Status: Completed. Just need to put up the chapters.



I ate a full lunch today with my family. It was actually nice, to have everyone so calm. No more tense faces. After that my father announced that I had a check up with the doctor today. I think I saw my mother glare at him slightly but he just ignored her.

When we got to the doctors my father turned to me, “Your brothers tell me you’re dating somebody?”

I knew they couldn’t keep a fucking secret, “It’s not important.”

“You know, you can tell me.” He held my hand that was resting on the arm rest, “You can talk to me. Even if it’s about some boy.”

My whole family was freaking blind, “Don’t worry Dad, there is no boy.”

“Are you sure?” He looks confused, “Your brothers said-“

“Anna?” A nurse calls, cutting him off. We both get up quickly and walk into the office where I’m measured in both height and weight, before given a standard check up.

“Alright.” The doctor smiles at me over her clip board. “You’re all set Anna.”

My father doesn’t move an inch.

“You’re a little under the standard height for your age but that’s perfectly normal. Everything else is fine.” I start to get up but she cuts in with a big fat, “But, your weight is lower than average. It’s nothing too drastic but I would suggest eating more. I don’t say this to a lot of kids but gorge yourself once in a while.”

Can she hear the words ‘fuck you’? ‘Cause I’m pretty sure I’m thinking them hard enough.
♠ ♠ ♠
It's been a long time I know, but I swear I'm updating, everything is finished.
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