Status: Active

They Claim They're Immortal

They Claim He's Drunk

“O-Okay,” I found myself saying. My voice was incredibly raspy considering how needy I felt.

He gave me a heart stopping smile before taking my hand for the third time and continuing on his way. This time I didn't stop him from taking me to his room. I couldn't. I was in complete and utter shock. In the span of a whole two minutes, Jake laughed and smiled at me. Me. This day probably couldn't get any better. I caught myself sighing quietly and dreamily and shook my head.

What are you doing, Jessica? I hissed at myself mentally. Men are not for you. Hell, companionship isn't even for you. You can't even handle taking care of a cat, forget a human being.

Now that's not true, you remember Simba don't you? Taryn interjected.

Oh, yes. The cat I had when I was fifteen.

That's not exactly the same thing, Taryn. And shut up, you got me into this mess in the first place. I snapped. I was being awfully snappy today. At Taryn, no less and he didn't really deserve it. Well, he mostly didn't deserve it.

Technically... he drawled, you wanted this.

I most definitely did not, I countered.

I dunno, I have zero control over you right now and neither does he, yet you're still entering his room. Wanna explain that, Jess? I could hear the grin and I so desperately wanted to wipe it right off his imaginary face.

I am not imaginary.

Says you, I thought with a slight smirk.

I heard a slight huff and then silence. The smirk was wiped off my face quickly as I noticed Jake looking a me curiously from inside his bedroom. Oh, I thought. I hadn't even realized that we reached our destination.

“You coming?” I just about choked as he said that then I scowled. Dirty thoughts had been absent from my mind since the beginning of med school and having them suddenly enter my thoughts was unacceptable.

“Yeah.” I mentally slapped myself at how unsure I sounded. I needed to be confident around Jake or at least act like I was. If I seemed vulnerable to him, I knew he would use my vulnerability against me.

I took a large step into his room and realized that by taking that step I became vulnerable. It was in that moment I figured out that this was his turf, his playground if you will. It was like a sick game of cat and mouse and I was his prey. Dammit, what are you doing to yourself Hayes?

He took a seat on his very large bed and motioned me to take a seat next to him. I opted to take a seat in the chair placed in front of his desk. He gave me an amused smirk before crossing his arms across his chest making those delicious bice- I cut that thought off short. You cannot be thinking of him that way.

“Your eye is twitching,” he stated with a grin.

Was it? I hadn't even felt the undeniable throbbing that accompanied every twitch. I realized it must be from stress, my eye hadn't twitched since exam week during my senior week of high school. Then again, I hadn't felt as much stress as I do now. I tried my best to relax to cease my eye twitch and it seemed to work until Jake uncrossed his arms and leaned forward slightly.

“Why don't you come sit with me, Jess?” he asked that shit eating grin still pasted on his face.

Don't do it, Jessica, I warned myself. But I just couldn't help it, that sounded like a challenge and I never turned down a good challenge so I took the bait. “Maybe I don't want to,” I said crossing my arms over my own chest.

He hummed acknowledging my answer. “Too bad,” he started, “my bed happens to be very comfortable.”

Was he teasing me? Where the hell is the real Jake?

Suddenly I found myself taking small steps towards him, cautious steps. What the he... Taryn!

Like I said, you need this. Just go with it, Jessica. The boy's not going to kill you. A giggle almost burst out of my mouth. Jake was nothing if not a man. There was nothing boyish about him. From his dark captivating eyes all the way down—past those sinuous muscles of his—to his probably very manly toes.

Wait! I forced my feet to pause.

Just go with it, Taryn demandd and how was I going to refuse? The power in his voice practically had me running right into Jake's arms.

I took a set gingerly beside Jake, my back ramrod straight and my muscles tensed.

“Jessica, I'm going to have to ask you to sit still for just a second.” His soft tone had more control over me than Taryn's demanding one and I found myself holding my breath. Jake was staring right into my eyes with his own. His gaze flitted down to my slightly parted lips and I subconsciously licked them. He leaned in closer and I was frozen. I couldn't even blink. Was this happening? This wasn't happening. Couldn't have been.

But when I felt his soft lips slant over my own every intelligent thought flew right out of my head. Even Taryn was drowned out, which was a hard task to accomplish, I had tried. My eyes started to close when I noticed the taste still lingering on his lips. I pushed him away with all the strength I could muster—which wasn't very much since my muscles felt like jelly—and I stood up so quickly, I was dizzy. But that didn't stop the words tumbling out of my mouth.

“You've been drinking?” I breathed. I meant for it to come out as a statement but I wanted to give him the opportunity to deny it. Why? I'm not entirely sure, I knew the smell, sight and taste of alcohol more than the next person but I was truly hoping I was wrong.

When Jake sighed and closed his eyes, mumbling under his breath I felt the unpleasant sensation of my stomach dropping. Of course, I thought bitterly, nothing is ever simple between us.

“Not really,” he drawled with a slight slur. Why hadn't I noticed this before? He was too...nice. Too friendly to be sober. He actually wanted my company which should have alerted me right away, but it hadn't and now I feel stupid. As always.

I shook my head and turned to walk out of his room but with his inhuman speed, he appeared in front of me. He opened his mouth to speak but instead he swayed drunkenly and just about took me down. I stepped to the side just in time and watched as he plummeted face first to the hardwood floor.

“Great,”I mumbled before stepping around his unconscious form and walking out of his room. I paused and pondered whether or not I should help him up but with a firm slam of his door my mind had been made. Screw Jake.

Taryn appeared beside me wearing clothes this time, thank God. “About that-” he started but I held up a hand to stop him.

“Don't,” I said flatly the warning clear. He put his palms out in surrender and continue walking with me to.. Well, wherever I was heading.
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It's short, I know.