Status: Completed. Just need to put up the chapters.



I was walking down the hallway with Cam the day after it happened. Our hands were linked, our finger intertwined. And my arm was almost ripped out of my socket when someone pushed me from behind.

“You fucking slut.” It was Malorie. “Couldn’t handle the guilt so you made up a lie?!”

“It’s not a lie.” I just stared at her, trying not to flinch at the crowd forming around us.

“You know you always wanted him! Stop lying to everyone.” She shoved me again and even more people came to listen.

I just stood there a second before answering, “I never wanted him Malorie. If you weren’t so blind maybe you would notice that your boyfriend was a rapist.” A collective gasp went through the hallway and even a few teachers had started listening in.

“Oh god here we go again! Face it! You slept with him and then you couldn’t handle the fact that you’d done it.”

“How much clearer can I make it.” I was sick of this shit, sick of feeling guilty for something that was not my fault, “Your boyfriend pinned me to the floor of your house and raped me. And five months ago he did it again, right here in the school. So stop feeling sorry for yourself and face it.”

Her body stood rigid. Everyone around us was still. “I still think you’re lying.”

Cameron stepped forward and put a finger to her chest, “Back off my girlfriend.”

If they didn’t believe me before. I’m sure they did now.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hehe. Justice.