Status: completed

Life in a Fast Lane

Time has got a way of taking back

The show was another accomplishment for The Downtown Fiction as they went off the stage and hang around the venue while the other bands were playing. Eric and Wes got themselves some cups of coffee as they were talking to a barista who was actually kind of close to them, and she remembered the days when TDF was just another band performed that no one noticed, but they were all now have grown up and a lot of girls were asking about the band to her, and she told them both she couldn’t believe it.

Eric took a sip out of his coffee as he walked toward Cameron who sat on a table with a blank stare at the table. Eric knew something wasn’t right for Cameron, well, nothing had been actually right for him in the past couple of months. No conversation was made as they could listen to the crowd who was cheering at the encore.

“Hey, snap out of whatever you were thinking for, we’ve got some familiar faces coming for a hug.” Eric said as he tapped Cameron’s shoulder and he put on that angelic smile to some of their hometown fans.

The venue decided to shut down right at midnight as the band decided they would spend a night home with their family. They hopped on to the van as suddenly a girl came up to them. That girl was the barista who they used to talk to. At first, some security almost got her ditched but then the band told the security she was fine and they offered the barista a ride home.

“What is it you wanted to say, Ariel?” Cameron asked as Wes turned on the van’s engine.

“I know this is none of my business, but seeing you guys without Vivian and Bridget doesn’t feel right.” Said Ariel, the barista as David shrugged off.

“Things between them and us are a little up and down, so you know…” Cameron said.

“Vivian would’ve killed me if I told you guys this, but she works in Jammin’ Java now, tonight was supposed to be her shift, but she called and ask me to replace her, and Gio works in a coffee shop across the NOVA Ink.”

“What? Why? Her dad covers all her needs for college and the lifestyle.” Cameron argued. “Heck, my mom wouldn’t let her suffer the hunger.”

“What about Bridget?” Eric asked as Cameron got curious.

“She works with Jason in the NOVA Ink.”

Cameron dropped his jaw as Wes told them that they were in front of Ariel’s house so she left the band and they decided to go to Vivian’s apartment. It was around 2 am when Cameron knocked on their door and Vivian was still up. The rest of the band waited outside as Cameron rushed in to the apartment and looked for Bridget.

Vivian was beyond her anger when he opened each doors before he found one door left to be opened. Just as Cameron about to open it, Vivian got to him and pulled him away from the door. It was indeed Bridget’s room and she was inside, sleeping. But Vivian wouldn’t let him in because she knew Bridget was still upset about his presence in a sudden while she had decided to move on.

Cameron’s heart was breaking into pieces when Vivian told him about Bridget getting engaged with Jason by the end of September. He wanted to blow everything nearby him but deep down he knew he was wrong. He was the one leaving Bridget alone to bear a child on her own. She deserved Jason for anything’s sake.

Cameron sat down on the couch as he buried his face on his hands, trying to cover the tears that streamed down over his cheek but Vivian knew her cousin a little better than everyone else. Even though she was still angry about the fact Cameron left Bridget all alone, she slowly wrapped her arms around Cameron as he gladly accepted that hug and cried hard in her arms.

Vivian let the door opened as then Eric and the rest of the band decided to join them in the living room. As Vivian let Cameron sobbed around she made him a cup of tea with a little drop of lemonade just as how he love it. He sip his tea as Eric sat down next to her and asked about how Vivian would like to continue their relationship as. The more Vivian wanted to tell him to break it, the more she wanted to hug him tight as she did. Vivian rested her head on Eric’s chest as Eric happily pulled her into a warm bear hug.

Vivian missed the feeling of being hold by the persons she truly cared about, not the person who’s there to relieve her lush, so she decided to tell them about everything that happened, about how she loved to go out with every different guys just because she couldn’t stand to talk to Eric without remembering how douche of a cousin she own, then it bummed Cameron over again.

After a little talk with the boys, Vivian offered them a night stay because she knew they wouldn’t be on the road until the next evening and she thought maybe Cameron and Bridget could set things right, even though maybe it wouldn’t be the way Cameron would have wanted it, but Vivian realized no matter how much they hated Cameron, he will always be the dad of Bridget’s future daughter.

The band slept in the living room as Vivian decided to sneak into Bridget’s room and snuggled into the blanket right by her side. As the morning greeted, Vivian was woken up by Bridget who was up earlier than her as she opened her curtain, the sun streamed down the room and shone right down to Vivian’s face and she yawned.

“You sleepy head.” Bridget muttered as Vivian widened her eyes when she realized it was 7 in the morning.

“Have you gotten outside, yet?!” Vivian asked as she jumped off the bed and Bridget slowly shook her head.

“Why so? You seemed so surprised when you looked at the clock. Are you late for work?”

“No, but I have the whole TDF in our living room.”

Bridget stood still as she asked if Vivian finally made her mind to get back to Eric and she said yes. Bridget was happy when Vivian said so and told her that she knew Vivian wouldn’t ever let Eric out of her life for a longer time.

“Cameron’s also there, Bree.” Vivian cut the conversation.

“I know.” Bridget stood as she rubbed her belly. “I had a dream about him last night. Your niece misses her real dad.” She added as she smiled toward Vivian and asked her to get out of her room.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is not the best chapter I've written because I'm not actually feeling it... but here ya go :)
