Status: Completed. Just need to put up the chapters.



“Oh Anna dear, aren’t you going to eat?” I just stared at her. She wanted me to eat?

Why the fuck would she want that?

If I ate it would defeat everything I’d worked towards. And I was not going to let that happen, so no, I told her, I’m not hungry. When she asked why I’d lost so much wait lately I’d just shrugged. Maybe if I played it off long enough, if I wore bigger clothes, and grew out my hair. She wouldn’t notice.

Maybe then no one would notice.

I could be another face in the crowd, one that no one likes to look at for too long, cause why would they when they sights were so much better somewhere else. Maybe people would stop looking at me like I had two heads. Maybe my parents would stop nagging me to eat. Maybe my brothers would talk to me the way they used to.

Maybe wasn’t fucking good enough.