Status: completed

Life in a Fast Lane

You left me here so unexpected

A month after Marina's birth the boys from TDF had to begin their first headlining tour along with some bands who's actually their pretty close friends. As much as Cameron didn't want to tour so he can stay close to his daughter, he couldn't. It was his dream all along, to be in a band that tours a lot and the music was heard everywhere.

Marina's life during the first month of her life was beyond joyful. Cameron always visited her everyday, and even he chose to spend a night or two over Bridget's apartment, and when he does, Vivian chose to stay over Eric's. Bridget was more than happy when Cameron started to show his care to Marina, and Bridget knew her old Cameron, the Cameron she fell in love with was with her.

Cameron wouldn't miss Marina's breakfast every morning neither her dinner. Whenever he stay over, he was the one who took care of Marina in case she's awake, and Bridget let Cameron slept inside her room on the couch, which he was so grateful. Every single night before bed, Cameron always sings Marina a lullaby and every time she cried out loud, Cameron would've sung her something relaxing.

It was TDF's last night in Virginia, yet again, the press hadn't heard anything about Cameron's affair with Bridget until he had Marina in the world. Cameron just loaded his stuff to the van as he shut the trunk. They were outside Eric's house and they just loaded the van with all the equipment they needed. Their instruments were placed inside their trailer and so they were set to go.

Neither of their girlfriends showed up on their last night in Virginia due to their own business. Vivian was all caught up on her thesis while Gio was working on her photography that should be uploaded to Bridget's website, Ariel was also at her shift in Jammin' Java. Before they took off, David begged the band to take him to Ariel's work. After a little bye speech, David went inside his van and swore he wouldn't want to cheat on Ariel the way he did to Wes' girlfriend.

After David, Cameron begged the band to let him give Marina some goodnight kiss before leaving her all alone with her mom and aunt for the next two months, and once their headlining tour finishes, they would have an overseas trip, continued with another tour with another big bands. Bottom line, they wouldn't have a real day off until June.

Cameron and the rest of the boys decided to made their final Virginia stopped at Bridget's apartment before leaving to New York to pick their guitar texan and some other crews, including their tour manager. Eric knocked on the door quietly remembering the time was 8 pm and its Marina's bed time, but they heard a baby cries and Cameron went uneasy until Vivian got the door.

"Why is she crying?" Cameron stormed in as he ran toward Bridget's room.

Bridget was not sure of what she should do, so she kept on fondling Marina, trying to sing her a lullaby, yet again wouldn't work. Cameron walked into her room and saw her confussion as he smiled and took Marina from Bridget, held her tight on his arms, play a little bit with Marina before singing her a song Bridget never heard of. It was a relief that Cameron finally put his daughter to bed, but was also a sad moment because it just got harder to leave.

"Can't we just take her with us?" Cameron sighed once he got his little girl in her craddle.

"Are you kidding?" Vivian asked as she smacked Cameron's head.

"The next two months won't be the same for me..." Cameron said, still staring at Marina. "She had changed everything."

"Its going to suck to not have you knocking on our door too..." Vivian said as he hugged Cameron tight. "Don't lose your head this time!" She added as Cameron nodded.

"Will you guys stay for dinner?" Bridget asked as the boys nodded.

"I'm going to miss your apartment..." Eric said as he took a plate.

"Really? This apartment? I thought its Vivian's bed you're going to miss." David said as he stick his tongue out and Cameron just glanced. "Sorry." David looked down.

It was a pity that Gio had to skip the boys' dinner because of her job. As they finished the dinner, Vivian tried to make them stay a while longer but she realized she couldn't.

"I'm gonna miss her." Cameron stated once he walked toward the door. "Can I kiss her for one last time?" He added as he turned around and went to take a peak at Marina before giving her the goodnight kiss. "Daddy will be home soon enough."


Bridget had been learning to be a better mother for Marina during Cameron's gone, and within that short time of three months, she was also taking online classes in a matter to get her diploma on business management. She just breastfed Marina when Vivian stormed into the apartment with a brown envelope and realized it may be her letter from Jason. Bridget ran over Vivian and seized the envelope as she excitedly tear the envelope and read the letter.

"I can't believe I missed her birth! Thanks for the lovely pictures you sent me, Bee. It sure is a new way to regain my strength every single night I closed my eyes. I am beyond happy and glad that neither of you and our little girl have to suffer the thing all these women and children I found here. I am glad that there's no war in our country. I'm happy that you're safe. I am also glad that Cameron had soften and wanted to be there for Marina. I realize that he's going to be her biological dad forever, but I won't let Marina feels outcast.

Anyways, the situation here is a little chaotic. That's why I haven't been sending you mails. But baby, I haven't through a day without remembering your soft lip and that cute daughter of ours. I hope I can make it home by the end of June.

Much love, Papa Flynn"

Bridget smiled to the letter she just read as she continued finishing her homework. Vivian just got her thesis done so she didn't have anything to do until the graduation by the end of the semester. Bridget was more than thrilled knowing that Jason might be home by the end of June which made it only two weeks away.

"How's it going?" Vivian asked as she sipped her chocolate out of the cup.

"He may be home in two weeks. I bet he's going to be so pumped knowing that maybe we can start the tattoo gallery again." Bridget said excitedly as Vivian's phone rang. "Seems like the lovebirds going to make out." Bridget added as she stick her tongue out.

Vivian picked up the phone call and Eric was on the other line. He told Vivian that TDF couldn't wait to be home again by the end of the month either, and it meant that they would be home by the time Jason might be home too. Bridget and Vivian couldn't wait until the end of June.

As the day changed into night, Vivian helped Bridget preparing their dinner as Gio and Ariel came to visit them. Ever since Ariel started dating David, she hangs with Bridget even much more often, and it made Bridget clearly happy. The other two girls just started chewing their meals when somebody rang the doorbell and Bridget had to get them. Once Bridget opened the door, she found a man with an army uniform stood by her door.

"Miss Crowne?" He said as Bridget nodded. "I'm Major General Riley from the US Army…” He stopped for a breath.

“Mr. Riley, please come in and have a seat.” Bridget said as he let the general in. “I’m sorry about the mess, my girls are here…” Bridget added as the general took a seat.

“Can you please take a seat too, miss?” the general said politely.

“Are you here to tell me that Jason is had been off duty?”

There was an awkward silence between the general and Bridget until Vivian decided to butt in and insisted the general to tell them what really was happening and why would he be at their doorstep without Jason.

“I am really sorry to deliver this to you straight, Miss…” The general looked down. “But we lost Mister Flynn on yesterday’s attack on the terrorist. He died hero because he was shot while he tried to save a little girl.” Added him.

Bridget couldn’t believe what she heard, she kept telling herself that the General was lying, but deep down, she knew he didn’t. The general told her that Jason’s body will arrive in the US by the next evening and the army troops will be ready for his funeral. Bridget wanted to stay strong but she put off her guard and cried the whole night long. Gio tried to call the boys from TDF to tell them about the news, but none of them were reachable. Everyone realized that they must have been on stage or with their fans.
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Not the best one yet.. And im sure some of you will hate me for this...
