I'd lie&wait forever.

His Voice.

“Mels,” I looked up from my TV at Frank who was sitting on my floor. A few days had passed since I woke up in another new time period. I was beginning to get used to this. Everyday, one of the boys came over, I was rarely alone which was a good thing, it gave me time to not think about the future....well, my home time. Being around them was getting less and less word as the days passed, they took my 'odd' behavior as me just being worried about them leaving, which I played along with because they couldn't know the real reason.

I was starting to like this time period. I liked spending time with these guys, they were the friends I had always wanted. Dorky, funny, accepting, they just don't fucking care and it's amazing.

“Yeah?” I asked, knowing Frank wouldn't speak unless I replied.

I've begun to have some odd dreams lately, I was sitting in a room but I couldn't see anything. I felt trapped, swallowed in darkness. I would hear this insistent beeping and hear whispers of voices that sounded familiar but I could never place.

“Are you alright? You've been a little strange these last few days....” Frank said, sounding concerned.

What could I tell him? That I wasn't from this time period and had no idea how I got here? Tell him I'm from the year 2011 and he's in a world famous band?

That I know about who he's going to be and what his future will be than he does?

“Yeah, I'm alright, I've just been feeling a little weird lately,” I answered, trying hard to make it sound convincing. I don't think Frank believed me, because after I spoke this, he got up off the floor and sat beside me. He placed his heavy arm around my shoulder and pulled me to him. My head going to rest on his shoulder, while my right hand landed on his firm chest.

I could feel his heartbeat under my hand as we sat like this. That familiar feeling of butterflies flooded my stomach, driving me absolutely mad and I had to fight the urge to scream from my inner fangirl.

“It's because were leaving......” Frank's voice was rough, the deep sound of it running chills down my spine.

It had very little to do about them leaving to be honest, I mean, I may be 'best friends' with these boys, but I had no recollection of any of these times. It was as if I hit my head and forgot our so called 'friendship.'

We sat in silence for a few minutes before I heard a knock at my door, probably one of the other guys. I pulled back from Frank and looked into his eyes. His brown eyes were enchanting to me, they showed every tiny emotion he had. That was always my favorite part of Frank Iero, the emotion he held in his eyes. He had nothing to hide, if he was angry, you could see the glare dancing deep within, the flames that burned in his soul. If he was sad, his eyes would get glassy and he would begin to stutter. He has a hard time trying to figure out what to say, but at the same time, it's like he doesn't need to say anything because his eyes say it all.

When I was just a normal 18 year old girl, who obsessed with My Chemical Romance, I wanted nothing more than to meet Frank, just so I could see the emotions running through his eyes when I tell him everything that band had done for me.

“I'll get it,” Frank said, his voice soft. He pushed himself from the couch, opened the door only to be pushed out of the way by Gerard, Mikey following silently behind him. Gerard had a big smile on his face when he walked in, going right past Frank he walked up to me and than fell onto my body. Crushing me, but only slightly.

“Hi G,” I said, my voice muffled from the body that was ontop of me.

“Hello darling Mel, how are you my beautiful little tooth fairy today?” I giggled a little, pushing Gerard off of me. He landed on the ground with a thud and I looked up as Mikey sat down in the chair on the other side of the room silently. Not even muttering a hello...which seemed pretty out of character for Mikey.

Why was Gerard in such a good mood and Mikey was just sour?

“I'm alright, Mikey, you okay?” Mikey looked up at me, for a second our eyes connected but he immediately turned his eyes to watch TV.

Mikey rarely showed emotion, other than a smile. It was always his poker face, he was the exact opposite of Frank. He was reserved and careful.

Gerard....Gerard was just a freak.

“He's upset about this girl,” Gerard whispered in my ear, I felt a frown tug at my lips and I watched Mikey more carefully. What girl in her right mind would ever try to mess with Mikey?

Sure, he wasn't the greatest to look at now but a person looks only go so far. I, myself found Mikey extremely attractive, even now. He was such an amazing dude. Funny, witty, cheerful as long they're things to be happy about and he's never mean to anyone. He had a speaking voice that just dragged you in and a laugh that could make you happy for a lifetime if you were able to hear it just once.

“What were you and Frankie doing?” Gerard asked me, relaxing into the couch and propped his feet on the table.

“Watching TV,” Frankie shrugged, going back to original spot on the floor.

We sat in silence for a little while, indulging in TV. I was thinking about Mikey. Who was this bitch he was upset over? Was it bad I felt a little tinge of jealousy running through my veins?

I heard the door to my house click open again, this time Ray walking in without knocking. He stood in his froless glory smiling at me.

“Well, hello there Raymond.” Frank teased, not pulling his eyes from the show that was on the TV.

“Hi Ray,” I said in a soft, sweet tone, a smile playing at my lips.

“Hello Melody,” a pause, “how come were sitting inside watching TV when it's the perfect day to go to the comic book store!” Ray said in the most offended voice ever. I laughed and climbed over Gerard, patting the spot next to him. Ray walked over, falling onto the couch next to Gerard and he looked over at Mikey, than back at me.

“What's with him?” Ray mouthed, nudging his finger over to Mikey.

“Girls.” I mouthed back, sitting back up and off of Gerard's lap.

Ray nodded turning his head to the TV like everyone else.

We sat in silence for awhile, I was thinking a little about how Frank knew there was something upsetting me. I looked between the four boys, each of them watching the TV screen as if it was the most interesting thing since play-doh.

I smiled a little bit, I felt lucky to be here with my hero's. The men who inspire me day in and day out, to be creative in everything I do, to live life.

But I knew this would all go away some day. I wouldn't be with these boys forever, one day it was going to disappear and I would wake up.

I grabbed the remote, turning it off.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?” Frank screamed, Gerard and Mikey both groaned, looking at me. Ray seemed unmoved by it, having very little time to get engrossed in the show like the others.

They all told me to turn it back on, but when they noticed I was looking down, playing with the remote in my hands they stopped, they knew I had something to say.

I could feel the tears brimming my eyes.

“Melo-” Frank started, but I cut him off, I didn't want to hear him say my name.

“What if I went away....” I said under my breath, none of them could hear me and Gerard was the first to say, “What?”

“I said, what if I went away, far away and you never saw me again....” I said, just a tiny bit louder.

“What are you talking about Mels?” Ray asked, sounding confused. I didn't look up at him, I just stared down at the remote that was placed in my lap. I ran my fingers over the bumps of the buttons, my teeth chewing at my lip.

“What if one day, I just disappeared...as if I never existed?”

“Yo, Mels, where is all this coming from?” Frank asked, scooting over so he was by my feet, he looked up so he could see my face that was hidden behind my hair. I didn't look at him.

I didn't know how to reply, how could I?

“Mel?” I felt Gerard grasp my shoulder beside, giving it a light squeeze, “you know, you can tell us anything right?”

“That's just it Gerard. I can't. I can't tell you everything because you wouldn't understand.....” I shook my head, finally looking up, my eyes landing on Mikey, he was staring at me and I back him.

“What if one day, I left without a single word,” I looked at Frank, “there would be no clue as to where I had gone...and no matter how hard you were to search....” I then turned my head to look at Gerard and Ray, “you would never find me. It would be like I never existed....what would happen? Would you hate me?”

“Mels, we could never hate you,” Mikey finally spoke up, sending a thrill through my veins. His voice did something to me. I just wanted to listen to him all day long.

“Where is this all coming from? Is this about us leaving? Do you think were just going to forget about you Mels?” Gerard asked, placing a hand on my back.

“No, it's not that.”

I wasn't sure why, but I had a horrible gut feeling today....like this was all going to go away. Maybe not now but soon and as much as I wanted to go home, I was liking being here too. “It's just a random thought I guess....”

No one said anything else, they watched me a few more minutes before I told them I wasn't feeling really well. I got up, telling them I was going to get lay down for a little bit.

“Is it okay if we stay?” Frank asked before I made it to the stairs.

“Make yourself at home.”

“Okay...we'll still be here when you wake up love,” Frank gave me a sympathetic smile, I didn't return it, I just looked forward and made my way up the stairs.
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Sorry I've been a little lacking in updates, once Christmas Breaks starts I'll be writing tons more. <3