Status: completed

Life in a Fast Lane

Never regret, no, we learned how to love

Bridget's POV

I could still remember the pain during the process of giving Marina her birth, but once I heard her cry filled in the room, I know everything was worth it. They took my baby to her own room while Cameron and the other took me to the intensive care room. Cameron didn't leave me a bit, not even a second. He was there the whole time and I squeezed him just a little too tight once but he didn't complain at all. It was already dawn and I was tired as hell.

The last thing I remembered was Cameron turning off the light and we all went to sleep. The next day, I woke up at 8 when Cameron gently stroked my hair, whispering I should be up because I had to breastfeed Marina. I've never done anything like that so I was a little worried when the nurse carried Marina in. I pulled myself up and made myself in a sitting position while I held Cameron's hand tight.

"Your grip gets tighter everytime." Cameron smirked as I let go of it slowly. "Better." He smiled.

"I've never done anything like this before..." I gasped as the nurse placed Marina's craddle by my bed.

I saw everyone was still sleeping as Cameron woke the boys and gently told them to wait outside while I breastfed Marina, but the thing that I couldn't do such thing made me stopped him. Instead, I started asking them if maybe they had any idea how to do breastfeeding. The girls went quiet while David walked toward the craddle, carrying Marina from the craddle and put her on my arms.

"Actually I've seen my sister breastfed her child, and it looks easy though. You just put Marina in front of your..." David stopped, seems like he's trying to find the right word as he motioned his chest. "You know.." He shrugged awkwardly.

David simulate the progress as I followed him, but he simulated everything with his eyes closed, meanwhile the others, including Cameron, were also closing their eyes, except for Vivian. I spotted her peaking at what I was doing for a several times. That girl was definitely curious of what was happening while Marina just got her first ever breastfeed that makes me grateful for what I was.

After a little 25 minutes, I was finally done breastfeeding Marina. I called Cameron to hold Marina while I button up my shirt and Cameron looked very joyful. He wouldn't stop smiling and for a moment I really thought he was my husband, then I remember about Jason. I asked Vivian to brought me a paper and a pen because I wanted to write Jason a letter, telling him that Marina had finally came to the world.

"Do you want to put a picture of her for him?" Vivian asked.

"I don't bring any camera, even if I do, I won't have time to print them." I answered as I heard Marina cried on Wes' arms and Cameron got her again as she went quiet.

"Well, I bring my polaroid camera." Vivian grinned as she lifted her camera. "Eric just got the camera for me, and I've been working on some photograph to be put on your website."

"I couldn't thank you enough!" I stated as Vivian took a picture of Marina that was on Cameron's hand.

Vivian handed me a picture of Marina's first day as she took another picture of Marina with her other camera, only she let Cameron on her pictures that time. I could heard all the laughter filled the room, and the sparkling eyes of Vivian's and Cameron's while they do a little documentary of Marina.

"Anyways, I would like to tell you guys something." I asked once I'm done with my letter as they all looked up to me.

"Sup, Bree?" David asked.

"I'd like Vivian to be Marina's Godmother."

As I said that, Vivian dropped her jaw and she kept on repeating the word 'what' due to her disbelief of what she just heard, while I kept on repeating she was Marina's Godmother and she ran toward me then hugged me tight. She was always the one who was the most excited person about my pregnancy, so she is the one who deserve to be Marina’s godmother.

“Thank you, Bridget!” Vivian said as she stood by my bed.

“You haven’t even held her yet.” Cameron said as Vivian walked by him.

Cameron gently gave Marina to Vivian and she didn’t even cry. Marina was crying all the time Gio and Ariel held her, but when it came to Vivian, she was a completely quiet baby. Seeing what Vivian did, I was pretty glad that she was the one I share an apartment with, and it means she is the one I will be living with until at least Jason came back.

Just when Vivian held Marina, Eric joined her and the whole room couldn’t stop teasing how cute of a parent they would make, yet again, I was jealous. Cameron is Marina’s biological father, but I was engaged with another guy because he decided to ditch me. I was sad when I remember what happened. Cameron took a seat on the edge of my bed, reaching to my hand, keeping it close to his and wouldn’t stop smiling toward Marina. She was a gift, he said.

“What if the media finds out about this?” I asked Cameron, almost whispering as he leaned down.

“Let’s just stop worrying and enjoy the moment. You just gave a birth to our daughter. And she’s a healthy, you’re also healthy, I couldn’t think of anything else.” Cameron whispered.

He was a jerk to me, but I realized that he was just worried, he had his whole dream on his grip and he didn’t want to live in regret. Even though that was the cruelest thing that is ever happened, I didn’t regret it. Marina was the most beautiful mistake I have ever had. She’s the most wonderful surprise God could have given me, even though she was sent by a mistake.

"I'm going to name her Marina Sherine." I said as Cameron kissed my hand and smiled.
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