Status: Completed. Just need to put up the chapters.



I’d started eating a little. Not much, just a few pieces of fruit a day.

People noticed. My family complimented me on how much better I was looking, Cam even said I looked better. And I told her it was all her fault.

Because one day after she asked me out (yes, we are dating) she’d commented on how skinny I was. And how it wasn’t healthy. And for once I started to see it, how ugly I was. It was hard to start eating at first, but I did it.

For her.

Even some of the fog lifted away. I could talk to people now, without flinching. I could smile at people, without my face cracking. Hell, sometimes, with her, I could laugh.

Me. I could laugh.

And it was amazing.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hoorah! Last one for tonight. but wait, tomorrow there shall be more :D