Competitive Minds

We Meet Again

I know what you are thinking - where am I? And WHO am I?
Well, I'm on the Hogwarts Express right now, on my way to starting a new term with my best friends Harry and Hermione. (And Draco Malfoy. Urgh.) I can't wait for the year to start. New classes, new students, new crushes...
I look up to see Harry and Hermione waving and yelling for me to sit with them.
I immediately look at Hermione. Wow, I tell myself. She's changed so much over the summer. Her height, her face...
"Earth to Ron!"
I snap out of my trance to see Harry glowering down at me.
"It's okay, but Ron..." He fixed his glasses. "We've been calling you for ten minutes straight, and you still haven't come over to where we're sitting!"
"Okay, I'll move," I mumble, picking up my belongings.
When I approach Hermione, she reaches out and gives me a big hug. I blink a couple of times.
"Ron!" She beams at me. "Long time no see! How was your vacation?"
"Great!" I smile back, sitting down with Harry. "My dad took me, Ginny, Fred and George to work with him and Percy! We had loads of fun, they gave us Chocolate Frogs..."
We all exchange our accounts of the summer, laughing and joking the whole way through.
"...And than Uncle Vernon sent me to Sirius's for the summer," Harry was saying. Me and Hermione clapped. We both knew how harshly Harry's aunt and uncle treated him.
I looked at Hermione again, her face astrewn with laughter and happiness. She's so nice and so intelligent, I think. She may even be a little attractive...
Wait, WHAT?!
Is it possible that I have a crush on one of my best friends?
I really don't know. I may, I may not...but maybe I do...
Oh boy.
♠ ♠ ♠
Soooo...what did u think? Let me know if you want me to continue :)

- Sofia xx