on his face. I gave them a suspicious look and said, “What’s going on?”
“Nothing,” said Dale, huffing a little, “We were just talking.”
“Yeah, what makes you think we were doing anything? We were just talking.” said Louis, letting it be known that it wasn’t nothing. He leaned back on the counter, smiling mischievously at me, his eyes twinkling.