Status: completed

Life in a Fast Lane

Baby, You're All That I Want

The Downtown Fiction had a few weeks off the tour and they decided to spent some time home with their families, back to the good old Northern Virginia. It was early morning when Bridget woke up to her escalating ringtone and the clock on her bedside showed her the date was April 10th 2010. It was only 3 am when she woke and unconsciously grabbed her phone that apparently had 5 new messages and 19 missed calls. All the 5 messages were from Gio and the phone calls were from Gio, Eric, Cameron, and Vivian.

Bridget jolted from her bed as she looked at her digital alarm and her eyes widened when she realized the date. She smacked her head as she ran off to the bathroom and changed slightly into a proper outfit. She dressed up in a rush as she grabbed her phone and started dialling numbers, but Vivian was the one answering.

"Where bloody hell are you?" Vivian spat once she answered, not giving Bridget any chance to speak. "We're already on our way to David's house for the surprise!" Vivian added.

"I'm sorry, I overslept and I didn't hear the call until the last one. Oh God, I am so screwed."

"No, not really. We haven't gotten that far from Cam's house, and I could still manage the time to get my motorcycle and pick you up, then we'll go straight to David's."

"No, we'll meet in front of David's driveway then we'll surprise him!" Bridget said as Vivian and the other agreed.

Bridget quickly knock on her parents' room to ask their permission to use the car to David's house as she went just as quick and met the rest of the gang there. Gio already had this tiny cake for David's little surprise and Cameron called for David's housemate's help.

"Yo John, we're already outside your house, has the baby fallen asleep yet?" Cameron asked as then he hung up and the front door opened.

"He's already sleeping like a baby." John said as they all went for the surprise.

After a little surprise for David, Gio decided to stay over David's to help David prepared the party. As everyone else went to Cameron's and decided to get some nap before they went to the mall and looked for David's birthday present.

It was 1 pm when Bridget, Vivian, Cameron, and Eric went out of the house by Cameron's car that's been used by the girls a lot to the mall. But on their way there, Vivian and Eric asked for a stop at their favorite coffee shop before carried on their way.

Vivian went inside the shop by herself as she then recognize a brown-haired glasses guy who sat on the corner of the room as she held those coffee cups that her friends ordered. Turned out Vivian was right. The guy he saw was Jason as she came up to him just to say hi.

"Big order?" Jason asked as they said hi to each other and Vivian giggled.

"Got some friends ordering them." Vivian answered as she pointed out to the car Cameron was driving.

"Bridget there?"

"You know what? You should come to our friend's birthday party tonight! Remember the house you took Bree to when she was drunk? Come by there tonight!" Vivian cheerfully said as Jason put on his doubtful face. "I invited you, plus, I could introduce my friends to you, and if they're getting tattoo, they know where they should go to!"

Jason without a second thought agreed on Vivian's offer as she then went off to the car, and they were all carried on their way to the mall, and got their birthday present picked. Right after they bought it, they all went straight to David's.


"This is the best party ever!" David yelled as the music in the back kept on playing.

Everyone was dancing to the beat the music was playing, David's house were full of some of his best friends. John, his housemate, he invited some of his bandmates that then became their very best friends. There was a cake placed on the table in the middle of the dining room, some foods were also placed around it.

Most of John's friends were all above 21 so they could bring the alcohol as they drank it up until drunk. In the middle of the party, Vivian got the door opened and Jason went to the party inside. The TDF boys didn't know who Jason was, and he was almost kicked out of the house, but thanks to Bridget, Vivian, and Gio he didn't.

Gio then quickly joined David and some of his friends, even though at the moment, most of David's friends were almost drunk, Gio and David stayed sober somehow. It's like the commitment of their relationship, nobody gets drunk when they're around each other.

“I thought you wouldn’t come!” Vivian said as she sipped her drink from the red paper cup.

“Is that alcohol? You’re underage!” Jason stated as he seized her cup. “And it’s just coke.” Jason rolled his eyes as she laughed and Eric then butt in to their conversation.

“Hey Baby.” Eric said coldly, narrowing his eyebrows and stare straight over Jason’s direction. He was pushing the word ‘baby’ though.

“Hi Eric.” Vivian said coldly to mess with Eric’s head a little. “Okay, no. Jason and I are just friends, he was the one who got my tattoo done.” She added as Eric sighed and shook Jason’s hand.

“Is she always like that?” Jason said as he pointed out his hand to Vivian’s direction as Eric just shrugged.

Jason, Vivian, and Eric spent few minutes talking about some interesting things and Eric turned out to be the one who’s got closer to Jason due to their common interests. Vivian then left the boys and went to Bridget who was just sitting on the corner of the room with Cameron as they just cuddle themselves into each others.

“Ugh, get a room already you two!” Vivian said in disguise.

“Are you jealous that you’re not doing this with your boyfriend because apparently he’s dating a stranger? And that stranger’s a guy!” Cameron teased his cousin.

“Shut up Cammie. Stop being a jerk before I kick your ass.” Vivian sticks out her tongue.

Cameron wouldn’t stop teasing Vivian as she was then annoyed by her cousin’s act and Bridget finally got to stop him. After a playful time with his cousin, Cameron decided to take a few shots of the drinks and he went out of control. He was dancing all around the place uncontrollably.

David was confused by Cameron’s act, since he was still sober. Eric, Jason, and David were the only guys sober and they had to carry Cameron upstairs to the room, but he didn’t fall asleep quickly. After the boys put him down to bed, they all went back to the party and the next thing they know, Cameron joined them all over again, and this had to be done for three times before Bridget took control.

“That’s it Leahy. You’re going to stop partying this hard.” Bridget said as she pulled Cameron out of the crowd.

“Mom, what are you doing in Bridget’s outfit?” Cameron mumbled as Bridget rolled her eyes.

“Enough, Cammie. It’s me, Bree.” She said as she put Cameron to bed.

Just as Bridget wanted to leave the room, Cameron groaned and repeatedly calling Bridget’s name as she then walked back to Cameron and he pulled her onto the bed. As much as Bridget wanted to resist, Cameron’s hands were on her waist, their face was only an inch away when Bridget rested her forehead on Cameron’s.

“Don’t go.” Cameron whispered through her hair. “Stay with me, stay tonight." He added as he pressed his lip against hers, and the next thing they know, their body was against each others.
♠ ♠ ♠
You can guess where I take this going! Oh well, enjoy btw :)

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