I'd lie&wait forever.

Die Hard

“FUCCCCCCKKKK,” I cried out as loud as I could when I awoke to the pain in my lower back and my stomach. I knew that feeling to well. All.to.well.

I pushed myself from bed, looking at the clock to see it was almost one in the afternoon. I walked into the bathroom and sure enough, I had been sleeping in a pool of my own blood.

“Fuck life, fuck life, fuck life.” I took care of myself and walked downstairs, desperately looking through my cabinets for midol. When I didn't find it, I slammed my head against the cabinet.

“Mother fucker, 1997 doesn't have midol. KILL ME! FUCKING KILL ME! DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE,” I continually banged my head against the cabinet, honestly wanting to cry as I held the area where my aching ovaries sat.

I was broken from the slamming of my head when I heard the phone going off. I literally wanted to scream at it and tell it to shut up, but it wouldn't shut up even if I told it to......fucking telephones need to be able to take orders.

I stalked over to it, picked it up and let out a grunt instead of a hello. The person who was calling probably thought I was a caveman.

“Um...” an uncomfortable teenage voice filled my ears and I couldn't help but laugh.

“There is no one here by the name of 'um' I do believe you have the wrong number,” I taunted but stayed on the phone.

“Is Melly there?”

“Tis' Melly you are speaking to my dear friend,” I said in the best English accent I could manage.....which wasn't very good since I suck ass at accents. I probably sound like an English person on crack...or something. You would think after years of reading and watching Harry Potter, I would have it down, but the only thing I could really say was 'bloody hell.'

“Oh, hey it's Frank,” I smiled a little, leaning against the wall.

“Why, hello there Frank, how are you my kind sir?”

“I'm really good, how about you?”

“Well, frankly, I am pretty sure I'm about to kill myself. My back is killing me and my ovaries are crying with pain. I am PMSing like a crazy hooker and my head has suddenly decided to start hurting. Probably because I spent the last minute and a half slamming my head against a wall.” Frank laughed on the other end of the phone, obviously picking up on my irritation. “Just be happy you're not a girl.”

“I'm sorry, do you still want to hang out today?” Frank sounded pretty confident in himself, which was a slight turn on, not gonna lie.

“Yeah sure, do you think we could just hang out around my house though, I really don't want to go out and get dressed and shit like that.”

“Yeah sure, that's fine. Do you want me stop and get you some medicine?” Frank asked, I felt my face brighten a little, “or do you have some?”

“Umm...actually no I don't but you don't have to do that...” I said, feeling a little uncomfortable talking about this.

“No, it's cool, what should I get?”

I thought about it for a second before telling him Tylenol. I gave him my address and the directions to my house, hanging up and than going onto my couch, deciding to read while I wait for Frank.

I ended up grabbing my Lord of the Ring's book off the shelf, god did I fucking love those books and quickly open to the first page.

I didn't even get through a chapter when I heard Frank knocking. I grunted, I really just wanted to curl up with a good book and cry about how badly my stomach hurt, but I figured Frank and I could probably watch a movie or something.

I went to the door, opening it to see Frank smiling brightly at me.

“You'll have to ignore how ugly I am, I'm bleeding from my crotch.” I said simply, stepping out of the way to let him in, Frank laughed again, engulfing me into a hug.

“I brought you pain reliever,” Frank said with a laugh, pulling out the medication from the bag and handing it to me.

“God, you're a life savior,” I said, taking it from him and going into the kitchen to get something to drink.

“I've lived in this state my whole life and i've never seen your house before...” I straighted up a little, “I swear, this house never used to be here....” Frank trailed off, seeming to look deep in thought.

“Maybe it's magic, do you want anything?” Frank shook his head, going to jump onto the counter.

“Your house seems really empty...”

“It's just me here, my mom's never really...around...ever.” I said simply, looking up at Frank from my cup.

“Whys that?” Frank was giving my a sympathetic look but I ignored it.

“She's just never around. You don't have to feel bad though, I mean, I don't exactly like her. We don't agree on many things. She likes to think of me as a devil.”

“A devil?” Frank started to laugh hysterically, making me smile. “What makes your Mom think something so....”

“Ignorant?” Frank nodded as I finished my statement. He probably didn't want to insult my mother. “Because I don't dress like a girl and because of the music I listened to.”

“What kind of music do you listen to?” Frank asked, his body seeming to perk up a little. I felt myself get a little confused, I couldn't say the things I would normally say, I mean, half the bands I loved didn't even exist yet.

“Umm...well, I love a lot of rock music,” I said simply, shrugging my shoulders.

“Well...like what?” I mentally cursed Frank's curiosity.

“Uh, Smashing Pumpkins....uh...Nirvana...The Smiths...Queen...things like that I guess....” Frank nodded with a smile.

“She thinks your a devil for that?” Frank laughed more and I just shook my head at him.

“That's my mom for you....”

There was a moment of silence as I shuffled around the kitchen, preparing snacks for the movie marathon we were about to have.

“So....those guys you were with...Mikey and Gerard...” I straighted up a little, turning to look at him.

“You know them?”

“Yeah, totally, they're apart of the music scene in Jersey. I've seen them at a few parties...were not friends or anything, but we've talked a little.” I nodded my head, surprised over the fact that they already knew each other.

“You guy's would make great friends....” Frank raised a questionable eyebrow at me.

“What makes you say something like that?”

“I just know you would,” I offered Frank a very confident smile, which he returned.

“So how did you meet them?”

“Mikey works at that bookstore. I'm a frequent customer. I love to read. I met Gerard one day when I was looking through comics...and yeah, that's pretty much it. We haven't known each other long or anything.....you don't mind if we just hang out and watch movies right?”

“No, that sounds like fun. I could use a lazy day.” I smiled brightly at him, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear as I opened the microwave and started the popcorn.

“Why don't you go pick out a movie, we have a whole shelf worth of them back there.” I pointed to the shelf next to the TV filled with movies. Frank nodded and got up, searching through them.

“Die Hard?” Frank's voice perked up, pulling it from the shelf and holding it out. I felt a smile creep onto my face.

“One of the greatest action movies of all time right?!” I said brightly. It felt a little weird that I knew practically everything about Frank and yet he had no idea about any of it.

“Yeah, totally!” I grabbed a giant bowl and poured the popcorn into it, carrying it out into the living room and setting it on the table.

“So, we have juice, coke, or water. Which would you like to drink?”

“Hmm...decisions, decisions.....Get me a coke.” I nodded my head and returned to the kitchen, grabbing two soda's for us. I came back out, placing them on the table and running upstairs to my room, grabbing a few blankets and walking back downstairs. I threw one of them on the couch and then went over to the window, going to hang it over the curtains.

“What are you doing?” Frank laughed, watching my struggle with being slightly out of reach.

“Trying to make it darker...” I saw Frank walk over to me in the corner of my eye and than suddenly felt his hand brush against the skin on my waste. My whole body tensed and my heart jumped in my throat. When did I start exposing skin?! Damn t-shirts not covering shit when you stretch out. “Here, let me get it,” Franks hands grabbed the blanket and he quickly threw it over.

“Thanks....” I muttered as he stepped back.

“No problem, it feels good not being the short one.” I sent him a small glare before going to straighten out the blanket so it covered the window better.

“I'm not that short...” I said under my breath.

“What ever helps you sleep at night,” I turned around to see Frank lounged on the couch, wrapped in the blanket. I smiled sweetly at him before grabbing the movie and shoving it into the VHS player and turning the TV on.

I walked over to the couch and he lifted up the blanket, letting me sit right beside him. I pulled the blanket into my lap and grabbed the popcorn bowl. Frank immediately dove his hand into the dish and pulled out a hand full of popcorn.

Sometime during the movie I ended up dozing off.

(Frank's POV :D)

I felt myself jump a little as I felt a heavy weight on my shoulder. I turned my head to see Melly was leaning against me, her eyes closed and her breathing relaxed. I instinctively wrapped my arm around her and pulled her closer to me. She looked really sick when I first came over, maybe she was just really tired. I figured I would just let her sleep, at least until the movie was over.

“mm, home...” I turned my attention back to Melly, hand that was resting around me now gripped my shirt tightly. “I want to go home.”

“What?” I asked softly, I heard that if you tried talking to people in their sleep they would reply.

“2011.” She grumbled, snuggling into my chest, “I want to go home...”

I wondered if maybe she was dreaming of being in the future or something. Who knows?

“Frankie....” I watched her tightened up a little, was she having a nightmare? “Gerard, Mikey...Ray....” She grumbled, snuggling into me more. It made me smile having her so close to me. It surprised me, girls like her usually didn't like guys like me. I went back to watching Die Hard when I realized she wasn't talking anymore. I wondered what she was dreaming about. Maybe she was dreaming about Gerard, Mikey and I being best friends in the future....but who was Ray?

When the movie ended, I shook her awake to tell her good-bye, deciding it was time for me to go home. I wasn't sure if it registered or not, she did let me go, but as soon as she did she fell back onto the couch and closed her eyes. So I left her note telling her I would call her later on, which I planned to do.

I was really starting to like this girl.
♠ ♠ ♠
I apologize if they're a lot of mistakes in this. I didn't really go back and proof read to well. It is currently 1:30 and I just wanted to get this posted. xD
I'm sorry for not updating that often, I've been so booked with school. It's killer. I promise I'll keep updating, it's probably just going to be REALLLLLYYY slow. :(
I'm doing my best though.
Anyway, hope you enjoyed. :)