Status: layout is a work in progress holla

Students Allied Against God

Heaven and Hell

Out of the corner of her eye, Catherine could see Angelia walk quickly out of the bathroom. Angelia held her hands down over the front of her pleated skirt, and Cathy was almost sure she could see sweat drops formulating on Angelia's hands. When they were finally together, Angelia got uncomfortably close to Cathy and whispered in her ear: "I had a little accident. I think I might be sick."

When Angelia was still and concentrated on it, she thought she could feel the blood flowing out, very slowly. Cathy backed off a bit and put her hands in front of her, putting some distance between herself and her pale skinned friend.

"W-What do you mean?" A hundred horrifying images flashed through Cathy's mind, as she imagined the bathroom in ruin, covered in waste, or maybe Angelia was vomiting violently and the stall was drenched with puke. Embarrassed, Angelia motioned down to her crotch.

"There's blood coming out. Maybe I hurt myself. What do we do?" Cathy's attitude changed, but she wasn't entirely relieved. In fact, she felt a little more worked up.

"Angie, did you have your," she lowered her voice, "period?" Angelia folded her arms and thought about it for a minute.

"Well," she began, "what's a period? Like, besides at the end of a sentence." Cathy was in shock. But there was no time to stand around. Taking Angelia's hand, Cathy began to march off towards the girl's dormitory.

"Hey, please be more gentle with me! Plus, I think it's still coming out," Angelia added. At this Cathy grunted, determined, and began to walk faster. They weaved through the campus, which was framed by an orange, setting sun. Angelia looked around, and they seemed to be alone; all the other girls had probably gone home already to make it back to their rooms in time for curfew.

"We have to get home, it's starting to get dark. There are a few things we need to take care of." It was a vague response, but Angelia resigned from the fight. Cathy wasn't a big girl, so much that Angelia was unreasonably small in every sense. It was pointless to fight back, and that was a lesson she had learned a long time ago. Being Cathy's friend, she quickly learned that Cathy had amazing athletic ability, totally outdoing her. She was incredibly underdeveloped, and looked so out of place with girls of high school age. Despite the fact that she had just turned 16, she looked like she had just entered middle school. Angelia's genes were simply no match for Cathy's.

But Angelia also trusted Cathy. They had been friends for a few years now, and it would have been hard to imagine her life without her. Cathy began to attend St. Mary Ann's Secondary School a year after Angelia had arrived. Being an exchange student attracted a lot of attention, but Cathy brushed off her chance at instant popularity, and instead was adamant on spending every lunch period with Angelia. Cathy was a bit of a mystery to Angelia, even after the years they'd spent together, but she never doubted that Cathy, and maybe their trust was the reason they'd became such good friends. Lost in memories, Angelia was brought back to reality when Cathy shook her a bit.

"Hey, are you still with me?" Cathy said, with a little smile, but her eyes still flickered with urgency.

"Uh, yea I was just distracted." She sat down on a bed, and only then realized she was in Cathy's room. "So, can you help me with my period?" Angelia said, stressing out "period" as though it were some kind of foreign word.

"Yea, yea," Cathy said, rather unconvincingly, while rummaging through her drawers. She pulled out a pair pink underwear with a bow on the front. They were lacy, almost see-through. Then, she took out a pad, and handed them both to Angelia. "Take off your underwear, first."

"U-Uh, okay," Angelia stuttered. She began to stand up, and Cathy pushed her back on the bed.

"Just take them off, we don't have time for the bathroom." Cathy's tone was making her nervous.

"Did something serious happen to me? Are you going to take me to the hospital?" Cathy sighed.

"No, no. I'm sorry to worry you, just get changed already. There's something else that's making me worried." Hesitantly, Angelia pulled down her skirt, revealing a pair of virginal, white panties, with a spot of red.

"Hey!" Angelia suddenly shouted, "J-Just turn around, please!" She was surprised at her own sudden outburst, but Cathy just grinned as if she understood the feeling. She turned around, and waved her hand at Angelia.

"Alright, alright, calm down. When you're done, but the pad in the underwear, and put the underwear on." Angelia finally removed all her bottoms, and felt an uncomfortable breeze. She quickly reached for the underwear, but frowned when she held them up.

"Do you have anything...less sexy?"

"Hey now, just put them on," Cathy said with sudden authority. "We need to talk about something."

"Okay, what?"

Angelia pulled up the lacy panties, but they didn't feel comfortable on her skin. There was a moment of silence.

"Angie, do you believe in legends?"

"Well...I'd say no. And you can turn around now." Cathy looked back at Angelia, with a firmness in her gaze. She sat down on the chair across from her bed, facing her smaller friend.

"Do you believe I would lie to you?"

"No, never," she responded with certainty.

"Good," Cathy said, with a smile, "that's what I hoped you'd say. So will you hear what I have to say?"

"Yes, of course." Angelia, now sitting down on the bed, shifted her body around. She was nervous and uncomfortable, and she still didn't know... "But, uh, can you explain what was happening to me down there."

"I promise I will. I'll explain everything you need to know. First off, you need to understand that legends, the kind that you've read about in books, they're real.

"Yea." Cathy seemed annoyed at Angelia's monotone, sarcastic interjection.

"You said you'd listen to me, so be quiet. Like I was saying, they're all real. More so, Heaven and Hell are real. Magic is real. Monsters are real. They're not nearly as abundant as they once were, but that's not to say they don't exist. Werewolves, vampires, zombies, are all here on Earth just as sure as the Sun rises every morning.

"But, to move onto more important matters: Heaven and Hell. Ya see, Earth is the middle ground between the two, kind of like Purgatory, but also kind of not. I can explain that to you some other time. What you need to know is that some places on Earth are closer to Heaven and others are closer to Hell. A normal person could never tell, but we're not normal people." Angelia, though she was genuinely confused about the speech Cathy was making, shivered when she heard this.

"You see, our fantastic city of Verona is closer to Heaven than anywhere else in the world. Too close, if you ask me. And I'm sure you know about the whole big old-as-time conflict between Heaven and Hell, and that's as true as any other war today. Now, to elaborate, their fighting rarely crosses over into Earth, but it can - and will." Cathy paused, catching her breath. "Do you think I'm crazy?"

"Yea," Angelia said, only half serious. Cathy giggled to herself.

"Good, that means you're sane." But then her laugh faded. "Now, are you ready for the icing to top the cake?" Angelia pressed her lips.

"Uh, I guess. I mean, you said it's important."

"Again, good answer." Cathy straightened herself up in her chair, preparing for the delivery of something that Angelia thought would probably be crazier than anything Cathy had already said. "So, here goes: Angelia, you're from Hell."

"That was too weird to be funny." Angelia stood up, grabbing her bookbag, and began to make from the door.

"I'm being serious. You're from hell, just like me," Catherine added.

"You can speak to me again when you drop this strange act."

"Hey! You can't go out now! It's past curfew, and if you're caught you'll get detention, which is a lot worse for you than you would think it to be." There was no getting around that logic, and there was something about the headmistress of the school that made getting in trouble seem like an especially bad idea. Deciding she'd have to stay, she dropped her bag and sighed loudly, to let Catherine know she was upset.

"What do you mean 'worse for me than I would think'?" Angelia peered, annoyed.

"Just let me finish, okay?" Cathy put her hands on Angie's shoulders and led her back to the bed. They sat next to each other. "So me and you, we're both...supernatural. As in we aren't humans. Well, at least not entirely. But this is about you and your safety. You're parents are important people back down in Hell - leaders of countries, in fact - so when word spread that your parents were having a child, excitement spread throughout your homeland, and as word made its way around, fear came about in Heaven."

"Wait, what do you mean you're not human?" Angelia suddenly interrupted.

"W-What?" Cathy asked, dumbfounded. "Why are you asking about that now? I already passed that part."

"Well, prove it to me! You want me to believe you? Then give me a reason to." Cathy hesitated, and Angelia grinned, thinking she had finally bursted her friend's big, fantastic, absurd bubble.

"I can, if you insist."

"I do." Cathy stood up, and began to strip.

"What are you doing?" Angelia said, quickly backing off. Cathy, while taking off her bra answered casually, "I don't want to ruin my clothes." With Cathy's full chest in view, it was confirmed that Cathy was indeed bigger than Angelia in every sense.

"Not that that's what's important right now! Stop thinking about that!"Angie scolded herself.

"Are you ready?" Cathy asked, leaning in to Angelia.

"Just get it over with," Angelia said, hoping her staring at the more endowed girl wasn't too obvious. Cathy smiled, confident.

"Okay!" Cathy spread her feet shoulders with apart, and squatted a bit, as if bracing herself for a punch. After a few moments of stillness, Angelia could see...ears. Ears came out of Cathy's head: Pointed, furry ears that were a chestnut brown like her hair.

"...That's it?" Angelia asked. She was certainly surprised, and it seemed like a magic trick, but it was a bit disappointing for all the build up. Cathy smiled pivoted on her feet, sticking her bum out. A sizable tail drooped out from where her tailbone was.

"I'm a werewolf," Cathy proudly announced. Angelia stared hard at where the tail met Cathy's body. The fur seemed to come right of her peachy skin.

"Can I tug it?"

"Be gentle." After a few good pulls, Angelia was convinced, whether or not she understood it, that there was a tail coming out of Cathy. Angelia put her chin on her hands and thought about something, while Cathy tried to pull her clothes on over her wolf-parts.

"You said earlier that 'we're not human.' We're both from," she paused, "Hell. If I'm not human, what exactly am I?" Cathy looked a bit nervous. "Catherine, you have to tell me."

"I know, but I guess now that I've got you in on it, it's a little harder to tell you. You might find it a bit unbelievable - even now..."

"No, I'll trust what you have to say." Cathy cocked her head a bit, deep in thought. Then she sighed and shrugged.

"Angie, you're Satan's daughter."
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I like this story idea it's pretty and opens up a lot of possibilities when it comes to merging the fantastic world with the real world. I hope it's not bad :(