Status: Active

They Claim They're Immortal

They Claim They Watched Me

“Sit,” Perfect said while motioning to a chair across from him. I couldn't risk trusting anybody right now so I opted to stand. Maybe as soon as I sat down, straps would appear and restrain me to the couch. Then they'd tell me all about how they were going to sacrifice me.

I heard a chuckle come from Narcissist. “You think we're going to sacrifice you?” He laughed again. I wanted to punch him. Perfect shot him a look and Sleepy patted my shoulder while he walked past me to sit down. Nope, no straps.

“Don't worry, we're not going to sacrifice you, the Gods want you alive anyway,” Sleepy said with a reassuring smile. I inched closer to him, seeing him as the only one here who didn't seem crazy. According to Narcissist, Perfect had 'disturbing angel powers' while Sleepy was a 'smelly mutt' which didn't sound too fearful.

“Hey! I can be pretty scary when I want to be,” Sleepy muttered.

“You're as scary as a twig,” Narcissist told him.

“You know what, you leech-”

Anyways,” Perfect interrupted, “you're probably wondering why you're here and I truly doubt you would want to stand through the whole explanation because it is a long one, so you may as well sit down.”

I sat down as far away as I could from all of them. Sleepy seemed safe but who knows, maybe he just wants me to think that way so I learn to trust him and then he'd jump me at my most vulnerable time and kill me. “There won't be any jumping on his part,” Tyler murmured. I shot him a confused look and he grinned at me. I looked away from him with a suspicious feeling.

“Well, firstly you should know that we're not normal, per say. Some would call us abominations though I really don't believe being an angel can be considered an abomination, Salvatoré on the other hand...Well, you've met him.” I laughed at that and Perfect smiled. “I digress. We're immortal, we don't die, we don't age-”

“I know what immortal is,” I interrupted.

“Yes, well, Tyler is a vampire, not like one from those trashy romance novels you read.” How did he know...? I was a closet romantic. Nobody knew, not even Kylee. “We've been...watching you.” I looked at him with horror. “Not in a creepy way,” he added hastily. Still sounded creepy though. Watching you...Oh god! Did they see me dress? Did they see me in...bed?

“No. No,no, no. Nothing like that. Although there was this one time...” I was gonna wring their necks.

“Tyler,” Perfect snapped with a scowl. Even him scowling was impossibly perfect. “He's kidding of course. We wouldn't always watch, we'd give you privacy to dress and do your business and- Why do I have to explain this?” Perfect asked Narcissist.

“We've been over this, Perfect,” Narcissist said with an amused glance my way. I felt my cheeks warm then quickly shook off my embarrassment. I'd just have to make sure to call them by their names from now on.

Aaron looked at him confused before looking at me and then shrugging. “We watched you to for protection purposes. We couldn't let any harm come your way. See, we've been trained since birth to protect you and whatnot, but we'll get to that later. Back to Tyler's vampirism. He won't burst into flames if he walks out into the sun like in that show you entertain yourself with. What's it called again? False Blood?”

I couldn't help but laugh at that. “True Blood,” I corrected.

“Oh, right. He can eat human food but he can continue without it, he can walk into a church without bursting into flames, he doesn't have to be invited inside, he can read minds—as you have learned—and he can control them too-”

“Wait, you mean, literal control? Like, he can make you do stuff against your will?”

“Would you like me to demonstrate?” Tyler asked with a raised eyebrow.

“No,” I said hastily, “it's fine.”

“Anyways,” Aaron plowed onwards, “he can make you forget things like say if he did control you, he can replace that memory with, uh, talking to somebody on the phone. Also, for Tyler he can't really choose his mate vampires have Život Sëcräbäs, that's demonish for life mates. And I think that about covers all the bases pertaining to what he is.

“I'm an angel like Tyler and the others have said. I do what you'd normally think an angel could do. Except I'm a warrior. See, there are different kinds of angels. The warrior angels—like myself—have been trained to fight since birth. Joy-Bringers do what their titles say. They bring joy to humans. Then we have the Seven. They are basically angel police officers, they monitor all the angels and we answer to them.”

“I thought angels answered to God or Jesus or deities or something?”

“Well, we do. If it's truly that important. Think of it like a hierarchy. We have our True Deity at the top of the pyramid, the Seven, warrior angels, Joy-Bringers, then spirit angels. Spirit angels are deceased humans that live among the rest of the angels. Although hierarchy imply that the people at the bottom of the pyramid are treated poorly, that isn't the case. Angels are all treated equally, even the Seven. There is no special treatment in the heavens,” he explained.

“Wow, that's so cool,” I breathed. I found myself wanting to believe him now. What he was saying kinda made sense—in a crazy way, I admit—and I wanted to learn more.

Aaron nodded in agreement. “Indeed. Now as a warrior angel I'm expected to fight in wars if the heavens were to be attacked. Oh! Before I continue I must explain fallen angels. Fallen angels are angels that have broken the one sacred rule in the heavens, which I cannot reveal. Those angels answer to the True Deity themselves. It is a very distressing and painful process. Fallen angels are stripped of their wings and start sprouting black wings. They are branded with black ink—tattoos, humans call them—depicting snakes and sometimes demons.

“Then the fallen ones are propelled into Hell where they stay for a year. Now it wouldn't be so bad if a year in Hell didn't equal 100 years in human time. After that time the angels can choose to stay in hell or reside on Earth. They can never go back to heaven, no matter what. They also cannot get their original wings back. Only once has there ever been an exception and again, I cannot reveal anything about that matter.

“Now, where was I?” he paused to think while I sat at the edge of my seat. I was fascinated. This was all just so surreal. Well, believe it, Jessica because you're going to spend a lot of time here. I almost choked. Who was that? And then I remembered I had heard this voice yesterday, too. Or at least, I think it was yesterday. “Is something wrong?” Aaron asked me.

I shook my head quickly. If Tyler could control a human's mind then maybe he could place thoughts in my head too. I glared at him but he paid no attention. He looked just as engrossed in Aaron's story as I was. “Are you listening, Jessica?” Holy man, my name, his voice. Too great. Then I started remembering Jake's voice. I would kill to hear my name on his lips. What did I say? I asked myself mentally. I needed to keep it together, but there was just something about Jake.

“Uh, yeah,” I answered, my voice squeaky. I cleared it and gave him my undivided attention.

“O-kay, now, as for what a warrior angel can do, we can fly of course, we can charm people. Which is a fancy way of saying we can control you without you being aware of it. Except we can't make you do anything sinful. Fallen angels can though,” that sounded like a warning, “so try to steer clear of them.” It was. “We can produce swords made from flames but we cannot harm humans. If we do harm a human we suffer from the most extreme pain. It's almost as excruciating as having your wings taken from you.

“Kyle is a werewolf. Again, not like ones in those trashy romance novels. He can shift from man to wolf at any time he desires but he must change during a full moon, it is mandatory. Kyle is also an alpha wolf, so he is one of the strongest werewolves of his kind. They are gifted with a speed no other can match, uncanny strength, and a heightened sense of smell and vision. They cannot mate with anybody but their true mates. Kinda like a vampire.”

“Oh, do not degrade me to one of his kind,” Kyle interjected pointing a thumb in Tyler's direction.

“You would be lucky to be a vampire, you mutt!” Tyler all but screamed at him.

“They also loathe vampires, yet nobody really knows why. I think it had something to do with a woman of sorts,” Aaron said on a sigh. “They-”

“You filthy fucking mutt! You better take that back!” Tyler roared at Kyle. I wasn't clear on why he was yelling at Kyle, but him yelling scared the living bejesus out of me.

Kyle stood and got in Tyler's face. “Or what?” he taunted.

“Or I'm gonna break your neck and suck you dry,” Tyler threatened also standing up and now getting in Kyle's face.

“You gotta catch me first, leech!” Kyle was out of the door before I could even blink. Tyler snarled and ran—though he looked more like a blur—after Kyle. I just sat there and gaped at the now wide open exit. Now was my chance at escaping! Although, if what Aaron said was true he could easily 'charm' me and make me cooperate. I sighed in defeat.

But if he went after them... “Don't worry, this is a daily occurrence. Kyle runs out, Tyler chases after, Kyle tires him out, Tyler curses all the way home, and stomps up to his room to sulk.” Okay. So, looks like he's not gonna run out after them. “I again, digress. I believe I covered everything there is to be covered on werewolves, so now we must move on.

“Jake is a demon.” Soon as he said his name I perked up. “Well, he has a demon living inside him. His mind really. He calls him Lucifer Jr. like the devil, but Junior. If he were to be separated from his demon, he would die. Just like your lungs are a part of you, his demon is a part of him. If you were to have your lungs taken completely out, you wouldn't be able to get oxygen therefore, you'd die. It's much the same with him, without the need of oxygen.

“Once he is taken over by his demon, he loses control of himself. He is rarely ever able to control his body once he lets his demon out. His eyes turn completely black, his teeth and nails elongate, his body becomes bigger,” Bigger than it already is? I thought to myself. Don't get me wrong, Jake is in no way overweight but he sure is muscular. And tall. Really, really tall. “Are you listening?”

“Yes,” I lied. It probably wasn't very smart of me to lie to an angel but I'd rather have him condemn me for lying than actually know that I couldn't stop thinking about Jake.

“No you aren't. As an angel, I can sense when you're lying,” he told me. Busted, I thought to myself.

“I space sometimes,” I said.

“I can see that. Anyways. He sprouts out big black wings and he destroys everything in sight, kills everybody in his way, etcetera. When his demon does not have complete control over his body Jake is basically a regular person. With a few quirks. He is as strong as Kyle or Tyler is, as fast as Tyler, has heightened senses, basically a vampire. Except he doesn't sleep at all. But—like every other vampire—he has a Život Sëcräbäs and he cannot feel anything for any other woman besides his Život Sëcräbäs.

“I believe I'd explained everything, you should probably go upstairs and rest now. Or maybe you should shower first. You smell exactly like Kyle. Which wouldn't be a bad thing, if you were male. You may sleep in Jake's room considering he doesn't sleep in it and Kyle's already gone back to your home and gotten some things for you. He's brought your shampoo, conditioner, lotion, um, feminine products, and some of your clothes. He's also brought your straightener and multiple hair supplies. I don't know why or how he knew you would need them, but apparently they are very necessary.” I smiled at that. Kyle sure had a way with the ladies. Or he had a way with me, at least.

“Go ahead,” Aaron said urging me towards the stairs. “I know I said you should rest but it would be better if you ate something first. I shall be in the kitchen preparing you something so just come down whenever you are ready.” I didn't have time to ask him where the kicthen was because he turned and walked down the hall.

I shrugged and went upstairs. At the very top I realized I didn't even know where Jake's room was. I walked back down calling Aaron's name. “Yes?” His voice was muffled but perfect all the same.

“Where's Jake's room?” I shouted just loud enough for him to hear me.

“Up the stairs, first door to your left.” Seriously. His voice was perfect.

I went back upstairs and into Jake's room. I made a mental note of where the nearest window—balcony—was while observing his room. To sum it all up, it was pretty boring. No pictures of friends, family, no homemade quilts, no books. Just a bed, bedside table, dresser, desk, garbage can, and curtains. Plus the two doors to the right of the room. The room was painted a navy blue colour, the curtains were beige, the blankets on his bed white and red. Suddenly I recognized this room to be the one I had first woken up in. They must have moved everything back in after they had moved me to that other room.

I shrugged and made my way over to one of the white doors. I opened the first one and—bingo—the bathroom. There was a pile stacked on the toilet and I looked it over, making sure everything was there. Two white fluffy towels, a change of clothes, my shower needs, and my favourite body lotion. My straightener was already plugged into the outlet beside the sink and beside it was my plain black clip, three hair elastics, and a few bobby pins.

Kyle had just become my new favourite. Too bad you're going to escape as soon as possible. I frowned at that thought. They'd gone through all this trouble- To kidnap you, I reminded myself. And the whole story about angels, werewolves, vampires, and demons is bogus. I needed to keep telling myself these things. I needed to distance myself from these people.

But if Aaron really is an angel then you can trust him. God! There was that voice again. If Tyler was still chasing after Kyle then it couldn't have been him sending me those thoughts. So then who?

“My name is Taryn.” I turned quickly—almost giving myself whiplash—to see a strange man standing just behind me. A strange naked man.
♠ ♠ ♠
Erinnnn.xo: Tyler sure is lovable and asshole Jake sure is an asshole.