Status: Very, very, very in progress :)

Almost Everything

What you are is just what you own;
what have you become when they take from you
Almost Everything?

That just about sums up how Dana, better known as BL/ind Interrogator #153, feels when she's kidnapped by a cheeky bunch of Killjoys simply because she crossed paths with their leader's girlfriend. Okay, 'crossed paths' isn't quite the right word. Dana was about to kill her. But, that's part of her job! It's what she has to do, right? Either way, she sure as hell isn't happy about this whole 'prisoner' thing, especially when most of them treat her like a worm covered in doggy doodoo.

However, though it's quite a stressful and trying life, she soon comes to find some... surprises that come with captive life; some good, and some not so good. There are perks, that's for sure. Especially when your Anti-Love pills are wearing off for the first time.

Rated R for language (duh), violence, blood, gore, and possible/probable/why the hell not adult content. If ya know what I mean.

DISCLAIIIIMERRRR: I do not own My Chemical Romance, Gerrd Way, Mikeh Way, Frohnk Iero, Ray Torosaurus, BL/ind, Korse, or just about anything else related to them! However, the storyline, as well as Dana, Kyra, and any other characters that show up across the course of the story are mine. Steal, and I will make Sparklerosefever come and kill you. Bloodily.
  1. 1: Don't Believe What They Say
    IT BEGINS. Warning, blood and gore included.
  2. 2: Razor-Sharp White Teeth Rip Out Your Flesh
    I've been sitting around and typing for wayyy too long now, so I hope you're happy.
  3. 3: Run Away, Like It Was Yesterday
    I know, it's been forever... ugh. Once September starts, updates will be 1-3 every 2 weeks.