Status: It is technically finished, but I might add an epilogue later on.

When the Day Met the Night

I Am a Musical Nerd

To dare is to lose one's footing momentarily. To not dare is to lose oneself. ~Soren Kierkegaard

-Elizabeth’s POV-

“Hey E, what was that band you love?” Solara asked me as I milled around my house.

“Which one? You do realize I am a musical nerd.” I replied and thought about the possibilities. I had recently discovered Framing Hanley, so maybe that one?

“The one with the strange as hell lyrics, and that cute guy that sings.”

I sat up from the couch and raised an eyebrow to her. “Because that narrows it down.” I grabbed my iPod and started looking through the artists. “You’ve eliminated solo artists and bands with female singers. Now try again.” Solara’s the complete opposite of me when it came to music. Something that people always found strange, considering music has always been my thing, and yet she has entirely different tastes. I guess the saying that opposites attract is true.

“Damn it why can’t I remember their name! You were obsessed with them like 5 years ago and then you started loving them again. Well all I know is that they’re looking for a new guitarist.” Solara offered up.

My eyebrows furrowed and my mouth scrunched to the side, this face was dubbed my ‘thinking face’ by my friends, since I had been doing it for years. “Meaning they’ve recently parted with the old guitarist… Wait shit. Are you talking about Panic! At the Disco?” I asked but I wasn’t all that excited. Sure I was absolutely in love with their music, but why would the fact that they were trying to recruit new members entice me?

“Yea, I think that’s their name.” Solara looked disappointed at my lack of enthusiasm. “I just thought maybe you would want to try out. You’re amazing at guitar, and pretty damn good at singing as well.” Solara said as she threw around papers at her desk in attempt to find the paper about the audition. Once she found it under enough papers to make a tree she handed the neon green paper to me.

Panic! At the Disco is now looking for a new guitarist.
Auditions now open to public.
Apply before the 6th of May.
Auditions will be held on the 14th of May in an area specified by our manager who will call you once you pass the background check.
Please be 18 or older,
Please be prepared to sing a song of your choosing, and a song of ours.

The bottom was signed by both Brendon Urie and Spencer Smith. Just with that I wanted to keep it forever even if it was a copy.

“So are you going to do it?” Solara asked me.

I was kicked out of my marveling at the paper. “A) it is the 5th, B) How the hell would I get to L.A. when we live in Florida? C) Why would I do something of which I know I’ll fail at?” I said.

“Where is she?” Solara asked while just staring at me.

“Where is who?”

“My best friend. You know, that optimistic girl who is the author of two amazing books. One of which is slight based off of Panic? I would like to know what you’ve done with her.”

“Honestly I don’t know. I guess since I’m about to graduate I’m just growing up and realizing I can’t do everything.” At this Solara got angry.

“Elizabeth Aria Starr! I’ve known you since pre-school. I know what you can do! Over the years I’ve seen you succeed at so many things, all because you truly tried. I mean honestly, you took so many AP classes and duel enrollment classes that you’re graduating a year earlier. You are only 21 and you’ve published two successful books, something that many people strive for yet never succeed in all their life. I went with you to that guitar shop. As soon as you entered, it was like you were home. Music is your life, and you are amazing at it. Why won't you let the world see your talent?”

I scooted away from her. She was scaring me; never did she ever get this emotional about anything. “If I apply will you be happy?” Solara nodded happily and I sighed in resignation. “Hand me my phone please.” I said and looked down at the paper in my hand.

I gave Panic’s manager my information and he told me that I would receive a call the next day after a background check was made.

“Ok it’s done, now all I need to figure out is how to get there.” I said as I looked down at the phone in my hand.