Status: completed

Life in a Fast Lane

Need That Picture Of You

The blitz of the cameras blinded him, there were too much people shouting some questions about his band’s new record, he rushed his step to his car on the parking lot that’s just only a few steps from the restaurant’s entry door. As soon as he got into his car, the paparazzi were surrounding him, taking pictures, shouting some questions. He started his engine and put the car on reverse as he drove off to his band mate’s house.
Cameron Leahy had always wanted to be a rock star since he was child. He had always loved to play guitar better than going out to a skate park along with his friends. And now that he’s living the dream, he knows everything don’t always go smooth.

Cameron is in the band called The Downtown Fiction, and they are now on top of their career. Every girl was longing for a shout out, hugs, and sometimes some of them expect a kiss on their cheek. Being in different places in a time, going out of Virginia 10 out of 12 months, never have the one chance to just lie back because it’s always another day spent on the road. The whole band, that are David Pavluk, Eric Jones, and Wes Dimond are having a life on the fast lane. Parties and shows to attend, signings, meet greets, and writing to do. It’s what’s up on their daily basis.

The boys really love to party, it is no longer a secret that they do. But David and Wes are two most loyal boyfriends to their girlfriends. David is the one who love to party the most, but no matter how he love parties, he knows the limit for his own.
Cameron reached the front door of Eric’s house as he knocked on it twice, but still had to wait for several minutes before Eric opened it. He was soaked in the rain by the time he parked his car on Eric’s driveway. It‘s one of those rainy August nights in Northern Virginia.

“Another night struggling with cameras, huh?” Eric said as he handed Cameron a dry towel.

“They are so annoying! Why do they go after me? Why don’t they come after you? Or David? Or Wes?!” Cameron raised the tone of his voice as Eric went to the kitchen.

“Simply, because the girls want you more. You’re the front man of this band, Cam. You wrote almost all of our songs.” Eric handed Cameron a cup of coffee as he sip his own.

“Unfair!” Cameron pouted. “I need to change.” Cameron added as he made his way to Eric’s bedroom and grabbed his clothes and changed.

Situation like this is no longer a strange thing to see for Eric, or his other band mate. Cameron will run to one of his band mate’s house whenever the paparazzi tried to chase him down for a confirmation or information.

Eric let Cameron did whatever he needed to do as he just went to sleep for his own good. Even though there’s a room for Cameron to sleep in, he decided to laid back on Eric’s couch, letting the sound of the rain rushed into his systems and he the smell of water calmed his mind for a bit.

Cameron was drowned in a twilight zone. It’s been a while since he hasn’t been home. The good ol’ Northern Virginia looks just as bright every time he’s back on tour. No matter how rainy it was, he’s just always happy to be home. For the one and only Cameron Leahy, nothing could be better than home.

Cameron closed his eyes, trying to recall on what happened in this very state of the US. He remembers about his high school life used to be, the bully he used to face, and the girls who used to rejected him. All the memories from the older days rushed into his nerves, reminded him a lot of his struggle during his way up.

He smiled to the earlier scenes that was playing on his mind, until the one he regret the most to happened, kicked in. Cameron opened his eyes, let his mind examine every inch of the ceilings, he could still remember clearly on what happened between him and the girl, Bridget Crowne.

“What have I done?” Cameron whispered as he killed the light.
♠ ♠ ♠
The next chapters will be going to few years back. The years before Cameron was famous.
There will be some names behind the band's success and you'll get to know who Bridget was to Cameron. I hope you guys enjoy the first chapter(:
