Status: Tom Felton Yay!

You Again

Vegas Bitch

Beep, Beep, Beep!

Quinn groans as she punches the snooze button. Relived that the sudden noise stopped she turns back to her peaceful sleep. A few minutes later her phone rings. Pressing ignore she tries to fall asleep once again. Quinn hears the door. Fearing who it might be she hides inside her covers. The door opens and she hears screaming.

" Quinn Marie Hudson wake the fuck up!" Moaning she answers.

" Quinn isn't here right now. Leave a message after the beep. BEEEEPPPP!"

" Very funny. Wake up, I have great news." Quinn takes a peek.

" What is it Alex?" Alex jumps on the bed.

" We're going to Vegas!" Staring at her blonde friend in disbelief she gets up.

" And how exactly did you plan on going to Vegas when WE HAVE WORK!" Alex smirks

" I have my ways."

" Did you sleep with Doug."

" No! That was one time. How dare you! I gave him a BJ."

" You gave him a BLOW JOB! Alex."

" Hey it was worth it. We get two weeks of paid vacation. Now hurry up we leave in two hours."

" Fine. I still can't believe that."

" Well believe it honey." Getting up from her unmade bed Quinn walks to the bathroom. Closing it she starts to pick thing up. Hair straighter, hair curler, hair jell, towels, pads, shampoo, and lotion. Entering her room again she reaches for her suitcase under her bed and starts to pack. Gathering clothes and shoes Alex comes back inside the sky blue room with chocolate all over her face. Quinn starts to laugh at her chocolate face friend.

" What's so funny?"

" Nothing." Quinn's laughing dies down.

" Aren't you going back home to pack."

" I did already. It's all inside my car."

" OK.Well?"

" Well what?

" Aren't you going to help me."

" Do I have to?" Alex whines.

" If you want me to go then yes."

" Fine." Walking to Quinn's closet she begins to unhang shirts and skirts.

" Why do have so much shit?"

" Because I have the money to buy all that shit. Unlike someone I know."

" Hey, I have a lot of shit too."

" Whatever helps you sleep at night." Finshed packing the girls head off to the airport.

" You excited?" Alex asks

" Not really." Alex sits inside her car shocked.

" What! You crazy dude? I mean we're going to Vegas. The Craziest place in the world. You can do anything in Vegas. You can get away with murder for crying out loud!"

" Your right."

" Aren't I always."

" Don't push it Alex." It took an hour for us to get to the airport.

" We're here!" Alex sang.

" Vegas here we come!"

" That's my girl. Come on before we miss the plane."

" I'm going. I'm going."

" Hurry up!"

" Flight 39 to Las Vegas is now boarding!"

" Come on! Hurry up." We had to run faster then normal almost missing the flight.

" Tickets." Handing the tickets to the guy. He starts to check out Alex. Smirking he says " Have fun ladies." Finally finding our seats we find two guys sitting on them.

" Excuse me." One of the guys turns around. He had the green eyes and blonde hair.

" Yes?"

" You sitting in our seats."

" Oh sorry. Come on Will."

" But we just sat here."

" Just move."

" Fine."

" There?"

" Um, my friend needs a seat too." He starts to laugh.

" Doesn't look like it." He points at Alex sitting with the guy named Will.

" OK then. I'm Quinn Hudson."

" Nice to meet you Quinn. I'm Brad Rickman. So why are headed to Vegas?"

" My friend just wanted to go. What's your story?"

" Business Trip."

" Really? I didn't know you could have a business trip in Vegas."

" Well for me it's business. My friend is getting married and I hate Vegas."

" I hear you buddy." He smiles.

" So were are you staying at?"

" Caesars Palace. You?"

" Same." The rest of the right was fun. Brad and I talked none stop. We had so much in common. I think I'm beginning to like this trip. I fell asleep after he started talking about his work. It was boring. I could feel someone shaking me.

" Quinn wake up. We're here."

" Five more minutes."

" Quinn!" I shot up.

" What!" Brad starts to laugh.

" We're here."

" Oh, I knew that."

" Well I'll see you around then?"

" Yeah." Turning around I bump into Alex.

" Ouch!"

" Looks like someone found their sex mate for the trip."

" Ha-ha, very funny. And no I'm not like you." Alex gasps in shock.

" Hurtful! Come on. I'll call a limo."

" You mean cab."

" No, I mean limo. Doug gave me some money."

" Really, Alex!"

" Yes really." She chuckles. Walking to get her luggage I follow. Not before bumping into a guy. Spilling his coffee all over me.

" Ah! You idiot!"

" I'm so sorry miss." He answers in a British accent. HOT! The guy had brown hair and the most gorgeous blue eyes ever.

" Look what you did to my shirt."

" I'm really sorry. Here let me help you." He starts to clean my shirt.

" Don't touch me!" He backs away."Just forget it. I'm never going to see you again, so just forget it." Leaving I hear him talking to his friend.

" What did you do Tom?" He looks hurt.

" I didn't mean to. It just happened. She didn't have to be such a bitch about it." I just walk away. Motherfu-

" We only been in Vegas for five mintues and you get into trouble already. Shame on you Quinn." Alex says with a smirk.

" It was that idiot over there. He spilled his coffee all over me!" She looks at the guy named Tom.

" He's hot! I wouldn't off yelled at him. Who's his friend? He's Fine!" I frown

" Really Alex. Come on." We walk pass them. Alex ' accidentally' bumps into Tom's friend.

" Oops, I'm sorry." She winks at him. He smiles.

" It's ok love. I'm Daniel. Daniel Radcliffe." He takes Alex's hand and kiss it.

" I'm Alex Cooper."

" And I'm ready to go. Come on Alex." I glare at Tom.

" Nice meeting you Daniel."

" You too Alex." I drag Alex outside.

" What the hell Quinn? He was hot."

" You'll get over it. It's Vegas remember."She smiles.

" You right. We're in Vegas Bitches!"

The limo comes to a complete stop.

" We're hear ladies." Stepping off the limo we start to head to the loby.

" Enjoy you stay."

" Thank you." Alex walks to the front desk. I just checking out the hotel. She comes back with a smile.

" Ready?"

" Sure am." Heading to our room we find the guys from the plane.

" Hey Brad. Will."

" Hello ladies. We meet again."

" We sure do. What room are you in?"

" Room 205. You guys?"

" 310." The guys frown.

" Bummer. Well since we're here. Would you ladies like to accompany us to The Bank." Alex nods.

" Sure."

" Great pick you guys up at 8:30."

" Cool." Our room was awesome. Two rooms. Real classy but still had glamor written all over it.

" This place is banging!"

Finished from unpacking we get ready. I in a Blue mini dress with sliver pumps, hair straight. Alex in a black dress with red Stilettos, and wavy hair.

" Ready bitch?"

" Sure am." Their is a knock at the door.

" They're here!" Opening the door, revealing Brad and Will.

" You ladies ready?" Will asks.

" Yup, lets go!"

At The Bank

The club was crazy.The bar was full. On every corner you could see couples either grinding or basically having sex on the dance floor.

" You want to dance?"



" SURE!" The song I'm In Las Vegas Bitch by LMFAO started to play. I began to grind on Brad. Our lips almost touching. I pull in closer kissing. The kiss only lasted a few seconds because some girl spilled Vodka all over me.

" What the hell!"

" Stay away from my man!"

" What the hell! Do you know this girl?!"

" No, of course no! She's drunk!" The girl began to talk.

" I'm not dr-" She fainted. I started to laugh.

" Come on." As we it the bar. That's where the party began.
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Comment please. Tell me what you guys think. =)