Status: completed

Life in a Fast Lane

I'm Still Here, Still Around

After David’s little birthday party, Vivian told Cameron’s parents that she was moving to her own apartment and she asked Bridget to come along to be her roommate, besides, she realized the rent payment would be a lot cheaper.

Bridget and Vivian moved to the apartment around three weeks after David’s party and was just a week away from TDF’s hometown show. The girls got some help from Gio and Jason during their moving to the new apartment. It was around 4 pm when they were done unpacking their stuff from their old house as Gio made her way to the kitchen.

“Well, you won’t find anything there… We haven’t done our grocery shop.” Vivian said as she threw her body to the nearest couch as Gio sighed.

“Great. I am so hungry. I haven’t had my lunch!” Gio murmured as Jason took his phone off his pocket.

“Chinese foods for dinner?” Jason asked as Vivian and Gio nodded.

Jason, Vivian, and Gio were just hanging in the living room while Bridget took her time inside the bathroom. Bridget hadn’t been feeling so well since the very morning she woke up earlier in the morning. She had been inside the bathroom for about 20 minutes and it worried her other friends. Jason was about to checked on Bridget inside the bathroom as he received a phone call and he rushed back to his office.

It was all left to Vivian and Gio as they knocked on the bathroom door for several times, but they’ve got no answer. Vivian knocked the door harder that time as they then heard a click on the door, meaning Bridget finally unlocked the door and they storm through the door and found Bridget was shaking in the corner of the bathroom. She was sitting on the bathroom floor, holding her knee tight to her chest.

“Are you okay Bee?” Gio said as she pulled Bridget into her arms, followed by Vivian.

“What happened on David’s party…” Bridget said with a trembling voice. “I…” she stuttered.

“You what, Bree?” Vivian said as Bridget then sobbing her heart out.

“I haven’t gotten my period during April, and we, Cameron and I… we didn’t use any protection that night.” Bridget said as she buried her face in between her knees.

Vivian didn’t know what to say or to but giving Bridget a warm massive bear hug. They hadn’t run the test for Bridget though, so there is a possibility that it was just her period messed up with her self. She had been through a lot of stress lately and it was possible for the period itself to screw over her. Gio calmly helped Bridget to stand up as they then helped Bridget to walk to her room.

Just after a few minutes, the food Jason earlier ordered came and there they had their late lunch inside Bridget’s room. It was not the best kind of time for them since Bridget was all bubbly and gooey, her mood had been unstable and everytime she ate she’d thrown them back out. After finishing the not so called late lunch, Vivian took an initiative as she rushed down her apartment building to her motorcycle and went to bought five different pregnancy tests and got back to her apartment as soon as possible.

Vivian got into the room where Bridget was as she handed her the pregnancy tests but Bridget was a little too scared to check on the truth, better yet, her best friends managed to convinced her about it. As she took a very little steps to the bathroom, her best friends were right behind her, in case she needed anything.

After she peed on the tester and everything it said on the manual that they had to at least waited for five minutes before the result showed. It was the longest five minutes out of Bridget’s life. It seems like it was five hell minutes as then Gio realized the five minute waits had already over.

Bridget left the tester inside the bathroom, but she didn’t want to look at them, instead of getting the testers, Bridget turned to Vivian and buried her face on her arms. Bridget wouldn’t stop crying until Gio returned to them and handed her the testers, but then again, she resisted to see.

Vivian embraced herself as she took them and found 3 out of 5 testers showed a positive sign and all she did was tighter her hug to Bridget as Bridget squeeze her back. She didn’t know whether to worry or to be happy. If only she had been talking to Cameron in the past few weeks he left for tour, maybe things wouldn’t be too hard for her.

She kept on squeezing her best friend who is the baby’s father’s cousin. Vivian couldn’t say anything, all she did was rubbing Bridget’s back just to make her feel better. Bridget always loved it whenever her back’s getting rubbed. The time passed so fast when Gio’s phone rang and it was a phone call from her mother, asking where she was. It was almost 10 pm when she told her mother she’d be staying over Vivian’s and Bridget’s new apartment.

“You know you can go home, Gee.” Bridget said as the girls finally convinced her to go to bed.

“I want to stay with my best friend, what’s so wrong about it?” Gio smiled as Bridget put on a bitter smile.

“You know we won’t leave you, right? We’ll always be here.” Vivian said before killing the lights in her room.

As Gio and Vivian left the room, she made herself a cup of coffee and went to sit down next to Gio in front of the TV on the couch. Gio sat down as she scoop one full spoon of Ben and Jerry’s from its cup. Vivian and Gio was in that silent moment as the looked into each other. Everything for the girls were turning a little upside down, especially with the fact that they no longer contacting their boyfriends. Even Vivian lost contact with Eric.

Gio had been trying to contact David but all she got was his voicemail answering her calls. Vivian hadn’t been able to tell Cameron about that, and they were a little worried about how things will work out between Bridget and Cameron while they haven’t even spoken for three whole weeks. The thoughts of it rushed into three of them, even into Bridget’s mind who they thought was sleeping.

Inside the room, Bridget was starring onto his cellphone’s screen and trying to gather all the guts she had to maybe call Cameron. But after several attempts of doing so, she gave up and instead she started sobbing. She was devastated of her condition, she felt so weak because she was. She just wanted someone she loves so much strengthened her, but he was on the other side of the state that she didn’t even know where.

She cried and cried as she found herself falling asleep and drowned in her own tears. As the morning greeted, Bridget was supposed to be up and ready for her class when she then had one of those morning nausea rushed upon her system. Vivian hadn’t been sleeping for the whole night, trying to figure out a way out for her best friend. Yet again, nothing good came to her mind.

“I smell something delicious…” Bridget said as she walked toward the kitchen.

“I made some muffin, you love muffin, it’s a blueberry filled muffin.” Vivian grinned as then Gio joined them.

The girls had their breakfast as then Vivian turned on the TV and MTV was on. A song by beyonce was on, as then they continued with TDF’s I just wanna run and something was like striking Bridget. She looked at the TV screen as she rubbed her belly and looked toward her best friends.

“What have I done?” Bridget started to sob and the girls shut their mouths.

“What will you do with the baby?” Vivian asked as Gio glared at her.

“I want to keep it, its just…” Bridget took her breath. “I haven’t seen or talked to his or her daddy…”

“Next week is their hometown show here in Virginia. No worries, we can get to them by then.” Gio said as she hug Bridget tight before Bridget could burst into tears.
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Oh well... What do ya think?