Status: Completed. Just need to put up the chapters.



Today Cameron was absent. She’d called me early in the morning to say she was sick, and to ask me to copy notes for her. I did so happily. Usually, we walked to class together, but today, since she wasn’t here I decided to take a different route.

There were less students this way and I was daydreaming when somebody pulled me into a janitor’s closet. At first all I could see were mops and other cleaning supplies, smell the musky smell.

And then I heard it.

The low whisper.


I gave a scream, but his hand covered my mouth, “Come on babe. Don’t be like that.”

I tried to fight, flailing my limbs, but he was so big. “Get away.” My voice couldn’t raise higher than a whisper. I was so scared.

“You know I can’t do that.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Long time no update! Sorry about that you guys I have been super busy with the start of school and all. Two AP classes! Hoorah! Anyways, i hope you like this chapter