Sequel: Fourteen Sundays

101 Reasons




James and I stood by the small creek just besides Ann’s favorite bench in the park. Theplace where they sent her ashes in peace.

“Did it hurt her?” I started looking vaguely at the sky, “did it hurt her when she died?”

“It just happened man, all of a sudden her hands slipped mine and she was gone.” he said, and he left.

I was still defiant and refused to accept her death, but reality was setting in. I can no longer hear her complain about James’ trying hard rockstar moves. I can no longer see her roll her eyes when Aya tries hard to make her study. I can no longer see her evil smile when she sees Lee lurking around the campus. I can no longer feel her hands on mine. I can no longer hear her laugh nor see her smile. Everything about Ann just disappeared into something that only I can imagine.

"How does it feels like to be in heaven?" i can still remember how her voice sounded when she asked that to James. How does it feel Ann? Are you there? The question hurt, but then, everything hurt. It even hurt me to breathe.

I shivered although it’s 32 degrees, I said in my heart. “Why did you have to die?”

After a few more hours of staying glued by the creek I decided to go home. When I reached Ann’s favorite bench someone called out.

“HEY! HEY! GUY WITH THE WEIRD GREEN SHIRT!” I turned around and saw a girl half panting and half running her way towards me.

“Wow! You walk fast. Here, you dropped these.” She breathe and then held out Ann’s key. I could’ve sworn I blink just to see if everything that’s happening is real. I swear I didn’t bring that key with me. I know it’s still inside the jar, where Ann opened almost half of our reasons.

“Thank you.” I managed to whisper. She smiled, the same way how Ann smiles. And then I looked up, a soft breeze touched my cheek and I know this is Ann’s way of saying that I should learn to love and be loved again.

No stars show that night but the sky was more luminous than it has been the night before. That night mean a promise of sunshine Sunday. I hope it did. When I was looking at the deep vast sky a cloud shifted giving me a glimpse of one star. It vanished quickly but somehow it was an omen.

“Ann.” I whispered silently, “I met a girl just now. She has the same smile as yours. She seems nice, I know you’d like her. Please understand that my inviting her to lunch doesn’t mean I stopped loving you. But she and I will be friends. I need someone Ann. I do.”
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SHORT NOTE: I posted this on three different sites with three different usernames. :) I was originally from the site teentalk my username is bien_021, then I shared this and my other stories on wattpad under starsandmudpies and last here. I have this likepage on facebook --> here's the link. I already finished this story last year, it has a part two. :))) I will post it a little later. Thank you and please tell me what you think. :)